War God Supreme

Chapter 2467: Chase

Nangong Lingjie and the stellar ninth-rank strongman behind him finally came over. This Nangong Lingjie exuded murderousness, with a stern look in his eyes.

He said to the stellar ninth-rank strongman behind him: "Second Uncle, he took my Zhentian Yin and slaughtered 200 people from our Nangong family."

The ninth-order strong man behind the star is a member of the Nangong family. Although it is called the second uncle, it is actually a branch of the Nangong family, named Nangong He.

I was in awe for Ningong Lingjie, but I saw that Li Lingtian was not the fourth order star.

When I thought about what Nangong Lingjie said, how could I believe it, and asked with some uncertainty: "Master, are you sure that the star is the fourth order?"

Nangong Lingjie gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, that's him. That's him but the second order of the star. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, it would break through two consecutive orders, which is terrifying!"

Nangong He still has some understanding of Ningong Lingjie's strength, and is considered to be a leader in the same level, especially the existence of Chaos Treasure, which is not a joke.

It is naturally unbelievable that Li Lingtian confessed to slaughtering 200 people from their Nangong family. It is still unbelievable that Li Lingtian could **** Zhen Tianyin from Nangong Lingjie.

But the Zhen Tianyin of Nangong Lingjie was indeed lost, and now the hatred and killing intention in his eyes are obviously not fake.

Nangong Lingjie said coldly, "Go and kill him!"

Nangong He was stunned and asked with some doubts: "Under this large crowd, there are many powerful people, really do it now?"

Nangong Lingjie has been blinded by hatred, which is normal here will definitely not be a good place for revenge.

Thousands of strong men are here, and it is naturally not a good time to start, but Nangong Lingjie said coldly: "Are you unable to hear what I said? Kill me!"

Nangong He still knows Nangong Lingjie's temper. No one can change what has been identified.

Locked on Li Lingtian, the body riots rushed directly to Li Lingtian, and the power of the nine origins immediately oppressed Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian immediately dispersed with Chu Yu, which was afraid that Chu Yu would suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

The power of the source in the body exploded, directly resisting the power of the source of Nangong Lingjie.

Although this is a stellar fourth order and one is a stellar ninth order strongman, the two's original powers are comparable.

The same is the strength of the nine origins, and this Li Lingtian's strength is still better. After all, he has absorbed the flowers of the law, and his strength is stronger.

Although it has not been translated into all the laws of the origin, the power of the origin has been quite strong.

Nangong He also felt the power of Li Lingtian's origin. I thought that this young master's words were true. This person was really strong, and the fourth-order star used the power of nine origins.

This is really terrifying, but what can this do? There is an essential difference between the fourth order of stars and the ninth order of stars.

The Fifth-Order Originated Soldier appeared and started attacking Li Lingtian directly, and the people around him dodge.

How to say, the stellar ninth-order strongman belongs to the peak combat power in the heavenly spirit world, and most people still dare not be against it.

This spear is a fifth-order origin soldier. Among them, Nangong Hedo instills the power of one of these origins, which is even more powerful.

Like a thunderbolt, the spear crossed the space and bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian didn't want to be exposed in front of everyone at all, including the extermination suit.

Make a choice directly, take a leap, jump off the cliff, and immediately feel the wind blowing around you.

Nangong He was shocked, Li Lingtian was not weak, even-he did not choose to play against him, jumped directly, the original power recovered, turned to look at Nangong Lingjie.

Nangong Lingjie looked at Nangong He and ordered: "Go down, hunt down!"

This Nangong He naturally does not want to jump off the cliff, because there are too many unknowns in this cliff.

However, Ningong Lingjie, as the master of the Nangong family, his command naturally cannot be violated.

Can be considered helpless, jump directly, Li Lingtian is not far away.

Li Lingtian felt Nangong He finally jumped down, which was what he expected.

The body is descending, and Wuyue, the God of Destruction, appears, drags his body directly, and descends. This Nangong He also uses a fifth-order wind source **** soldier.

The wind in the cliff is naturally not a problem, and you can use the power of the wind to make yourself fall faster.

The two continued to land, looked up, and could no longer see the faces of the people above.

The God Destroyer suit immediately appeared on the body, Qianyan Saint Wing appeared, and the wings flapped, making it faster.

It's just that there was a distance to drop, and Li Lingtian felt that the overcast wind gradually increased.

The current nasty wind is a bit of a hurt to him, and this decline is naturally not a problem for the strong stars.

However, the damage to the body from this wind is very great, even Nangong He has already felt it.

I thought, this is already the case, it will be more difficult to start if it is dragged on.

The spear in his hand was ready to launch, directly attacking Li Lingtian, and a source of force bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian controlled Wuyue to dodge immediately, with Qianyan Shengyi in his body, even more so.

Although this overcast wind is compelling, it is still within the tolerable range. This Nangong He has already dealt with him, and naturally he cannot be merciful under his hands.

While descending deep into the cliff, the 33rd Refining Pagoda descended from the sky and suppressed to Nangonghe.

Nangong He felt the power of Thirty-three Refining Pagodas, and his heart moved. This is indeed powerful, and it is still the treasure of chaos, which should not be underestimated.

As soon as the spear moved, the method of speed, waved the spear, directly bombarded the thirty-three refining **** tower.

The thirty-three refining **** tower and the spear violently collided~www.wuxiaspot.com~The thirty-three refining **** tower has certain advantages. In any case, the gap between Chaos Arcana and the fifth-order source **** soldier is still very large .

However, Nangong He has already felt the power of these thirty-three refining **** towers, but for him, it is nothing.

The violent spear broke out, and a powerful source of power broke out instantly. The power was very strong. The huge gun body was surrounded by the power of the source.

Nangong He waved with ease, and the huge spear directly bombarded it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous vibration was very intense. Nangong He controlled the spear and caused a violent impact on the 33rd Refining Pagoda.

The beginning was about the same, but by the fifth time, the thirty-three refining **** tower was obviously in a weak position, and the tower body shook.

Li Lingtian knew that this was just mutual temptation, and did not take it too seriously. He controlled the 33rd Refining Pagoda and contended with Nangong He. (To be continued.)

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