War God Supreme

Chapter 2482: Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle

Thunder Lord Venerable is the original power of Thunder's attributes. Absorbing this Thunder Beast Nei Dan will enhance a lot.

Li Lingtian restored the original power in his body, and finally, after three hours, Li Lingtian returned to the peak state.

The Thunder Venerable also completely absorbed the Thunder Beast Nei Dan, the power of thunder and lightning radiated from the body, and the atmosphere of destruction was all around.

Li Lingtian is now the well-deserved strongest of all, not even the Thunder Lord.

But no one knows how powerful the Thunder Venerable after absorbing the Thunder Beast Nedan.

However, Li Lingtian's Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array has frightened everyone, and now the air is still filled with the breath of destruction brought by the sword intention.

The remaining nine people have all recovered, ready to continue walking.

But everyone already knows that the three giants in front of this one are more powerful than one. This fourth beast should be a stronger presence than the first three.

Huleiju has made them feel so embarrassed, under normal circumstances, wise people will choose to retreat, after all, life is the most important.

But among these nine people, where is a normal person, a normal strong person, how to jump off the burial cliff?

It is all about seeking wealth in danger. There are three monsters that have been experienced. This can be clear. This cave is extremely abnormal.

If it wasn't something unusual, how could there be so many giant beasts.

And all are stellar ninth-order behemoths, one is stronger than the other, so it is full of opportunities.

There are no greedy people who are afraid of life and death, most of them regard their strength as greater than the sky. Nine people go forward again, facing the unknown danger, their hearts are full of vigilance, but they are only vigilant.

Nine people, Li Lingtian, Thunder Venerable, Yin Jun, it is recognized that these are the three forefronts, standing in the forefront.

Every step is cautious, after all, it is too dangerous here, and no one knows what the next giant beast is.

However, Li Lingtian had secretly inferred that one of them was a flaming dragon beast and a fire beast, the other was a purple cloud hissing leopard, a wind beast, and the third was a thunder beast and a thunder beast.

Storm, Fire and Thunder, the three lines have all gathered together. Is this next beast a water system, an earth system, or a gold system?

All the people were preoccupied with walking forward. After three thousand miles, the nine people had never felt anything wrong. I thought this was like a thunder beast, did it come suddenly?

The cave is huge, especially when you enter it, and you feel a bit heavy every step.

Everyone finally felt that the atmosphere was wrong. There was repression in the whole air. This was not ordinary repression and heaviness, but it burst out from the inside out.

Everyone slowed down and became alert. Ling Tian's brow furrowed. He felt a little uneasy with his sensitivity to danger for years.

The pupil dilated and suddenly shouted, "Run!"

Li Lingtian took the lead and slammed forward. Although Thunder Sovereign and Yin Jun were not aware of it, they also followed.

Just as everyone was preparing for action, the mountain suddenly shook, the foot shook, and something slowly appeared.

It quickly rose into the air, very terrifying, and a huge burst erupted from everyone's feet.

Everyone flew in unison, and saw a huge beast that crawled out from below and surged above the ground.

Li Lingtian quickly used smart queries, and Galaxy quickly answered: "Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle!"

The Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle is an earth-based monster with extremely strong defensive power. It is said to be a strong first-order beast and cannot break its defense.

That is to say, the stellar ninth-level Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, even a domain-first-level giant beast, can't break its defense, and its attack power is also terrifying, but the speed is still inherited from its ancestors, and it is extremely slow.

Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle has such a strong defense and attack power, the huge Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle finally scattered the dust from the body.

The appearance of the black turtle is just more domineering than the normal black turtle. The golden turtle shell has dark lines on it, as if there is a situation in it.

Just like a real armor, this black gold sky armor turtle really deserves its name.

Everyone was about to run away, but now that they know how powerful and powerful they are, how can they not run?

It was just that the crowd had not yet fled, and the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle finally erupted in terror.

A huge attraction erupted from the body of the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle and instantly sucked back all the people who were going to flee.

The same is true for Li Lingtian, who simply cannot resist the attractiveness of the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, and the body moves forward involuntarily.

Lord Thunder also forcibly resisted, but the effect was not great, and finally shouted: "Everyone started to attack!"

Everyone is above the sky, and they are all converging towards the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle. At the same time, all the power of the original burst out, the Chaos Treasure of the Thunder Sovereign, the four fierce evil formations of the Yin Jun, Wan Tianyu’s Jiutian Town God Tower, Tan Feng’s Zhen Tianyin, attack the past together.

This wave is the pure treasure of chaos, all of which bombarded the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, very powerful.



A violent explosion sound spread from it, the smoke was smoky, and the breath of destruction erupted from it, extremely terrifying.

But everyone felt clearly that all the attacks were all on the body of the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, and the golden turtle shell shone a golden light.

Instantly dismantle many of the attacking powers, but these so many attacking powers have not caused any impact on the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle.

This can only be said and true. The defense power of the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle is really powerful. Even if it is as powerful as a thunder beast, it will not be so easy to arbitrarily remove all attacks in the face of such a powerful attack.

This is a blow from their peak state, and injury is a breeze ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle is safe and sound.

And the attractiveness that broke out in this body was to be more violent, and Lord Thunder, without hesitation, directly launched the strongest attack, and the sword in his hand broke out the power of powerful thunder.

There is no doubt that Thunder Sovereign is powerful, but after absorbing the power of Hulei Beast Nedan, it is still the first time to burst.

The sword appeared, and a powerful thunderbolt appeared in the air.

Thunder Venerable shouted, and the shadow of thunder and lightning came out of the sword, and the power of thunder and lightning became stronger and stronger.

A powerful thunderbolt flashed above the sword shadow, as if solidified, directly bombarded the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle.

Yin Jun's four fierce fierce arrays merged again, directly condensing into a wind monster, and the huge force of the wind fierce erupted from it.

The long sword in his hand absorbs the power of wind and wind monsters, and condenses the shocking sword sword.

Wan Tianyu's Jiu Tian Lian Shen Pagoda, and Zhen Tian Yin, have been suppressing the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle. (To be continued.)

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