War God Supreme

Chapter 2464: Cause of Incident

Jiang Yi lost the giant axe. This manpower alone contends with the Seven-Nine Destroyer Sword Array, which undoubtedly hit the stone with eggs.

The Seven and Nine Destruction Sky Sword Array is running wildly, with the sword awning in the sword territory, the Guiyuan battles the Sky Array, and it immediately breaks. The ten stars and eighth-order strongmen immediately flew away.

Heaven and earth were in turmoil, the sword awn broke out, and the sixty-three swords of the extinct gods began to attack the eighth-order strongmen of the ten stars.

There was no return to the battle of the war of the Yuan, and they dispersed and were vulnerable.

Finally, under the control of Li Lingtian, only the leader of Xuanmen was left, and all the rest died in the sword domain.

The only purpose of leaving the leader of Xuanmen is because of parchment, but even Li Lingtian intends to save his life.

Still seriously injured, the **** person, who didn't stay alone, Li Lingtian took the position, the sword field dissipated, and the sky and earth returned to sunny again.

There was only one leader, Xuanmen, and Li Lingtian walked over. This leader Xuanmen fell to the ground, and his body was bruised.

All of them are sword marks, bloody, as if they were slashed by thousands of swords, very scary.

Li Lingtian squatted down the body and opened the door to ask: "Tell me the secret of parchment!"

Hearing the three words of parchment, Team Leader Xuanmen, the original loose eyes, immediately looked at Li Lingtian, sneeringly said: "I said, why did you help, it turned out to be parchment."

Li Lingtian's murderous opportunity emerged, and a powerful killing intention was oppressed on the body of Team Leader Xuanmen. He asked quietly, "How can there be so much nonsense? Tell me the secret of parchment!"

Team Leader Xuanmen closed his eyes directly, as if waiting for death, and then said: "I said I don't know you and you won't believe it, so what's the point of saying it?"

Team Leader Xuanmen knew that he had encountered a ruthless man, and he saw two types of Chaos Arcana, as well as a fifth-order primal weapon set.

But to say that this suit is worth not less than Chaos Arcana, how can he let him go after such an exposure in front of him, and he still knows the rules.

He was seriously injured and was unable to resist. All he can do now is to wait for death, nothing more.

Chu Yu stepped forward and said to Li Lingtian: "He may really not know, otherwise how would the Ding family rush to kill so desperately, they wouldn't know the situation, this would be the case."

Li Ling Tianyi heard a little truth, the power of the source is running, extinguishing the purple electricity, directly inserted into his chest, and the interest disappears.

It was exactly ten people. Li Lingtian divided the ten space rings equally. Chu Yu felt that he did not contribute and did not want to divide the space rings.

But Li Lingtian toughly asked Chu Yu to accept it, and there will not be any treasures here, and there is nothing reluctant.

But even so, after Li Lingtian entered the spirit world, for so long, the space ring obtained was not in the decimal.

There are innumerable numbers of this source magic soldiers, even if there are some fifth-level source soldiers, so these together are also a huge star crystal.

The stolen goods were divided, the body was disposed of, and he left the place. Li Lingtian still could feel that the three people had not gone far, and were still within 100,000 miles.

I walked directly in the direction, and indeed, not far away, 50,000 miles away, I saw three people walking back.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu walked over, and the woman looked at Li Lingtian and Chu Yu, and she looked a little excited. The huge noise just now was heard, even after feeling the aftermath here.

The strong sword intention hit her heart directly. He knew that the leader of Xuanmen was the sword he used, and thought that this powerful sword intention was exploded by the people of Xuanmen.

So he couldn't do it, he fled on his own, and let the people who rescued them die, and this was impossible.

Then I went back and saw that Li Lingtian and Chu Yu had both returned intact. How could they not be excited?

However, apart from the excitement, it was shock. These two people were able to come out alive, which naturally defeated the Xuanmen ten people.

That's the all-star strong eighth order star. How could it be so powerful? For a time, I was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Finally, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian walked to the side, Li Lingtian asked, "How come back?"

The pretty woman said bluntly: “I just felt a strong sword intention, and thought you had an accident. If you really have an accident, the three of us can’t steal it.”

When Li Lingtian looked at the so-called Ding family, it was not bad, but also a little conscience, otherwise he would really leave.

Chu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked like a handsome boy, saying, "The guys are naturally not my two opponents!"

After saying this, his face was also red. After all, it was Li Lingtian, not him.

However, at present, women can only say so.

A little light shined on the eyes of the Ding family woman, and she said sincerely: "Thank you for the two life-saving graces, the little girl has nothing to do!"

Li Lingtian asked with some curiosity: "I don't know why everyone in the Xuanmen will chase and wait!"

The woman in Ding's family had a sad look in her eyes, and she sighed softly before telling the reason.

They are Ding's family. The girl's name is Ding Yongqi. Her elder brother Ding Hao took the 30 Ding family and went to Tianling World for a trial.

In an accident one day, everyone in the Ding family happened to encounter a stellar fifth-order beast near the burial cliff.

This beast was only the fifth-order star, but it was huge and extremely fast, and was finally hunted by the Ding family.

The parchment obtained in the body of the giant, the Ding family could not crack the parchment, and recognized this as a treasure map.

All these behaviors were learned by the people of Xuanmen, and they have been observing this scene behind the scenes.

That person is Xuanmen's Yu Zicang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Hu Tian. The strength of Yu Zicang is naturally not very strong, but Hu Tian's strength is very terrifying.

Although Hu Tian is in the eighth order of the star, among Xuan Men, besides Xuan Yizi, Hu Tian is the most powerful.

So this Hu Tian finally held his own strength, and started fighting for the parchment against the Ding family.

The parchment was directly on Ding Hao, and he directly started on Ding Hao. Hu Tian's strength is strong, and there are a variety of fifth-order original soldiers in his hand.

This quickly killed Ding Hao with a sharp knife, and all the Ding family had arrived.

Seeing that Hu Tian killed Ding Hao, he immediately began to hunt down. Hu Tian passed the news to Master Xuanmen's brother Xuan Yizi.

Then, in order to protect the parchment, it was handed to Yu Zicang, and Yu Zicang left quickly, while Hu Tian held his own strength and intended to stop for a while.

However, the large number of Ding's family underestimated Ding Yongqi's strength. Ding Yongqi's strength was one point stronger than his individual Ding Hao's strength. Finally, he lost his lead and died directly in Ding Yongqi's hands. (To be continued.)

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