War God Supreme

Chapter 2586: Sneak attack

Nearly two thousand people were attacking together. Although it was not as terrifying as the tens of thousands of bombing together, it was also very good. ?Fire Random? Text???? W? W? W?. ?


   Instantaneous smoke filled, various forces of origin burst out, Mu Shaoyun and Xuan Yizi immediately erupted the power of terror.


   formed a shield, and wanted to block all attacks, it can only be said that it was too naive, the strength of the two is indeed very terrifying.


  But the two of them dealt with two thousand people, which was really whimsical. It was said that all the attacks were coming from time to time.


   Mu Shaoyun and Xuan Yizi's protective cover has appeared in front of everyone.


   The shield was broken in an instant, and the power of terror's origin all attacked everyone.


   The top powerhouses are naturally safe, but the people behind them have been greatly injured, with the most dead and the lightest seriously injured.


   Under such circumstances, the first sneak attack caused a great impact on Mu Shaoyun and Xuanmen.


   Mu Shaoyun was furious and shouted: "The Mu family belongs, fight!"


   Xuan Yizi shouted: "Xuanmen belongs, fight!"


   Fighting is a two-faced trigger. The power of the origin erupts. The two sides add up to almost 4,000 people. With such a large number, the stellar ninth-ranked strongman exceeds 1,000.


   It is indeed a terrifying thing that such a large-scale battle can take place.


   Li Lingtian thirty-three refining the **** tower, Zhen Tianyin, erupted away, the flame of extinction in his hand, bursting out of a blaze of flames, the body of the sage fire, to enhance the strength of the flame of extinction.


With an overwhelming attack, Li Lingtian instantly captured the lives of more than a dozen people. The Qianyan Saint Wing behind him has also erupted.


   The invincible wind blade also began the terrible harvest of life, everyone is competing for the harvest of life.


  Because they started the war, they were all ready for battle, but the people of Xuanmen and Mu family were not prepared for this.


  All this is the case, directly ushered in a good starter, when sneak attacking the total attack, it took away the lives of a hundred people, the next step is to use their surprise to fight.


   was for Li Lingtian's sudden attack, which immediately wiped out about 200 people.


   The first battle, Li Lingtian was full of advantages.


   Li Lingtian sneered in the corner of his mouth. This was all in his plan, that was to catch a surprise and then quickly reap his life.


   How much life can be harvested depends on the matter of this minute, because after a minute, the people of Xuan Yizi and Mu Shaoyun are ready.


   The two shot at the same time, and at the same time slammed into Li Lingtian, seeing how well Li Ling is popular.


   mainly heard about the strength of Li Lingtian. The most important thing is that Li Lingtian has a fifth-order star who can defeat the nineth-order star.


   Mu Shaoyun's talent is very high, and he still lives in a super family like the Mu family. He grew up listening to the praise of others.


   So I am very confident in my own strength, but I heard that Li Lingtian was able to deal with the stellar ninth-order strongman when he was in the fourth-order stellar star.


   He is a very proud person, but he remembers very clearly that he was only able to deal with the ordinary stellar ninth-order strongman when he was in the seventh-order star.


   But Li Lingtian is a stellar fourth order and can defeat the stellar ninth powerhouse. Now Li Lingtian has reached the stellar fifth order, which means it is even more terrifying.


   So he wanted to defeat Li Lingtian and prove his strength is so simple, so he directly hit Li Lingtian.


   Xuan Yizi is also curious about Li Lingtian's strength. Of course, he also wants to teach Li Lingtian. After all, watching Li Lingtian is quite rampant.


  Li Lingtian looked at Xuan Yizi, and Mu Shaoyun shocked the past.


   looks a bit ugly, and it's almost the same with one. If you directly deal with two, it really makes him a little embarrassed.


   Li Lingtian shouted: "Why, you guys feel that one person is my opponent, so do you want two people to work together?",


   Xuan Yizi looked at Mu Shaoyun and said: "You go to deal with others, Li Lingtian will give me to deal with it!"


   Mu Shaoyun had to compete with Li Lingtian, Xuan Yizi said, Mu Shaoyun would not agree, and said coldly: "Let me deal with him!"


  Li Lingtian had to deal with him when he heard this, not that two people had negotiated to deal with him together.


  Li Lingtian watched the two still coming together, and none of them backed away.


  Li Lingtian was ready to fight, and said, "Don't be humble, let the two handle me together. I can bear it all right."


  Li Lingtian can't stand it, but Mu Shaoyun and Xuan Yizi can't stand it. Both of them are arrogant people. They want to make them two stars of the ninth-order strongman and deal with a fifth-order star.


   This is almost to kill them. Mu Shaoyun's face was angry, and his eyes seemed to be breathing fire. Looking at Xuan Yizi said, "I let you go, didn't you hear?"


   Mu Shaoyun is a perennial word among the Mu family, which is basically the one above 10,000 people under one person. No one has ever been able to defy his orders.


  If you disobey, then there is only one way to die, so this is the temper that has been accumulated all year round.


   speaks like a command, so Xuan Yizi can't stand it either.


   Mu Shaoyun is the young master, and Xuan Yizi is the master brother of Xuan Men. Apart from the door master, who can talk to him in such a way with a few elders.


  Looking at Mu Shaoyun, as if to start, Li Lingtian takes everything in his eyes.


   thought that if the two of them fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that would be really good, so that he could sit on the hill and watch the tigers.


   immediately said: "Both of you have very strong feelings for me, and you don't want to work together. It is better to fight with you. Who wins against me!"


   When Xuan Yizi heard this sentence, he moved his heart and thought that this time, he was still in a rage, and it was not necessary.


   After all, the treasure map is still more important. It is inevitable to defeat Li Lingtian, so it still has to be primary and secondary.


   Xuan Yizi said to Mu Shaoyun: "I will give it to you this time, but if you are not his opponent, don't look for me."


   Mu Shaoyun saw that Xuan Yizi had compromised, and was quite satisfied, but when he heard the following sentence, his face immediately became dark.


   But Mu Shaoyun didn't say anything, because Xuan Yizi had already left.


  Li Lingtian looked at Mu Shaoyun, a terrible war broke out on his body, mixed with murderousness, and sneered: "This is also as you wish!" (Unfinished...)

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