War God Supreme

Chapter 2471: Illusion

Fortunately, with the help of Qianyan Shengyi, Li Lingtian was in the air and was able to shuttle freely. That day, ants attacked and Li Lingtian struggled to resist.

This face is ugly, and there is no trace of blood in the pale, these tens of millions of ants, the consumption of the power of the source is too huge.

Ants are swarming to deal with this, and it is extremely difficult to deal with. This can only constantly consume the power of the source and become a protracted battle.

In the end, not long after, there were ten million ants, less than one hundred thousand.

Li Lingtian finally let go of his heart, directly descended, directly rushed across the ant colony, extinguished the flames of the gods, launched instantly, several consecutive flames, and destroyed all the remaining ants.

Li Lingtian then summoned the Five Gods of Destruction, and then held Li Lingtian, and then proceeded to restore the original power.

It also landed slowly, if you heard similar creatures, it was really too dangerous.

Li Lingtian finally dared to drop substantially after a day, after completely restoring the original power, but this gravity suppression was too powerful, the wind screamed, and the suppression was very powerful.

Although the original power has been restored, this state is not as good as before. One day later, this experience has experienced more than a dozen waves of flying behemoths.

There are only one, there are complete pairs, Li Lingtian is all killed, but this is difficult, only he knows.

At this time, Li Lingtian still admired the eighth-ranking star who was climbing upwards. Under such a state, he was able to go alive.

This is simply incredible. At this time, looking at the burial sky under the cliff, the white mist filled, Li Lingtian wondered if this reached the bottom of the cliff.

Both physical and mental exhaustion, this ordinary star's original strength, trying to live here is all difficult, but fortunately, Li Lingtian has many means, so it is not until here.

During this period, dozens of corpses fell from high altitude, and Li Lingtian was already surprised.

This powerful gravitational suppression is like a mountain on the back, and finally half a day later.

Li Lingtian looked at the depth of the cliff, and the white mist was getting closer.

"How far is it from the bottom of the cliff?" Li Lingtian asked the Galaxy.

Soon Galaxy responded: "A thousand miles away!"

Li Lingtian heard the giant of thousands of miles, and finally felt hope in her heart.

After landing for a few days, Li Lingtian was unable to calculate how much distance he landed. Is this still a cliff? This is really a bit of tears.

Knowing the specific distance, Li Lingtian was no longer in a hurry. He found a place and immediately began to restore his original power.

Li Lingtian doesn't know others, but characters like Yin Jun and Venerable Thunder can definitely reach the bottom of the cliff, so these are still full of danger.

Without enough strength, even if it goes on, it is a dead end, not to mention his body, and parchment.

A day later, Li Lingtian finally recovered the power of his source, and the overcast wind was already adaptable. His adaptability was still very powerful.

The preparation was almost the same. Li Lingtian withdrew Qianyan Shengyi and began to descend. When it reached a hundred miles, the power of the Yinfeng seemed to disappear.

But the fog is getting heavier and heavier, as if the entire space is covered by fog, Li Lingtian continues to fall.

I could not care so much. Under the support of Wuyue, I quickly descended, the gravity suppression disappeared, and the power of the wind disappeared.

His physical condition was unprecedentedly good. Li Lingtian calculated the distance of landing. Finally, when there were only ten meters left, Li Lingtian withdrew Wuyue and jumped directly.

As it landed, the surrounding mist immediately dissipated.

Appearing in front of Li Lingtian is a paradise on earth, surrounded by green mountains and green water, surrounded by green trees, the air between heaven and earth is very fresh, and the flowers and birds are very comfortable.

This is an environmental state that Li Lingtian dreamed of. Since cultivation, he has been beating, killing, and crawling out of the bones.

Rising in the sea of ​​blood, becoming the supreme realm of the Three Realms, seeing too much life and death, this is now the space.

It is what he longs for, there is no trace of blood, no enemies, you must be prepared, and there is a peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

Soon in this atmosphere, Li Lingtian quickly lost himself. In this space, there is a quiet atmosphere, a harmonious environment, and there is no dispute with the world.

There are fish swimming around in the lake and carefree children.

There is also a fairy-like fairy-like existence, surrounded by him, Li Lingtian suddenly closed his eyes and felt everything.

There was a happy smile on his face, and he looked very enjoyable.

Finally, half an hour later, Li Lingtian suddenly broke out, and a powerful source of force appeared around Li Lingtian, opened his eyes, and shot a fine light.

This space changes rapidly, the river flows backwards, the trees wither, and the world is eclipsed.

"Different illusions, still want to trap me?"

Li Lingtian showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth. Li Lingtian was right. This illusion was useful to others.

But for Li Lingtian, it has no effect, because Li Lingtian itself is a master.

Illusion is an attack method that he is better at, so naturally he cannot deceive him.

Just like a secret room, but because he really likes this transformed world.

When the time is almost the same, as long as the consciousness moves, this illusion will naturally be cracked.

Space is changing, everything in the world changes, and the originally quiet and peaceful world becomes restless.

Surrounded by a **** smell, a terrifying breath, radiating from the outside to the inside.

Li Lingtian's eyes gradually turned red, and the whole person became restless. At this time, there were constant enemies coming from afar, and all the enemies in his life were all swarming up.

These familiar faces flashed from Li Lingtian's mind, and the flames of extinction appeared in his hands immediately.

The blaze of flames instantly bombarded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ bombarded the enemy, without any effect, directly through.

Li Lingtian was surrounded by blood, and the whole person became extremely violent. This blood eroded his heart and controlled his thinking.

But at this time, the heart of the starry sky was activated, Li Lingtian's eyes instantly restored to clear, and his blood color subsided.

Li Lingtian immediately understood that they were all illusions, one after another.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, his eyes closed, his body didn't understand, he kept his heart, and gradually the world around him changed, and the surrounding became cliff-like again.

Li Lingtian opened his eyes and finally saw the world around him, looking upwards, it was the depth of the endless cliff.

Li Lingtian knew that he had finally left the illusion, so he looked around the cliff, the grass was overgrown, and it was really far from the scene just now, the bones were in groups, and a smell of carrion drifted out of it.

Suddenly it felt like someone was watching him behind his back, and he was icy around. (To be continued.)

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