War God Supreme

Chapter 2530: Subtle battle situation

   Sixty-three swords of extinct gods broke out, and sixty-three daggers of heavenly sky broke out. In the sword domain, the swords of extinct gods ran wildly, and millions of long swords cooperated.


   Seven and nine destroying the sword array, fusion sword intention, sword power, sword territory, the attack is more powerful.


   The attack of one hundred and fifty people bombarded towards the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   The Seven Nine Destruction Sword Array comes insanely, without fear!






  The seven-nine-annihilated sword array was finally bombarded with a joint attack by 150 people.


   The power of the source carried out constant bombardment, and the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array suddenly felt a might that destroyed the earth, which was mixed in it.


   is the horrible swordmanship erupted by the leader of the fighters.


   Li Lingtian looked as if he were all bombarded on top of the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, which would definitely be a damage to the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   Thirty-three refining pagodas began to grow, and said to Chu Yu several people: "Crush their attack as much as possible!"


   "Thrilling Lion!"


   "Wind monster!"


   "Ice Phoenix!"


   "The power of fate!"


   "Jiutian Town Pagoda!"


   A wave of strong attacks erupted on five people, very strong.


   attacked 150 people together and bombarded.


  Li Lingtian controls Qianyan Saint Wing, and there are thirty-three refining **** towers to carry out fierce attacks.


   The Seven Nine Destruction Sword Array works like crazy, as does the Great Sky Array.


   The joint attack by the fifteen people was indeed terrifying, and even the terrifying momentum could not be suppressed.


   But fortunately, Tongtian Great Formation is not an ordinary formation. The power of crazy operation of the source is instilled on the Xuanjin Sky Armor. Tongtian Great Formation immediately suppresses all the momentum.


  All the attacks, all together, to contend together, the world is eclipsed, the sand and stone wind swept, and the void shattered.


   Within a thousand miles, the fluctuation is extremely large, and the smoke is pervasive.


   While the battle is still going on, the attack of one hundred and fifty people and six people is not over yet.


  Li Lingtian's complexion is a bit ugly, the output of the source of strength is really too big.


   The attack of 150 people gathered is still very powerful. If there is no big battle to maintain it, otherwise they will not be able to resist their attack.


  If there are any seven or nine destroying the sword formation, or the sky formation, if any one of them breaks up, then the situation is bad.


   Therefore, Li Lingtian had to insist that he had reached such a level that he could not give up, otherwise he would be defeated.


   Thirty-three refining **** tower, wind blade, emperor-level tower, Zhentianyin, all applicable treasures, all used.


   Seven and nine destroy the sky sword array, turning retrograde, terror like this, the attack of one hundred and fifty people, although terror, but not invincible.


  Li Lingtian told Chu Yu a few people, using the voice that they could only hear: "Don't fight against their attack, just do it to them!"


  Li Lingtian's meaning, simply said, immediately understood that if you want to win the battle, only people die.


   Their current attacks are bombarding the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, so now is also a good opportunity.


   Li Lingtian took the lead, all the treasures attacked the warriors, and the original power was still maintaining the black gold sky armor.


   Under this state, Li Lingtian's 33rd refining **** tower, the imperial tower, has all attacked away.


   Powerful coercion, terrifying momentum, bombarded the stellar eighth-strength body, and it died immediately.


   They are still attacking the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array with all their strength. Li Lingtian has changed the fighting style.


   Thunder Venerable Yin Jun is also like this, everyone's attacks are all directed at the rest.


   All the strength of the ninth star of the star attacked together, and a screaming sound burst out from it.


  In one attack, the fighters lost more than forty people, and now the remaining people are only a hundred.


  Half of the people have all been destroyed, but the six-nine-annihilation of the big array has finally been loosened. After all, Li Lingtian is not yet a domain master.


   Multi-tasking is inherently difficult, not to mention the chaotic treasures, as well as two large arrays of terror.


  Tongtian large array is really like a bottomless hole, madly consuming the power of the source.


   The leader of the Warriors felt that the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array was almost unsustainable and shouted: "Hold on, it only takes five minutes, the big Array will break, they will all die for me!"


   The killing intention broke out in Li Lingtian's body, and said in a cold voice: "Okay, let me see, who died today!"


   As soon as the words fell, Li Lingtian said to His Holiness Thunder: "Continue to attack them for five minutes, I will see how many people are left!"


   Li Lingtian also fought. The power of horror's origin broke out. Thirty-three refining the pagoda, together with this imperial tower, and Wan Tianyu's Jiutian Town Pagoda, began to suppress them together.


  Zhentianyin became extremely large, bombarding the nonstop, the wind blade bombarded everyone.


   "Thrilling Lion!"


   "Wind monster!"


   "Ice Phoenix!"


   "The power of fate!"


   All the attacks were bombarded on the fighters, fell down one by one, the screams shattered the void, and blood flowed into the river.


  The vibration of the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array is getting bigger and bigger. The long sword and the sword awn in the sword field are constantly broken.


  Li Lingtian You are pale, but you continue to persevere, and the effect of persistence is also very significant.


   There are only one hundred people left. In three minutes, there are only fifty people left, which is very strong.


   The main attacks are all undertaken by Li Lingtian, and the rest of the people are not under much pressure, so they are even more crazy to attack.


   The leader of the warrior's face turned red~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes were filled with anger, and now the situation is clear, but he can't give up.


  The leader of the Warrior consumes more and more vitality, and the outbreak of attack is getting stronger and stronger.


   The whole person gritted their teeth and caused an absolutely terrifying attack on the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


  The long sword in his hand is very instilling the power of the original source. The light above the sword body flickers, and a very powerful sword shadow appears.


   The leader of the warrior shouted loudly, and the whole person directly hit the past, jumped into the air, and flew away.


   Jingtian Jianmang aimed at the seven-nine destroying sky sword array and bombarded.


   At this time, the seven-nine extinction sword array was no longer as strong as in the past. The sword intention erupted from the frightened swordmand surpassed the horror sword intention erupted from the seven-nine extinction sword array.


  Jiangjian Jianmang bombarded directly above the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, and the remaining fifty attacks were also cooperating.


  Li Lingtian immediately runs the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array. The fragmentation of the sword array is already the situation, but Li Lingtian knows that being able to persist for a second will be of great benefit to them.

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