War God Supreme

Chapter 2521: Gambling

He naturally does not know the specific strength of Li Lingtian, but has seen Li Lingtian shot and is still relatively strong.

It was mainly people brought in by Zuo Junyi, but originally there were many people, but after the illusion, there were still deaths in the passage.

The rest is not much, after a battle with the giant beast group, which brought a full of nine thousand people, leaving only one thousand two.

So he didn't want to hurt his own people.

So at the beginning, there was no shot against Li Lingtian. The strength of this Yin Jun and the strength of Venerable Thunder.

Naturally, he is also relatively dreadful. He absolutely doesn't want to do anything that damages the enemy by one thousand and damages himself by 800.

But Li Lingtian will not regress, he naturally does not want to regress, so he is deadlocked.

This Dragon Dragon Temple is his purpose, and it is because of this, so anything in this Dragon Dragon Temple will not be missed.

Looking at Li Lingtian said: "Well, since you don't know what to do, then we will fight!"

The murderous spirit broke out in Li Lingtian, and Zuo Junyi has been challenging his bottom line.

Holding the thirty-three refining **** tower in one hand, holding flames in one hand, Venerable Thunder, Yin Jun, Liu Banxian, Wan Tianyu, Chu Yu, are all ready.

Everyone took out their chaotic treasures, and if they want to go to war, they must go all out.

However, at the moment when all Chaos Treasures appeared, Zuo Junyi was also surprised. They did not expect them to be a Chaos Treasure.

Yin Jun, Lord Thunder, it’s normal for him to have Chaos Arcana, after all, it’s famous outside, so I know they have Chaos Arcana.

The other Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, all have chaotic treasures, which is understandable, and how to say it is also a strong star of the ninth order.

However, the existence of Chu Yu is indeed beyond comprehension. The existence of a stellar seventh order, a long sword of Chaos Arcana in his hand, and a boots of Chaos Arcana on his feet.

Is this still a stellar top seven? It's incredible.

I was just about to fight a death fight, but this saw this equipment, and my heart moved. If they really fight together, their strength is not weak.

It is still a treasure of chaos, which is definitely very great for his people, so in order to avoid unnecessary damage.

This brain is running fast, and finally came up with a more eclectic solution. Looking at Li Lingtian said: "We are all here to win the treasure. If we both fight, there are countless casualties, just let others stand cheap."

Li Lingtian looked at this Zuo Junyi, absolutely holding back the evil move, but still asked: "What do you mean?"

Zun Junyi directly said: "In order to avoid unnecessary damage and do not fight on a large scale, you and I are shot. You win all the treasures, it is yours. I win, it is mine, how?"

Zun Junyi looked at the battle just now, that is, the general strength of Yin Jun and Thunder Venerable. Even if he still has a hole card, he will not be too powerful.

Dealing with Zuo Junyi's mind, I still think that Zuo Junyi really hit the gun!

Behind the Thunder Venerable and Yin Jun, the nerves were already tense. Hearing Zuo Junyi's words, there was really a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Zuo Junyi really didn't know that the sky was thick and thick, but he wanted to challenge Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's current strength has reached a point where everyone can't meet him. It is indeed ridiculous to challenge Li Lingtian.

Chu Yu was instantly relieved, but Li Lingtian's strength was clear to him.

Li Lingtian looked at Zuo Junyi and asked, "Can this be taken seriously?"

Zuo Junyi nodded and said, "The gentleman said, the horse is hard to chase.

Zun Junyi is also full of confidence in himself, because he also has his hole cards, he does not feel that he will be weaker than Li Lingtian.

This Li Lingtian is just a stellar fourth order. It is powerful and has certain limits.

Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Retreat!"

This is what Li Lingtian does not say, they are also going to retreat, because Li Lingtian is too powerful, especially the sword array that broke out, it is simply terrifying.

There is also a huge array, which is not what they can bear. Even the aftermath will hurt them.

The same is true for Zuo Junyi, who said to the person behind him, "Retreat!"

All the people in the partial palace backed away, and at the central position, the two of them were left, facing each other.

Li Lingtian watched Zuo Junyi, 33 refining the pagoda, bombarded directly, and quickly operated, rolling away to Zuo Junyi.

Zuo Junyi directly sacrificed the Chaos Treasure, which is a Ruyi Xuanjin rod. This Ruyi Xuanjin rod is the Chaos Treasure, metallic. This Zuo Junyi is also the origin of gold, which complements each other ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ruyi Xuan in his hand The golden rod broke out a powerful source of gold. Both hands waved the wishful black rod, quickly forming a roulette, bombarding the thirty-three refining **** tower, and the golden source broke out.

The Ruyi Xuanjin rod is very strong and runs very fast, bombarding directly with the thirty-three refining **** tower.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Ruyi Xuanjin stick and the 33rd refining **** tower exploded into a strong bombardment. The two collided with each other, and a terrifying popping sound erupted!

The texture of this wishful black rod will be bombarded with Li Lingtian's 33rd refining **** tower, which is actually incomparable.

Thirty-three refining **** towers are among the chaotic treasures, already considered to be relatively powerful.

Unexpectedly, this man's wishful golden rod could be as good as the thirty-three refining **** tower.

Thirty-three refining the God Pagoda, and it began to collide with Ruyi Xuanjin rod continuously, the power of the source burst from it, and the space was turbulent.

Li Lingtian rushed to the past, the flame of extinction in his hand exploded directly, and the power of the All Saints Profound Fire and the Origin was instilled in this flame of extinction.

His arms were swayed, and an arc was drawn, and the flaming sword burst directly out, bombarding this left Junyi.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Junyi's arm moved, and the Ruyi Xuanjin rod, which was originally attacked by the 33rd Refining Pagoda, was directly recovered, and the speed was very fast.

Looking at the flames that had been bombarded, the heart moved, and the Ruyi Xuanjin rod in his hand exploded with a strong source of power. He held the Ruyi Xuanjin rod and shocked.

Li Lingtian also controlled the thirty-three refining pagodas to bombard Zun Junyi directly.

I saw that Zuo Junyi was holding a Ruyi mysterious gold rod, which exploded a powerful source of power. There was a long stick in his hand. In the world, I have the potential to be very powerful.

Ruyi Xuanjin rod flicked out, and a golden light erupted, and bombarded directly towards the flaming sword. (

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