War God Supreme

Chapter 2488: Lord of the world

Li Lingtian was originally the master, and his consciousness was powerful, but it was like a drop of the sea with the attack of the consciousness that erupted from the depths.

Weak and windless, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and as soon as the body moved, he would kneel down to the ground.

Li Lingtian's eyes were swift and fast, and he held the God of Purple Electricity in his hand to help him on the ground.

Li Lingtian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "Come on!"

At this moment a burst of smoke erupted from the depths.

An illusory figure appeared, although it was not an entity, but it could be felt, like a sword and axe carving a face, a three-meter-high man, exuding great majesty, like a superior, appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

From the moment this person appeared, Li Lingtian felt the force of gravity on his body and finally dissipated.

The same was true of several Thunder Lords, and finally stood up.

The illusory figure looked at Li Lingtian and said: "Very good. In a million years, you are the first people to come here with stellar ninth order strength."

Several Thunder Venerable Yin Jun also came over, and when they saw the unreal figure clearly, they immediately felt a huge shock, and a shock in their hearts broke out.

There is no choice for them to submit to surrender, but fortunately, the unreal figure does not explode in terror and coercion.

Otherwise, they want to be on the ground again, even Li Lingtian, who can't compete with the people in front of him.

This consciousness attack has already angered Li Lingtian, but to measure the terror of the people in front of him, it is still the best strategy.

At this moment, Liu Banxian, looking frightened, looked at the silhouette in front of his eyes and said in disbelief: "Lord of the world!"

The unreal figure smiled, looking at Liu Banxian and said, "The power of destiny is very good!"

This person said so, this is to tell them that he is indeed the master of the world.

The turmoil in everyone's mind, including Li Lingtian, is also a star, a star, a domain master, and a world master.

Domain master-level powerhouses, in their spirit star is already the peak powerhouse, standing on the peak of each holy city.

The Lord of the World is simply a legendary task. I never thought of being able to see the Lord of the World.

Li Lingtian was also shocked by the four words of the Lord of the World, but then thought about it, the parchment on this body is guessing that it is the treasure of the Lord of the World, so will the person in front of him have anything to do with this treasure?

The Lord of the World looked at the five people and said, "You are here for the treasure!"

Lord Thunder hurriedly shook his head and said: "I didn't mean it, I just broke in unintentionally, don't be surprised!"

Yin Jun also hurriedly said: "Seniors don't misunderstand, we are all small people, don't have general knowledge with us!"

Li Lingtian looked at the Lord of this world. Although there was no anger in his body, there was no anger. Listening to the words was related to this treasure.

When talking, it was easy and comfortable, as if there was no point in embarrassing them.

And Li Lingtian feels that since this is called a treasure, then it should be left for people, and how can there be a lord of the world in this place of the heavenly world.

It is simply impossible, and the lord of the world in front of him is a shadow, and he guessed in his heart that the lord of the world is dead.

I had some courage in my heart and said bluntly: "I am here for the treasure!"

The Lord of the World laughed: "Okay, there is still an honest person. How do you feel that I am not a living person?"

Li Lingtian already had some speculation in mind, and this person had already said so, then it proved that her guess was correct.

Then he said: "It's a feeling, and here is the heavenly world. Normally, there will not be a lord of the world, since it must have been destroyed!"

The Lord of the World listened to Li Lingtian’s words and did not get angry. Instead, he looked at Li Lingtian with some appreciation and said, “You’re right, you’re smart, I’ve been paying attention to you all the time, your strength is strong, the fourth-order star It is really unexpected to have such strength!"

The credit in Lord Thunder’s mind finally relaxed a bit, but still be cautious.

The thin and dead camels are bigger than the horses. Since the lord of the dead world is still there, they are not opponents!

Yin Jun thought the same way. The sweat on Liu Banxian's forehead finally fell on the ground to ease his emotions.

Li Lingtian responded: "I'm still far from writing senior praises!"

The lord of the world smiled badly and said to Li Lingtian: "Your hole card is not bad!"

It is true that Li Lingtian's hole card is not bad at all, and the Lord of Chaos Treasure World is absolutely insignificant.

But World Treasure is different. Even at the level of the World Lord, you won’t have many World Treasures. On average, one World Lord can be a World Treasure.

A move in Li Lingtian's heart, the master of this world, really pays attention to him, and the two cards are very clear.

The other four people did not understand what the Lord of the World said, so they did not understand it, but they did not dare to say much.

The Lord of the World, looking at the five people, said: "It is clear to you that the real treasure is right in front of you. There is a huge palace. There are the main hall, the main hall, and many partial halls in the palace. If you find the real one, Treasures, then all the treasures are yours. If you can’t find them, you will face an endless crisis."

The five people listened to the movement of their hearts, but did not expect that they had encountered before, the tyrannosaurus dragon beast, the purple cloud hissing leopard, the thunder beast, the black gold sky armor turtle, which had made them dangerous.

I didn't expect it to be just the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the more dangerous places are still behind.

The unreal figure of the Lord of the World became more illusory, and his lower body disappeared. Then he said to the five people: "I am waiting for you in the real treasure trove. I kindly remind you that if there is no treasure trove I have drawn, then you enter the palace Among them, it is absolutely nine deaths, including you!"

He pointed his finger at Li Lingtian.

Then continue to say: "By the way, there are ten treasure maps in total. Only when they are together can you see the contents, so you start your journey!"

Li Lingtian asked directly: "Where do the fragments of this treasure map fall?"

The Lord of the World shook his head and said, "It's been too long, I really forgot, but I will always find it. If you can't find it, it means you have no chance with me!"

As the body gradually collapsed, when the five thought that the Lord of the world had really disappeared.

The voice of the Lord of the World came again in the air: "Since you have defeated the four guardian beasts, then all the restrictions have disappeared, and a little more people will make a little sense!" (To be continued.)

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