War God Supreme

Chapter 2490: Turbulent

Finally, when the five people were frowning and did not know how to be good, these tens of thousands of people came to the front of the Tianlong Temple together.

The Tianlong Temple, with its wide front area and tens of thousands of people standing underneath, is more than enough.

When the tens of thousands of people saw the five people before the Tianlong Temple, they were still full of awe. After all, this killed four giant beasts, and they were still alive, which surprised them.

Especially at the moment when Ningong Lingjie saw Li Lingtian, his body shivered and his face was pale without any blood.

The body pushed back involuntarily, and pushed to the last row, so that I could feel at ease.

Li Lingtian is still alive, which means that he did not guess wrong. On the journey, he felt the destructive power burst out of Qiang Lei's sword, and the power made him afraid.

He had Nangong He pursue him with him before, but he didn't expect to be killed in the end. Without the support of the Nangong family, he now dare not provoke Li Lingtian.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was safe and sound, Chu Yu was also doing well, and finally he assured himself to go straight ahead.

The five of Li Lingtian were surprised when they felt the existence of tens of thousands of people when they were thousands of miles away.

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu and asked, "How did you come down?"

Li Lingtian naturally knows how difficult it is to get down. Many of them have weak and powerful people, but they all came down.

Feeling surprised, he asked Chu Yu directly.

Chu Yu directly said: "When we came down, there was no wind, it was like a normal cliff."

Only then did Li Lingtian understand that what the Lord of the World said was that the restrictions disappeared and it was interesting to have more people, but is this a little more?

This is a tens of thousands of people, but there is no harm in the crowd. There are many mysteries in the Dragon Temple.

Including these ten treasure map fragments, Li Lingtian knew that he was only one-tenth of himself.

Therefore, I still have to find another nine fragments of treasure maps. In the Dragon Temple, the danger is unknown, and people can get a little more, which can help them explore. Naturally, there is no harm.

At this time, a few strong stars of the ninth order came over and looked at Li Lingtian as the fourth order of the star.

I thought they came here with a certain amount of luck. After all, they haven't experienced it, the terrible winds when they landed on the cliff, and the gravity suppression.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be such an idea, one of them was more than two meters tall, and a strong man engraved by Tyrannosaurus came forward.

Poorly asked Li Lingtian: "Boy, why don't you go in?"

Li Lingtian frowned and asked in a cold voice: "Are you an attitude to ask?"

The strong man was named Tuoba Tailong, a strong star of the ninth order, and he was extremely terrifying in strength. Both Venerable Thunder and Yin Jun knew him.

Naturally, dare not provoke, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian, although they do not know each other, but they are also stellar ninth-order strongmen, so they should be careful.

After all, those who survived the four giant beasts and still survived will naturally have a certain strength, so they stared at the seemingly weakest Li Lingtian.

Both Thunder Venerable and Yin Jun both smiled, thinking about this guy and looking for the weakest one, but did not expect to hit the strongest one.

Liu Banxian is also smiling, Wan Tianyu is the kind of person who does not like to laugh, but at this time there is also a faint smile.

Tuoba Tailong thought that these four people laughed at his incompetence and was even refuted by a fourth-order star.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he felt angry, and it was just hitting him in the face, and said coldly: "Ask? What is your strength, boy, do you have no idea? I just ask you, what can I do?"

Speaking of the power of the outbreak of the source, he oppressed Li Lingtian, and the killing intention appeared in his body, as if it was to be harmful to Li Lingtian.

This force of oppression was nothing to him before entering the cliff of Burial Heaven.

After entering the burial cliff, there are many things to face. Among the four giant beasts, whether it is the weakest tyrannosaurus dragon monster or the black gold sky armor turtle, they are much more powerful than the Tuoba Tailong in front of them.

Looking at the tens of thousands of people in front of me, I thought it was time to let them know his strength, otherwise there will always be people who are not open-minded and provoke him.

The power of the origin broke out, and the power of the origin that oppressed him was immediately repulsed by Li Lingtian. The murderous intention broke out in the body, and a coercive pressure that made everyone panic broke out from Li Lingtian.

One punch directly hit Tuoba Tailong, and the power of the original all exploded, and the boxing style was very powerful.

Tuoba Tailong felt this boxing style, and immediately felt that this situation was a bit wrong. The stellar fourth-order source power is even stronger than his source power, which is incredible.

And the strength that broke out above this fist was the same. The momentum that burst out in Li Lingtian's body made him feel a little panicked.

Immediately retreated, but Li Lingtian's fist hides wherever he wants to hide.

One punch hit Tuoba Tailong's body and only heard a loud noise. Tuoba Tailong had been bombarded by Li Lingtian and the whole person flew out directly.

Tuoba Tailong spurted out blood and fell into the crowd fiercely.

Li Lingtian sneered at the corner of his mouth and walked straight over. Tuoba Tailong felt that his blood was rising. Although Li Lingtian was unexpected, otherwise it would not be easy to use a treasure to blow a star of the ninth order directly.

However, Li Lingtian just drilled the loophole, and Tuoba Tailong climbed up from the ground, watching Li Lingtian coming over.

Turbulent in heart, is this still a stellar fourth order? When was the stellar fourth order so powerful, although this was a sudden blow without any defense.

But Li Lingtian's strength, he can still feel, he is definitely not an opponent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian's mouth showed a disdainful look, looking at Tuoba Tailong, coldly said: "The food can be eaten randomly, But you can’t talk nonsense, you know?”

Li Lingtian’s Divine Consciousness has locked Tuoba Tailong. As long as he says a step, he will reveal the same chaotic treasure, and kill Tuoba Tailong with a violent offensive, especially to be effective.

Tuoba Tailong has already felt the killing intention in Li Lingtian's heart, and fear in his heart, he feels that as soon as he hits a sentence, he will die immediately.

As a star of the ninth order, he hurriedly said, "I know!"

Li Lingtian really looked up at Tuoba Tailong. A person who is much taller than him and who is so sturdy would be so kind.

But Li Lingtian thought, okay, save him some energy.

Looking at Tuoba Tailong with contempt, he said: "As a star of the ninth order, it's really disappointing, the ants are not as good!"

Li Lingtian just now was not humiliating him. Now Li Lingtian is insulting him, but Tuoba Tailong can't say a word. (To be continued.)

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