War God Supreme

Chapter 2565: deal with

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian stood up and walked to Venerable Thunder. Venerable Thunder hurriedly backed away. ?Huoranwen???? W?W?W?. ?


   Thunder Venerable is afraid of Li Lingtian and Chu Yu.


   If Chu Yu was alone, this would not have been the case, but when the Chu family appeared, he shivered.


  Li Lingtian looked at Venerable Thunder and said with some sneer: "The last time the Yin Jun shot, you were held back. Why didn't you hold back this time, regret?"


   naturally regrets, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and now the Thunder Venerable has no desire for treasure.


  Just think that as long as you can live, then it will be fine.


   has turned against Chu Yu and Li Lingtian. He already knows a little bit about Li Lingtian's character.


   will not let him go, so begging for mercy has no effect, so you can only think of other ways.


   It is unrealistic to want to break out, so many people, more than two hundred stellar ninth-order strongmen, it is impossible to break out.


   looked at Chu Yu and Li Lingtian who were in front of him, and their faces were very ugly. The injury on Chu Yu's body was also very obvious. Then he caught Chu Yu.


  Let the Chu family give him a way of life, although there are some instability, but only one try.


  Lei Tingzun looked at Li Lingtian and Chu Yu and said, "The two of you will treat me as a fart, I am just a small person, I will give you whatever I want."


   Chu Yu sneered: "At this time, you know that you regret it, but it is too late."


  Li Lingtian is also expressionless. In the world of the spirit world, there are countless things he has obtained, whether it is the original magic weapon, the secret skills of the practice, and the star crystal, there are very many.


  A space ring is really not tempting for him and Chu Yu.


   His Holiness Thunder also saw it, and hurriedly said: "I have a treasure map fragment in my space ring. I don't know if I can change my life."


   Fragment of treasure maps, naturally unmoving, Li Lingtian has a total of six pieces of treasure maps. With the addition of Zuo Junyi’s treasure map fragments, there are already seven copies.


   If you are really getting a piece of treasure map, it is eight pieces of treasure map, which is ten minutes away.


   He can not pay attention to Chaos Treasure, but treasure map fragments must be paid attention to.


  Li Lingtian looked at Venerable Thunder, coldly said: "Take out the treasure map fragments first, I will look first."


   Thunder Sovereign refused: "I saw the end of Yin Jun. If I really took the treasure map fragments and took them out directly, I had no chance to live."


  Li Lingtian also knew that he had played a word game with Yin Jun last time, but Lord Thunder remembered it.


   The same method cannot be used, but if Li Lingtian really chooses one of the treasure map and Thunder Lord, naturally he chooses the treasure map fragment.


   There are only a few pieces of treasure map fragments, but Venerable Thunder is just a clown who jumps on the beam, and there is not much problem to kill him.


  After making a decision, he made a decision and looked at His Holiness Thunder and said, "Last time I said that I wouldn't do it to the Yin Jun, so this time I promise to keep you alive."


   Lord Thunder turned his head to Chu Yu and stared closely.


   Chu Yu also knew what Lei Ying Venerable meant, and said directly: "I promise that as long as the treasure map is handed over, the Chu family will not move you."


   Immediately after Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian also made a commitment, Lord Thunder looked better.


   The performance of Thunder Venerable Li Lingtian all looked at him. Looking at Thunder Venerable was indeed more serious. I thought there are really fragments of treasure maps in my hands?


   Otherwise, there is no need for it.


   At this moment, Venerable Thunder said: "That's good, I believe you once."


   talked about the space ring in his hand, threw it to Chu Yu, and threw it up high.


   Both of them focused on the space ring, and a cold smile appeared in the corner of Venerable Thunder.


   struck Chu Yu in the past, the speed is very fast, this is that he has exerted all his strength.


  When life and death matter, how can it not happen.


   The distance between the three was originally not far away. Just a few steps away, there was not much distance from Chu Yu.


   Chu Weiyang was the first to find out that something was wrong and immediately rushed over. Although the speed was fast, it was obviously far away.


  Chu Yu had already grasped the space ring at the moment, when he touched the space ring.


   The space ring exploded at once, and the huge source of power enveloped Chu Yu.






   startled from the loud explosion, and Chu Yu was injured again.


   Thunder Venerable is one step away, and the devil's claw is finally going to catch Chu Yu's body.


  Li Lingtian's eyes are fast, and he will recover after a while. Although the injury is less than one-fifth, the recovery of the original power is less than one-tenth.


   But no matter what, he was able to act, forcibly controlling the thirty-three refining **** tower, and crushed to the Thunder Lord.


  Li Lingtian's original power is not enough. The true power of the 33rd Refining Pagoda did not explode at all.


   Thirty-three refining **** tower's true strength is less than one fifth, but the state of Thunder Venerable is also not good.


   Thirty-three refining towers shocked and bombarded the Thunder Lord.


   Thunder Venerable was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Li Lingtian was able to erupt such an attack at this time. It was incredible.


   body injury is not good, the source of power is not much, and even can control Chaos Arcana.


   Unexpectedly, the thirty-three refining pagoda bombarded the Thunder Venerable. The power of the thirty-three refining pagoda was not strong enough, but it still threw the Thunder Venerable back three steps.


  Li Lingtian's original power can only explode once, and immediately after the thirty-three refining tower, he is immediately out of control.


   Thunder Venerable spurted blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing the thirty-three refining **** tower, he did not have the support of the original power, and once again hit the past.


   At this time, Chu Weiyang also came over, and the speed was very fast. Before the Thunder Venerable reached Chu Yu, Chu Weiyang rushed over, very fast, and slashed to the Thunder Venerable.


   The sword's awn erupted, drawing an arc and slamming on the arm of Thunder Sage, the arm broke, and blood flowed out.


  Chu Weiyang immediately followed, punching His Holiness Thunder on the ground with one punch.


  Chu Yu's blood lingered on. He didn't expect that what Thunder Sovereign did was to prepare for a sneak attack, which really made him unexpected.


   eyes burst out with angry flames, and said to Chu Weiyang: "Form, help me put him away, save him a life first."


  Chu Weiyang originally wanted to kill the Thunder Sovereign directly, but after listening to Chu Yuyi, it is still useless.


   walked to the Thunder Sovereign and abolished all of his strength. The original star ninth-ranked strongman has now become a waste person, without any strength.

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