War God Supreme

Chapter 2524: Mountain does not turn and water turns

They all saw a lot of Chaos Treasures. During their lifetime, the Chaos Treasures they saw were limited.


   But Li Lingtian's chaotic treasure is too much, it just made them spend their eyes.


   Even their young masters can't do it. This is the chaos treasure, and the ordinary people really don't have this spirit.


  The greed in Zuo Junyi's heart gradually rises, and Li Lingtian also exists as a treasure.


   This wishful golden rod was bought by his father for a large price, which is already precious.


   But there are so many chaotic treasures in Li Lingtian's hands, which is simply incredible.


  As long as he can kill Li Lingtian, here are all the treasures on Li Lingtian's body.


   So controlling this wishful black rod to continue to attack the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array has been completely ignored, Li Lingtian's many chaotic treasures.


   Thirty-three refining **** tower, wind blade, Zhen Tianyin have all bombarded to the left Jun Yi, the speed is very strong.


  All the chaotic treasures attacked on this huge Ruyi mysterious gold rod, and bursting sounds sounded from it.


  Zuo Junyi, like crazy, continued to wave the Ruyi black rod to attack.


   Thirty-three refining **** towers, the quality of this chaotic treasure is naturally not as good as the golden rod, but with the addition of Zhentian Yin, it is different from Qianyan Holy Wing.


   A stupid tanner puts Zhuge Liang on it. These are the three treasures of chaos, and it is naturally comparable to the Ruyi mysterious gold rod. So that is it. Li Lingtian finally started to fight back.


  Thirty-three bodies attacked him, as did Zhen Tianyin. Wind Blade was around this wishful black rod and repeatedly attacked it.


   was originally the powerful Ruyi Xuanjin rod, under the mutual attack of the three chaotic treasures, and the seven-nine extinct sword array, under the strong operation.


   was finally damaged, and this huge wishful black rod finally lost its original power and shrunk back to its original size.


   At this time, Zuo Junyi's eyes were flushed, and Li Lingtian's eyes were full of anger.


   The Ruyi Xuanjin stick in his hand has shrunk back, and this strength is naturally not as good as before.


   But the thirty-three refining pagoda still thinks of him coming over. The speed is very terrifying. Although it is a bit difficult, a phantom of millions of wishful golden rods erupted and bombarded him.


  Li Lingtian controlled the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, running madly, and quickly rushed to the world of gold.


  Although there is still a remnant of a million ruyi black rods, there is too much difference in the original power.


   So this power is naturally not as good as before. Li Lingtian's thirty-three refining **** tower bombarded the past, followed by Zhen Tianyin.






   The illusion of Ruyi's black rods began to burst one after another, and the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array was running, and the speed and terror directly rolled away.


  The turmoil of the Heavenly Dragon Temple, Li Lingtian’s original power is like a broken bamboo, and all the original power is shrouded in the world of gold.


   The world of gold was instantly shrouded in sword territory, and Li Lingtian sneered in the corner of his mouth. Now it will be his time.


  The seven-nine-annihilated sword array started to attack Zuo Junyi, and the sword burst.


   Ruyi Xuanjin Rod's phantom shattered, golden light shattered, dragon soul shattered, and Sword Field enveloped Zuo Junyi.


  Zuo Junyi's eyes erupted with anger, but in this sword field, the situation was overwhelming, the sword intention erupted, he was like a flat boat with leaves, and he was crumbling in the sword field.


   Holding the Ruyi Xuanjin stick, attacked the overwhelming attack, Ruyi Xuanjin stick at this time, the attack was not as good as before, the momentum was scattered, the fighting intention was weak.


   Faced with such a strong seven-nine destroying sky sword array, the distance to perish at this time is only a moment.


  The Seven Nine Destruction Sword Array is still running millions of long swords, attacking left Junyi.


   Although it is a gambling battle, if Zuo Junyi does not admit defeat, then he will definitely be merciful. Although Zuo Junyi dies, the remaining people will be more troublesome, that is also the latter thing.


  Li Lingtian's killing intent is undiminished. Thirty-three refining the pagoda, Zhen Tianyin, continued to bombard him.


  Zuo Junyi finally felt the breath of death and felt a shock in his heart. He thought Li Lingtian would be merciless because of their large number of people.


   But I didn't expect Li Lingtian to still die. He didn't want to die. Faced with such a terrible attack, he didn't have any confidence in his heart to be able to follow this attack.


   immediately shouted: "I admit defeat!"


   Hearing Zuo Junyi's defeat, Li Lingtian's heart moved, and he immediately withdrew the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   The turbulent world was immediately clear.


   Li Lingtian smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at Zuo Junyi, who was a little languid, and said, "Concession!"


  Zuo Junyi looked at Li Lingtian, with a hate in his eyes, and said, "The mountains do not turn, the water turns,"


  Zuo Junyi did not expect to hide so much power, but it is not as good as a stellar fourth order, which is really ironic.


   Venerable Thunder, several people of Yinjun feel very normal, and they have not used the big sky, otherwise Zuo Junyi can last for such a long time, it is impossible.


  The person on the left Junyi's side felt incredible, such a powerful strength as his young master, would be defeated so decisively.


  Li Lingtian looked at the three treasures suspended in the sky, leapt forward, and directly removed them.


   Two chaotic treasures, Li Lingtian is not too concerned about it, but is full of expectations for the things in this kit.


   Not many people with many eyes, it is impossible to open here, watching Zuo Junyi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said: "You can rest assured that you will only lose even worse next time! Goodbye!"


  Li Lingtian took Chu Yu and several people to leave the side hall directly.


  Zuo Junyi saw the six people who had left, their faces turned red, and they were obviously angry to the limit.


   At this time, another star of the ninth order came over and asked, "Master, why did you let them leave? In this kit, it is likely to be a treasure map."


Zun Junyi frowned, and said, "What can this do, if you fight hard with them, but one person alone can make us lose a lot, not to mention Yin Jun, Thunder Venerable, if everyone is gone , Even if you get a treasure map, how can this be done!"


   The stellar ninth-order strongman, it sounds reasonable to listen to Zuo Junyi, but it still feels a pity that he passed by.


  Zuo Junyi sneered in the corner of his mouth and said: "Reassure that they will grab our treasure and they will all return. Now the good show has just begun."


  Zuo Junyi's anger at this time has been reduced a little, while speaking, with strong confidence.

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