War God Supreme

Chapter 2548: provocative

In the main hall, Chu Yu was anxious. Li Lingtian did not come out for a long time, and an uneasy thought appeared in his mind.


   Thunder Venerable has some expectations in his heart. If Li Lingtian can't get out, for him, the advantages are definitely greater than the disadvantages.


So looking forward to it, Liu Banxian looked at Chu Yu and walked around and said to Chu Yu: "Li Lingtian's fate is not something I can calculate. His life is hard, so don't worry, his strength is even If you really fight, you won’t be killed in seconds.


   Chu Yu felt that what Liu Banxian said was justified. The strength of the previous two people was definitely not as good as Li Lingtian.


   But when he first entered, a scream broke out. Even if his opponent was strong, Li Lingtian should call at least.


   So Chu Yu's emotions gradually stabilized Xiali.


   Venerable Thunder said: "This is not necessarily, this part of the palace is so strange, maybe what means was used to make it speechless?"


   Chu Yu looked at Venerable Thunder and said, "Are you able to speak? It would be wrong to not speak."


   His Holiness Thunder sneered: "What can I say? Those who are not necessarily able to come out, it's quite serious."


   Chu Yu looked at Venerable Thunder and said, "When Ling Tian comes back later, remember that you said to him personally, you can't remember me thinking about it for you!"


   Lord Thunder is about to refute: "Just say..."


  Not finished, Li Lingtian suddenly appeared, came out of the channel, looked at the Thunder Lord, said: "Speak, I am listening!"


   Just said, Venerable Thunder is still relatively bold, but the moment Li Lingtian appeared, he directly counseled.


   Thunder Sovereign looked at Li Lingtian and smiled bitterly. He did not expect that Li Lingtian had come back, and it was so timely.


   Lord Thunder hurriedly said, "I'm praying for you!"


   Chu Yu looked at His Holiness Thunder contemptuously and said in a cold voice: "The real thing is shameless, what I just said was forgotten so quickly?"


  The appearance of Li Lingtian directly made Venerable Thunder not dare to be arrogant with Chu Yu.


   This is a strong man, driven by.


  Li Lingtian walked to the side of Thunder Sovereign, and an evil smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "If it really does not seem to be alive, you can tell me, I will help you deal with it soon."


   Thunder Sage hurriedly said: "Nothing, nothing!"


  In order not to let the two hands go, Liu Banxian immediately relieved the atmosphere and looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What did you find when you entered that partial palace?"


  Li Lingtian looked at Liu Banxian and said: "There are definitely people in that partial hall, but we didn't send a letter."


   Several people looked surprised, and Liu Banxian's face moved: "Really someone?"


  Li Lingtian nodded clearly and said, "Yes!"


  Liu Banxian looked ugly, and said: "This must be an absolute strongman, and it can pull my destiny, which is terrible."


  Li Lingtian continued: "The place where we were before, we could see the corpses everywhere, and the blood was flowing into the river, but when I went again, all the blood disappeared, including the two who went later."


   Chu Yu looked emotive, but it was the blood of more than two thousand people, could it be said that he swallowed it?


  Liu Banxian said bitterly: "It's really strange. If blood is needed in this way, then why didn't it strike us?"


Li Lingtian was also puzzled in this place, watching Liu Banxian shake his head and said: "I am also surprised that in this place, in the partial hall, I called him out, there is no voice, and the hiding power is also powerful, even if it is used in the Halloween Fire Not found."


  Wan Tianyu said firmly: "In the heavenly world, there should not be a strong man above the star rating, there is a big problem."


  Li Lingtian originally felt that this should be the case, including the monsters encountered in the Tianlong Temple, although there are strengths and weaknesses, but they are all stellar ninth-order behemoths.


   None of them is at the domain master level, but this person should not be a star powerhouse, because it is too powerful, kill two star ninth powerhouses in seconds, without exposing any breath.


   This should not be something that the stellar ninth order can do. It is really terrifying.


  Wan Tianyu looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Do you want to take a look?"


  Li Lingtian was also a bit unable to let go. Since Wan Tianyu said so, he said: "Okay, let's go check it out."


   At this time, a dozen people came in the Tianlong Temple, which had just entered from outside.


  The leader saw Li Lingtian and walked over. As a stellar ninth-order strongman, he also carried a stellar ninth-order strongman, eighteen people.


   So there is a sense of superiority in his body. Li Lingtian has five people in total, including one stellar fourth order and one stellar seventh order.


   So it's simply not worth watching. Although there are three stars with ninth-order powerhouses, they have eighteen stars with ninth-order powerhouses.


   walked over and looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "When did you come?"


  Li Lingtian frowned, thinking that this was another matter, Li Lingtian directly said: "When did we come to you?"


   The leader is named Wu Ming. He is proud and arrogant. Looking at Li Lingtian is just the fourth order of the star, he dare to speak to him like this, and he is directly angry.


   looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Do you want to die? The weak?"


  Li Lingtian looked at Wu Ming and said, "I don't want to kill now, just leave me!"


Seventeen other people under Wu Ming came over and stood behind Wu Ming.


  Wu Ming looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Are you afraid? See if you want to compete with our dozen of stars in the ninth order?"


  Wu Ming approached Li Lingtian, watching him still want to oppress Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian saw that there are too many people who don’t know whether to die or not~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Wu Ming and said, "Very well, since you want to die, I will complete you!"


  The flame of God of Extinction appeared, and as soon as his arm moved, a blaze of flames appeared, directly blasting Wu Ming on him.


  Wu Ming didn't expect Li Lingtian's attack to be so direct. He really went to war without a word.


   Wu Ming immediately backed away, Li Lingtian's flaming sword was extremely fast, catching up.


  Li Lingtian also shocked the past, Wu Ming's speed is still relatively fast, but compared with the fiery flame, there is still a gap of one.


   So that's it, Li Lingtian has started fighting, and the speed of terror erupts from him.


   Zhen Tianyin appeared immediately and attacked Wu Ming in the most direct way.


   Tang Feng's speed is very fast, and Wu Ming's men are not given any chance at all.


   directly flew Wu Ming, caught up, grabbed Wu Ming's clothes with one hand, extinguished the flames, and put it on Wu Ming's neck.

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