War God Supreme

Chapter 2550: Quiver

Wu Ming, all of them, flashed into the partial palace. Li Lingtian did not continue to act, just outside the partial palace. Huo Ran? Text??? W? W? W?.


   A total of eighteen people, all entered the partial hall. At the moment of entering, a scream came out.


  Li Lingtian rushed in directly, very close to the side hall, it can be said that only one step away.


   But after entering, a strong **** smell flew out of the sky.


   There is nothing in the partial hall, only the corpse. Li Lingtian took a special look at the deployment of the corpse when he last time.


   So this time, it was easy to find that the 18 extra bodies were all dead.


   is still in the same state as the previous two, without any scars, but the person died like this.


   is also a spike, Li Lingtian knows best how close it is to the side hall.


   is only one step away. At the moment when he heard the screaming, Li Lingtian rushed over directly. It can be said that the speed is very terrifying.


   But at such a terrible speed, when I came in, I could not see any clues.


   The man died, the blood dried, and the murderer did not appear.


  Chu Yu and the four came in and saw the dried corpses on the ground, thousands of corpses, and no blood flowed.


  Liu Banxian said with some helplessness: "It is terrifying strength!"


  Li Lingtian nodded and said, "What is the terrifying strength of killing eighteen stellar ninth-rank strongmen in seconds?"


  Wan Tianyu always believed that there would never be a domain master strongman in his heavenly world, but now he is really a little uncertain.


   is not a domain-level powerhouse, how can it have such a terrifying strength, killing two stellar ninth-level powerhouses in seconds is already a surprise.


   Kill eighteen stellar ninth-rank strongmen in seconds, it is really terrifying.


   is indeed beyond his cognitive scope. The one thing Li Lingtian doesn't understand most is why, when they appeared, the man in black didn't take action.


   And as long as it is someone else, the direct elimination should be his reason. When entering together, he will be safe.


   When I went in, it was okay. This should be related to him, but I didn't know the specific reason.


   Looked at Liu Banxian and looked at the structure of the whole Piandian, but at this time he dared not use his life disk.


  Wan Tianyu looked at Li Lingtian and said, "This is indeed a bit strange, but we can't find anyone at all."


   Lord Thunder also felt a little trembling, and his back seemed to be stared at by others. It was very scary. The most important thing was that he might die at any time.


   This is an absolute strong man who can kill eighteen stars of the ninth order in seconds, and dealing with them is a breeze.


   Lord Thunder looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Let's go out!"


  Wan Tianyu said quietly, "Cowardly!"


   Lord Thunder did not say much, he was indeed timid, but in this case, who can be bold and face such a terrible enemy.


   really made him a little overwhelmed, staring at Li Lingtian closely, thinking he was going out, he went out together.


  Liu Banxian's brow furrowed, and it was indeed terrifying to see if he could pull his destiny.


   looked at Li Lingtian and said: "Let's go out first, facing the unknown situation, the more we have no meaning here."


  Li Lingtian is not a timid person. If he really did it to him, he would not be surprised, but the most strange thing is not to do it to them.


   What is this for? Li Lingtian is a bit ignorant. Looking at Liu Banxian's status is not particularly good. This place is really scary.


  If it is his own words, he doesn't want to harm others.


  Li Lingtian said to several people: "Let's leave first!"


   Several people felt relieved all day, even for Chu Yu. In this place, it really gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.


   The main thing is that the people behind this are really too dangerous.


   I don’t know if it’s Thunder Sage, even Chu Yu is a little bit afraid.


  Li Lingtian finally took out several people. At the moment he took them out, the man in black appeared again, still in that black robe.


  The man in black made a grotesque smile, and this time he also made a voice: "It's really interesting!"


   The voice is a bit vague, but the vague words just disappeared, and the man in black has disappeared.


   is such a speed that even if he appears beside everyone, he will not feel any breath of him unless he sees it.


  Li Lingtian left a few people, and everyone was relieved.


  Liu Banxian said: "It's really terrible."


  Li Lingtian did not feel relaxed, as long as it exists in the Tianlong Temple, they are all enemies, especially this strange.


   So even if there was no accident this time, it is certain that the people behind this will still appear.


  Li Lingtian looked at several people and said, "You don't have much time, we are going to another side hall now."


  Everyone is more in favor of it. Venerable Thunder thought, as long as you don’t enter the side hall just now, it doesn’t matter which one you go.


   For other people, he is still very confident.


  Just like this, several people found a passage that didn't enter much and walked in.


   The channel that I just entered immediately touched the organ. This organ turned out to be a situation and a storm. The channel was filled with dust.


   All people seem to be in the desert. This is the feeling that the power of evil is still powerful.


   But it is still a lot different from the power of the wind storm that Yin Jun once erupted.


  Li Lingtian brought out the chaotic treasures before the Yin Jun, and instilled the power of the original source, and the power of the wind and sand exploded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately competed with the power of the wind and sand in the passage.


   Although it is not the force of the wind and eruption of the Yin Jun, but with the help of Chaos Arcana, it is naturally not weak.


  Under the contend of Li Lingtian and Fengsha Li, they walked out with ease.


   finally entered the side hall, just entered the side hall, the door of the side hall was closed immediately.


   A group of people emerged from it, and Li Lingtian was tightly surrounded.


  Li Lingtian took a look, is this not Zuo Junyi? Is this an enemy meeting? I lost to him before, but I didn't expect to see it again.


  Zhao Junyi smiled on his face, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time!"


  Li Lingtian naturally knew that the comer was not good, but still said: "I really did not expect that I even encountered Zuo Shao here."


  Zuo Junyi reached out his finger to stop Li Lingtian from continuing: "Don't be surprised, because I'm waiting for you." (To be continued...)

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