War God Supreme

Chapter 2546: Weird

   There are also a continuous stream of strong men who enter the Tianlong Temple, so the limit is very large, and Li Lingtian has never seen Xuan Yizi and Mu Shaoyun.


  Xuanmen and the Mu family were the first people to provoke a treasure map incident, saying that it is impossible for them not to pay attention to the Tianlong Temple.


  But if you don’t see them, then you can only explain one problem, that is, they are behind the scenes.


   Therefore, beware of Mu Shaoyun and Xuan Yizi.


   The two people are definitely the pinnacle of the stellar ninth order. Xuan Yizi's super power, even Li Lingtian now remembers.


   Chu Yu said that the strength of Xuan Yizi should be comparable to Mu Shaoyun.


  Li Lingtian directly chose a partial hall and walked in, the others followed closely.


  What is the organ of the passage? Just look at the dead body in the passage.


   Several people have a certain sense of prevention, so there is no harm, and they walked through the passage easily.


   As soon as I walked out of the passage, did I feel the breath of man? Li Lingtian walked into the partial hall, but did not see the existence of a person.


  Li Lingtian frowned, he believed his feelings and felt the breath of someone, so it was definitely not an illusion.


   As a star powerhouse, this is still very certain.


  Chu Yu also wrinkled without saying, "I just felt it, the breath of man, why was it gone in an instant."


  Li Lingtian walked into the center of the Piandian, and the Xuan Fire of the Ten Thousand Saints erupted. The body was surrounded by Xuanhuo, and the entire Piandian was lit.


  Li Lingtian knew that this Heavenly Dragon Temple was the treasure of the world, and he was not afraid of it. His hallowed sacred fire could not harm it at all.


   However, the Halloween Fire is divided into several stages, entry, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, pure fire, and fascinating.


   If the Halloween Fire can reach, when the fire is pure, the world's treasure can be easily melted.


   But now it is just an entry, so it is still far away. Now Li Lingtian wants to check if there are any people around.


  Halloween Xuan fire exploded, the temperature rose rapidly, although there is no harm to the real strong.


  Li Lingtian was just sitting down and making a tentative attack. Only some people, whether they were strong or weak, wanted to resist them.


  As long as there is any resistance, Li Lingtian will immediately find out.


   However, after the outbreak of the Wansheng Xuanhuo, no one felt anymore. Li Lingtian withdrew the Wansheng Xuanhuo and said with certainty: "There should be no one in this partial temple!"


   said immediately afterwards: "But I just felt the existence of human beings, which is really strange."


  Liu Banxian nodded and said, "I also just felt that can I go to the side hall before, and there is a door to the outside in the side hall?"


   The possibility of Li Lingtian thinking about going to the door is very small. Even with his eyesight, it is impossible to find the door.


   may be something like an institution, Li Lingtian feels that this is full of magic.


  A few people began to search for the organization or the gate, and they kept rummaging. They had experience in this area, so they would not let go anywhere.


   A few people didn't have a long time to search this side hall, even the underground giant corpse, did not fall, very detailed.


   But there is no clue, but Li Lingtian firmly believes that he won't get it wrong, there must be someone's voice just now.


  Looking at the corpses underground, the giants are still humans, all died not long ago, and the blood has not dried up.


   But this is all gone, it is really strange.


  Li Lingtian said to Liu Banxian: "Half fairy, I feel a little wrong. You can check what is wrong in this partial palace."


  Liu Banxian said a little embarrassedly: "Tianlong Temple is the ultimate treasure. I am not strong enough to spy on Tianlong Temple."


  Li Lingtian did not ask him to spy on the Tianlong Temple. He said to Liu Banxian: "You don't need to spy on the Tianlong Temple. You should count the things in this partial temple. You shouldn't ask him."


  Liu Banxian nodded and said, "This is still able to spy!"


   Immediately after Liu Banxian threw out his own chart, the force of fate pulled it, and the chart was running fast.


   A force of fate erupted from the natal chart, covering all the corpses on the ground, already very strong.


   Liu Banxian calculated quickly, sweat gradually flowed out of his forehead, his body shivered, Li Lingtian felt something was wrong, this should not be ah.


  Normal and simple calculations will not be so difficult.


   But this is just the beginning, Liu Banxian continued to calculate, but the face became more and more pale, without any blood.


  Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and said: "No such situation will occur normally. It stands to reason that if it is really very difficult to calculate, it will give up."


  Li Lingtian felt the same, but this time it was strange.


  After half an hour, Liu Banxian finally opened his eyes, a spit of blood spewed out, and looked at it withered.


  Liu Banxian's face was extremely embarrassing, and there was some panic in his expression.


  Li Lingtian looked at Liu Banxian and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"


  Liu Banxian immediately said: "Hurry away, there is a ghost in this partial hall!"


  Li Lingtian frowned, and said: "What did you count, let me talk first!"


Liu Banxian said bitterly: "Originally I just wanted to make a simple calculation, but I didn't expect that when I started the calculation, it seemed that I was being pulled. Someone is driving my destiny~www.wuxiaspot.com~ makes me go in a wrong direction Traction is definitely not human behavior. Even if the hand is the domain owner, there is absolutely no such strength."


  Li Lingtian listened to what Liu Banxian said was very mysterious, but also had a strong curiosity. The breath of the person he first discovered was still not found.


  Liu Banxian said in a panic: "If you believe me, leave here quickly, there will definitely be ghosts! The normal partial palace, the monster is dead, not all will die,"


   When Li Lingtian heard it, it was really strange, and I felt a little strange.


  Li Lingtian said: "Okay, listen to the half fairy, we leave."


  Liu Banxian was relieved to see Li Lingtian believe in him, and said hurriedly: "Yes, everyone is leaving, this is not a place to stay for a long time."


  The six people left the side hall and left the passage in this way. After several people left, a black shadow appeared in the side hall and gradually solidified. A black coat covered him, and no one could see the appearance.


  Looking at the direction of Li Lingtian's departure, there was an infiltrating laugh in his mouth, which was terrifying.

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