War God Supreme

Chapter 2515: Chart operation

Thunder Venerable and Yin Jun heard Li Lingtian's words, and had reached the point of Xiaocheng, they were shocked.

Said it was to improve the strength again, I thought this could not be an enemy with Li Lingtian at will, which was already very powerful.

This is how to practice the ten thousand sacred fire, isn't it more powerful, not to mention a powerful exercise, has entered the realm of small success.

In fact, Li Lingtian is exaggerating. This ten thousand sacred fire is indeed powerful, but such a powerful method.

This is just a few days, and if it comes to Xiaocheng directly, it will be fine.

It's just that he has just entered. Although there is a certain increase in his strength, it will definitely not be too much.

This is just to deter them and let them be careful. This is the purpose of Li Lingtian, but they obviously believe it.

Li Lingtian looked at a few people and said: "This is almost restored, let's move on!"

Yin Jun looked at Liu Banxian and said, "Old guy, don't you mean there are treasure fragments here? What about treasure fragments?"

Liu Banxian's face moved, and it was indeed calculated that there would be fragments of treasure maps, but he did not expect to have it, so he faced the words of Yin Jun.

Still awkwardly said: "I don't know what is going on, it should be reasonable, but..."

Liu Banxian's words were not finished yet, the Yin Jun directly interrupted: "Old guy, you can pull it down, you were all blinded last time!"

Liu Banxian's face was a little irritated, and the power of destiny and the natal chart were all things he had always trusted.

Even if he was so humiliated, even Liu Banxian's temper was good, and he was a little angry.

Looking at Yin Jun, said: "You pay attention to me, you are me, but don't doubt my destiny!"

Yin Jun is now a little afraid of Li Lingtian, and he does not care about Liu Banxian, whose strength is not as good as his.

I just walked over and wanted to shoot Liu Banxian.

Li Lingtian hurriedly stopped and said: "What are you doing? Do you still have to do it?"

As soon as Li Lingtian spoke, this Yin Jun was afraid to act, because he could feel the anger that broke out in Li Lingtian,

He doesn't dare to offend Li Lingtian now. If he were to do anything with him, he would definitely die, and no one else would help him.

Looking at Liu Banxian, it's a bit unkind, but this is not dare to do it.

Yin Jun did not trust the power of Liu Banxian's fate, but Li Lingtian still trusted.

This time, it wasn't Liu Banxian's calculation that was wrong, it was just for him to collect it privately.

Looking at Liu Banxian said: "Half fairy, you are calculating once, where else is there a treasure map!"

Liu Banxian was hesitant. Although he was annoyed by the words of the Yin Jun, this was indeed his calculation error, and there was no treasure map at all.

So if Li Lingtian still asked her to continue the calculation, she was a little scared in her heart. She was afraid that she was making a mistake. This really smashed her signboard.

Liu Banxian directly said: "Forget it, this is not accurate, and you still have to complain, why not!"

Li Lingtian's heart moved. If Liu Banxian didn't calculate the life chart, this would be a dark search, and it would be too slow.

It’s okay to slow down, just because you’re afraid of being served first.

So I persuaded Liu Banxian: "Hanxian, you are using the chart to calculate it once, and one mistake is nothing, or there is a treasure map here, which has been taken away. You are calculating it once, and then look at the accuracy, Otherwise, I really thought you were blinded!"

Hearing Li Lingtian say this, Liu Banxian really had a little confidence, he felt his calculations would not be wrong.

After using the natal chart, the power to cultivate destiny has not been calculated, but there are places where he can't spy because of his insufficient strength.

But in this case, it is impossible to calculate, but as long as it is calculated, there is no wrong time.

I also tried hard, thinking what Li Lingtian really said, maybe it was not found, or it might have been taken by someone else.

Then he said, "Well, I'm calculating it once, to prove that I'm not blinded!"

Yin Jun snorted, but did not say much, after all, Li Lingtian was on the side.

Liu Banxian finally used the natal chart and threw the natal chart directly, the force of fate exploded, began to draw the force of fate, and began to calculate.

The calculation of Liu Banxian in the past was basically not much time, but this time Liu Banxian actually used it for an hour.

His face was a bit pale, and sweat left behind. Obviously, it was a lot of consumption. The natal chart was spinning on top of his head, and remained in this state for ten minutes.

This Liu Banxian slowly opened his eyes, which has no previous brilliance, and can see more of melancholy.

Li Lingtian hurriedly asked: "Half cents, how are you calculating? It feels like you are struggling!"

Liu Banxian didn't speak directly, and after a while, he said: "This time I calculated it in all directions, but I was afraid of problems. Now I have confirmed where there are fragments of treasure maps."

Li Lingtian heard Liu Banxian say so affirmatively, still trusting Liu Banxian.

Said to Liu Banxian: "You take a rest first, wait for you to rest well, we will set off immediately!"

Liu Banxian immediately began to recover, this is also afraid of a long time, since the accident.

An hour later, Liu Banxian said that he was almost restored, and he immediately went to the main hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still have to return to the main hall.

The six of them walked towards the entrance of the passage. This was already a passage. The organs in this passage already knew, so as long as they paid attention to it, it was fine.

Entering the entrance of the tunnel, just after entering, another powerful flame erupted from it. This time Li Lingtian didn't even use the flame of extinction.

His halloween sacred fire erupted, and a strong halloween sacred fire broke out on his body. The strength of the black sacred fire is simply not comparable to the flames emanating from this passage.

So directly suppress this flame, and then use the halloween fire to absorb the flame and transform it into black fire.

The Halloween Fire is a method of engulfing, which can only devour the fire, anything and the flame, and transform it into your own energy.

Although the flames in this passage are not particularly powerful, after swallowing, the mysterious fire is still further, leading to the road of Xiaocheng.

The remaining five people saw that Li Lingtian would become so strong, which is indeed somewhat unexpected, but he is accustomed to Li Lingtian's abnormality. (To be continued.)

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