War God Supreme

Chapter 2579: Yangmou

Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Don't be restless, everyone is fine."


  Li Lingtian looked at the people outside the passage and said: "All the people are because of the treasure map fragments, right?"


   Everyone is accustomed to burning and looting, that is to say, what can they do?


   responded one after another: "The treasure map is in your hands, all came for the treasure, naturally looking for you."


  Li Lingtian shrugged and said, "If you say this, you can make way for us, let's talk together."


   The person opposite was surprised, because Li Lingtian said something unreasonable, now they are in the side hall.


   There is a passage, which can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Li Lingtian wants to go out, it really feels a little unreasonable.


  Even if it is Chu Yu, Liu Banxian they are a little bit confused. Does Li Lingtian know that it can't be defeated, is he going to break the jar?


  Li Lingtian's face did not change and said, "Speaking of you, are you afraid that our minority will fail?"


  Empty although he didn't know what Li Lingtian was going to do, but he was very clear that there was no accident among them.


  Although some secret people say that Li Lingtian is strong, in front of so many people, as long as they are not domain masters, they can’t escape.


  Even if it is a low-level domain master, it will die in a sea of ​​people.


   Wu Wu said to everyone: "Come on, let's go back and see what they can do."


  Everyone heard it, in the face of absolute strength, then the means had no effect.


   retreated one after another, leaving them a place for Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian looked at everyone and said, "Trust me, it is not easy to explain much now, and it will not harm you."


   Wan Tianyu stepped forward and said, "Okay, it's a big deal."


  Li Lingtian smiled and said: "Relax I won't let you die."


   Chu Yu also stepped forward and said: "Let's go!"


  Chu Yu is representing the Chu family. Li Lingtian walked into the passage. He does have some assurance that he cannot harm the Chu family.


  A group of people finally left and entered the main hall. Li Lingtian and the three of the blood-slaying gates stood against each other. Li Lingtian asked without fear: "You people want to hide treasure without fragments? Stand up!"


  A dozen powerful leaders immediately stood up, Li Lingtian looked at him and said, "The three guys of blood killing gate also have treasure map fragments, why not grab them."


  No frown, frowned, thinking that Li Lingtian wanted to break the dead net with them, and hurriedly said: "We only have one piece of treasure map in our blood killing door, and you said there are four or five pieces?"


  Do not know his details, Li Lingtian looked at Kong Wu and nodded, "You are right, there are indeed five pieces of treasure map fragments."


   Immediately after that, he took out five pieces of treasure map pieces and placed them in front of everyone.


  When everyone saw the treasure map fragment, they immediately showed their greedy eyes. Didn’t they just think of this treasure map fragment?


  Li Lingtian looked at the crowd and asked, "Let's say, any of you who want the treasure map fragments, I will give you one for free."


  Everyone didn't know what Li Lingtian was going to do, and he dared not speak for a while.


  Van Wu also feels a bit wrong, this does not follow the routine to play cards, said: "I want a treasure map fragment, then give it to me for free."


  Li Lingtian had already figured out that the main reason for allowing everyone to siege them together was the treasure map fragments. He kept certain treasure map fragments and used a few pieces of treasure map fragments to cause them to cause turmoil. That was no problem.


  Li Lingtian took out a piece of treasure map and said to Kong Wu: "Catch!"


   The voice did not fall, and the power of the source entrusted the treasure map fragments, so he threw it up and threw it into the crowd.


  Where is the void, and the distance from the void is the furthest distance, Li Lingtian’s purpose is already obvious, that is, to let them kill each other, but this cannot be stopped by Yangmou.


  Because they themselves came for the treasure map, no one can stop it.


   Wuwu looked at the four treasure maps left in Li Lingtian's hands and thought that this was the real broken jar.


   These five treasure map fragments are enough to make his plan go bankrupt, and it will be chaotic.


   immediately shouted out: "This person's purpose is impure, the purpose is to let us kill each other, don't listen to me."


   "While playing with mud, do you want to control it?"


   "You give me your treasure map fragments, I will not grab!"


   "Kill each other, there are fragments of treasure maps, how can it not be robbed?"


   "Don't force Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will kill all of them when they are ruthless!"


   The scene was completely messed up, and the mode of mutual killing immediately began. A treasure map fragment immediately let everyone work with each other, and the goal was the treasure map fragment.


   There are also a few people who haven’t started, because they are staring at the remaining treasure map fragments in Li Lingtian’s hands.


  Li Lingtian looked at Wu Wu and said, "Why did they fight for the treasure map fragment I gave you? Don't you grab it back?"


   Wu Wu looked at Li Lingtian, the smile like the breeze of the person had disappeared, looked coldly at Li Lingtian and said, "You are very good!"


  Li Lingtian shrugged and said, "Reckless."


   Wuwu knew that he could no longer wait, and also noticed that some of them were unhandled, and immediately started to woo: "Everyone started to work together, and he took four pieces of treasure maps in his hand, we took them together."


   The rest of the people immediately moved. It made no sense to say that these people are fighting for a treasure map fragment. A few people in the Yamen are fighting for four, and the chances will become greater.


   Everyone moved slowly, approaching Li Lingtian and others.


  Chu Yu They already thought of Li Lingtian’s method. Although the treasure map fragments were wasted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but this is indeed a good way, as long as one is left in your hand, you can be invincible.


  Li Lingtian looked at nothingness and said helplessly: "Give you a treasure map fragment, you are not satisfied, then I am just giving you a treasure map fragment, why should the swords face each other?"


   said that when his arm moved, another treasure map was thrown out, except that the position of this throw was the position of the empty person and the three people behind the shadow.


   The person who just wanted to deal with Li Lingtian finally couldn't help this time. Looking at the fragments of the treasure map in front of him, all of them hit the past.


   And Li Lingtian looked very accurate. It was the sky above the nothingness, and the nothingness inadvertently took it into his hands.


  The dark ones felt that the situation was not good, and they also had a treasure map fragment in their hands, so they were not so fanatical, and immediately shouted to the air: "Hurry up and throw away."


   is about to be thrown away. Thousands of them have bombarded the power of the original source. With no expression, the power of the source splits all over the body and defends.


   (Unfinished to be continued...)

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