War God Supreme

Chapter 2510: Battle ended

The behemoth has been nearly half dead. On this ground, there are corpses everywhere, and blood is flowing into the river.

Li Lingtian's attack on the monster is more and more fierce. Li Lingtian is really a disaster for the monster.

But there is no way, this is just the beginning, because there are more monsters waiting for him.

However, these giant beasts do not have any inner dan, otherwise Li Lingtian can really get no small benefits.

Now Li Ling added the hope in his heart that all these giant beasts hunted 10,000, a chapter of parchment will appear.

If it appears, it is great luck, if it does not appear, it is really in vain.

At this moment, three giant beasts bombarded Li Lingtian together. It is estimated that this is also the feeling of Li Lingtian's strength, otherwise it will not be so.

The three giant beasts are the thunder wind leopard leopard attribute, the fire attribute, the flaming bird, and a snow kick black horse, are speed type monsters.

The speed is very scary, kicking the snow black horse, leaping leopard with the wind, underground, and the flaming bird in the sky, attacking Li Lingtian.

A stellar ninth-order behemoth is nothing to deal with Li Lingtian, but the three ninth-order behemoths are also a bit stressful for Li Lingtian.

The three giants bombarded Li Lingtian together, originally thought that the thundering wind Lei Leopard was the fastest, but did not expect to kick the snow black horse turned out to be the fastest.

The flaming bird spewed out flames and bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian controlled the sword territory, wrapped three giant beasts, and then was the seven-nine destruction sky sword array to attack these three giant beasts.

Qianyan Shengyi appeared, watching the flames that had been attacked, Li Lingtian's original power burst out.

Thirty-three refining **** towers appeared in his hands, and his consciousness moved. Thirty-three refining **** towers directly flew out and ran fast, attacking directly with this flame, and directly bombarded the past.

This speed is already very strong, smashing the flames, and then under the control of Li Lingtian, they began to suppress the flames.

The wind blade appeared around, and as soon as the consciousness moved, he directly bombarded the flaming bird.

Li Lingtian is already very strong. Seventy-nine destroys the sword array, directly facing the kicking snow black horse and the violent wind and thundering leopard.

Use one heart and one mind to start bombarding the sky and the ground, and attacking the sky and the ground. Everything is the same.

This flaming bird was directly bombarded by the 33rd refining tower, and then the wind blade directly hit the past. This speed is already terrifying.

Flaming bird, spitting flames, attacking the wind blade.

The wind blade is indestructible. The flame is strong, and there is no damage to the wind blade. Under the experience of the flame, the wind blade seems to be more sharp.

Li Lingtian controlled this wind blade and immediately began to bombard it, and the flamingo was still resisting the suppression of the 33rd refining **** tower, and also defended against this wind blade's attack.

The so-called fish and bear's paw can't have both, but these two bombardments can only defend one, not all of them.

That's it, the Flamingo wants to defend the 33rd Refining Pagoda, and also wants to defend this wind blade.

In the end, it caused a lot of damage to both, and the 33rd refining tower directly suppressed the flaming bird.

Immediately afterwards, the wind blade began to attack the flaming bird. Since the flaming bird could not defend, the wind blade penetrated the hole, directly bombarded in the body of the flaming bird, and immediately fell on the ground.

Li Lingtian controlled the thirty-three refining pagoda, and directly bombarded it, smashing a cloud of blood mist, spreading all over the world.

Kicking the snow black horse and the wind and thunder beast to attack the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.

Li Lingtian is so strong, and the Destruction Sword Array is also powerful. The two stars of the ninth-order behemoth, the consecutive seven-nine Destruction Sword Array, attacked, but could not make any difference.

Li Lingtian controlled the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array and began to bombard him crazy, the Flaming Bird was dead.

Thirty-three refining the pagoda, and flew over directly, and the wind blade also began to bombard the snowy black horse.

The Thundering Wind Thunder Beast is a giant beast of the wind and thunder series. The addition of the wind and thunder is even more powerful. A thunderstorm is mixed with this gust of wind and directly bombards the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.

The Seven-Nine Destruction Sword Array is running wildly. Millions of long swords, floating in the second line, directly bombard the snow black horse and the wind and thunder leopard.

Jianmang raged, the sword erupted, and the sword territory enveloped it.



After violent shaking, I remembered that Jianyi enveloped all the two giant monsters of the ninth order, and there was no attack at all.

You can only do your best to defend, but this ordinary defense is nothing to Li Lingtian. Zhen Tianyin, 33 Refining Pagoda, directly bombarded the past.

Two Chaos Treasures, the same bombardment of a giant beast, directly shattered the defense of these two giant beasts.

The seven and nine destroying sword arrays were in operation, and the flying swords and awns all bombarded the two giant beasts.



Another violent shock reminded me of it, followed by this scream, kicking the snow black horse and the thundering wind Lei Leopard, all bombed by Li Lingtian to death.

This is another two giant beasts destroyed, before adding the flaming bird, already three giant beasts.

Before the addition of Li Lingtian's beheading, a person was already exterminated by thirteen behemoths, and a small half of the behemoths remained.

The original one thousand people now has three hundred people left. These three hundred people have been divided into a group of thirty people to deal with a giant beast.

The stellar ninth-ranked strongman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has also been beaten, and will not pass the Thunder Venerable, Yin Jun, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, Chu Yu, killing people, there are only 15 left Only a giant beast.

There is not much left. Li Lingtian started a crazy hunt. There are no giant monsters. Although Li Lingtian cannot be said to be a second kill, this can quickly kill the monster.

It didn't take long for Li Lingtian to kill four giant beasts. Among the beasts beheaded by others, there were only one of these fifty-four beasts.

Still fighting with Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's blaze of flames directly bombarded the past and directly beheaded the beast.

All the monsters were wiped out, and Li Lingtian looked at the sky for half a day, and he didn't see the fallen treasure map fragments.

Li Lingtian knew that this was a busy life, and did not have treasures like fragments, and consumed so much of his original power. It is necessary to look at the treasure hanging above, what is the right thing.

These two chaotic treasures, Li Lingtian did not have any interest, I hope this cheat can be of some use to him, otherwise it is really in vain. (To be continued.)

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