War God Supreme

Chapter 2446: Into the cave

Chu Yu had doubts in her mind, but she still couldn't understand her thoughts, and she looked at Li Lingtian and said, "In any case, just be careful!"

Li Lingtian calculated that this is only one month away from the maturity of the law.

This month, for them, it was only a short time, and they were still very happy, which was quite safe.

During this period, intermittently, hundreds of people came and were killed by them. They happened to be 101.

It has finally dealt with the guardian beast, so it will not let people join it. If someone wants to join the team forcibly, there is only one death.

The space rings obtained during this period are not in the minority, so this person is divided into a space ring.

It was finally twenty-nine days in the past, only one day before the flower of the law matured.

All these 101 people gathered in front of the cave, and the elderly Tianzhu were considered highly respected, so he presided over.

Tianzhu old man looked at everyone and said: "The distance to the flower of the law is mature, only one day, so we have to discuss a plan first."

Another stellar eighth-order strongman, with an arrogant look, said with great carelessness: "There are good plans for this. We have hundreds of people, dealing with a guardian beast that runs across the ninth-order guardian, and each person was killed with one punch."

Tianzhu old man looked at the stellar eighth-order strongman and said, "We have a hundred people to deal with a guardian beast. Naturally, it is not a problem, but this stellar ninth-order guardian beast is naturally not a problem, but if we do not make a plan, we will die on the guardian beast. The number of people may reach two-thirds!"

The stellar eighth-order strongman was a face of unbelief, and said in a cold voice: "The stellar ninth-order guardian beast is not the domain-level guardian beast. We will have such a great loss? Don't be alarmist."

Elder Tianzhu said in a cold voice: "Do you know how powerful the guardian beast of the ninth order of the star? I was alone at the beginning, and I went in to try it myself. I almost didn't die in this cave."

It is well known that the old Tianzhu is powerful. Although his sword array was not as good as Li Lingtian’s Six Nine Destroyer Sword Array at that time, it was also regarded as brilliant.

As the old Tianzhu said, nature is not fighting against the guardian beast, but it is almost impossible to escape.

After entering the cave, the lucky ones naturally understood that the nature that did not enter was shocked.

Tianzhu old man looked at the shocked people and said, "Don't be shocked, this guardian beast is so powerful. Although it is said to be the ninth star of the star, because of the power of the law of the original year, this guardian beast has evolved into a guardian level. Beast, the strength is very strong, if you don't deal with it carefully, we people will have nothing left."

The former star eighth-order strongman, when he heard the words of the old Dzi Bead, finally did not disturb it. If the old Dzi Bead said, this would be extremely difficult to deal with.

Seeing no one to refute, Tianzhu old man continued: "Although this guardian beast is arrogant, there is only one, so we can still defeat this guardian beast with minimal damage."

The following people said aloud: "Tianzhu, just tell us, we listen to you."

Tian Zhu nodded with satisfaction: "Let's do this first. At the beginning, you will have a certain distance. We can attack from a distance. Everyone uses the strongest attack methods to damage the guardian beast as much as possible."

As the old man Tianzhu said, Li Lingtian also agreed, but he entered the cave twice, and the last time he played.

It was almost a death, but no matter what, it is indeed a more suitable solution to carry out a long-range attack first.

After a while, the elderly Tianzhu continued to say: "I have been in contact with the guardian beast. Most of the time, it should be in a deep sleep. We must attack at this time. After this time, the guardian beast wakes up and directly bounces back. To us."

After all this was said, everyone began to prepare to enter the cave, because if the flower of the law matures tomorrow, fear that the guardian beast will directly swallow the flower of the law.

In this case, everyone is running out of bamboo baskets.

So the day before the flower of this rule matures, it is the best offensive time.

Everyone entered the cave, the eighth star of the star was the strongest, all in the front.

Then there are the strong seventh-order stars, sixth-order stars, fifth-order stars, and so on in this order.

There are very few stars left in the fifth order, and only three people exist. This was originally a lot of strong stars in the fifth order, but after the attack of the mixed beasts.

A part of the stellar fifth-order strongmen has been lost, and when fighting the Nangong family, most of the stellar fifth-order strongmen have been lost.

As we all know, this Li Lingtian has the strength of the eighth star of the star. Someone invited him to the front.

Li Lingtian cruelly refused, he should know this guardian beast better than most people.

Very powerful, if the first wave of attacks cannot kill the guardian beast to death, then the counterattack will start quickly. At this time, the person in front will definitely not be able to run away.

This man is good and the combat effectiveness is weak, but this escape is unimpeded, but there are many people, although the combat effectiveness is strong, but when escaping, the front is definitely disadvantaged.

He even lost his life, so Li Lingtian wouldn't be brave. He was the most complete with Chu Yu in the back.

This team of one hundred people and another immediately came close to the cave. Fortunately, the cave was also big enough, otherwise it would never fit so many people.

In order not to disturb the guardian beast, all the people converged and took action slowly.

The team of one hundred people could not make any noise. This cave is really huge. The hundred people walked quietly for a while before they felt the fluctuation of the flower of the law.

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian are ready immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This should not be far from the guardian.

When everyone saw the flower of the law, they also saw the huge guardian beast clearly.

This guardian beast was still asleep, and the old Tianzhu old man waved his sword, and everyone immediately knew what it meant, except that he wanted to attack together.

Everyone immediately began to prepare, all kinds of original magic soldiers, all dispatched, everything.

All the power of the source burst instantly, and all kinds of attacks were fierce. They all bombed the guardian beast.

The 100 people worked together, very shocked the masterpiece of light, at this time the guardian beast finally woke up.

The two big green eyes began to turn and felt such a dense attack ahead.

There was a violent roar, everyone's body moved, and the body felt generally invaded.

A wave of light spewed out of the mouth, quickly hurried away with these hundred attacks, and the sound was shocking. (To be continued.)

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