War God Supreme

Chapter 2608: Hellfire

Hell Dragon fluttered his wings, and the speed was extremely fast, and he came to Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian quickly backed away.

   The consciousness moved, and sixty-three swords of extinct heaven appeared, and sixty-three heavenly swords appeared.

   Li Lingtian sipped: "Seven and nine destroy the sky sword array!"

  The sixty-three swords of extinct gods, formed in an array, the sword domain formed, and a horrible sword intention erupted.

  Li Lingtian's mouth sneered, and the real battle had just begun.

  Because of the relatively large number of people, some of the giant beasts of the ninth order are relatively small.

  Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, Chu Yu, Chu Weiyang and other powerful people can easily fight against the stellar ninth-order beast.

   But the other two forces have a relatively large number of people, but their strength is not so strong.

   attacked them with a lot of monsters, so their casualties were the biggest. Li Lingtian's Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array broke out and directly enveloped the three surrounding star ninth-order behemoths.

   is counted as a **** dragon, a total of four stellar ninth-order beasts, except **** dragon, there is no challenge, for Li Lingtian, it is really too weak.

   The Seven Nine Outlaw Sword Array is in operation. The horrible sword erupts out. It is very powerful. Millions of long swords appear in the air.

   Sixty-three handles shocked the sword and drove away. The other three stellar ninth-order behemoths, in the seven-nine destroying sword array, Li Lingtian immediately began to attack.

   The horrible swordmans, the strong sword spirit, in the space of the sword domain, Li Lingtian is the absolute king.

A terrifying murderous erupted in   , shouting, "Strangling!"

  The seven-nine destroying sky sword array was in operation, and the sixty-three stems were destroying the heavenly **** sword, bombarded together.

   "Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

   The roar of the beast broke out, and Li Lingtian's mouth sneered.

   Three stars of the ninth-order behemoth were so strangled by Li Lingtian in the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, all of which had become a mortal existence.

  The seven-nine-extinction sword array is not very harmful to Hell Dragon, because Li Lingtian knows that ordinary swords can't have any substantial damage to Hell Dragon.

   And Li Lingtian did not attack the **** dragon, and the other three stellar ninth-order behemoths have been eliminated.

   Then the remaining **** dragon is left, the seven-nine extinction sword array is running, the **** dragon flutters its wings, and a hurricane appears, surrounding the **** dragon.

   Hellfire erupted madly, instead of directly bombarding Li Lingtian, he was involved in the hurricane.

   Carrying this hellfire in the hurricane becomes more powerful.

   The huge wings of the **** dragon fluttered, and the hurricanes of hellfire began to spread around and swept across the entire seven-nine extinction sword array.

  Li Ling Tianli; I immediately felt that the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array was turbulent and mighty.

  Hurricane is mixed with hellfire, which makes Li Lingtian a headache.

  Although the Halloween Fire is powerful, it can only absorb the fire creatures, so it has no power for the wind system.

   Hellfire mixed with the hurricane, the Halloween fire, there is really no way.

  After the great success, the Halloween fire can remove its dross and retain the essence of the fire system, but it is obviously not possible.

   Or use the Halloween fire to burn the hurricane into nothingness, and then absorb the remaining hellfire, but this time is obviously not enough.

   So there is no way out, only a strong attack.

   Although I can’t absorb the energy of Hellfire, it feels a pity, but it can only be so.

  The seven-nine destroying sky sword array is in operation, and the sixty-three handles destroying the heavenly sword, bombarded by the hurricane.

   Thirty-three refining **** tower, yellow pole tower, Zhentianyin, all used as auxiliary attacks, hellfire hurricane, swept the entire seven and nine destroying sword array.

   brought an extremely powerful impact to the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array. The Sword Array was turbulent. If it continues, the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array must be broken.

  Li Lingtian immediately operated the sword array, and the God of Destruction Book, the God of Destruction Book exploded with golden light.

   A group of forces was instilled into the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array, and the power of the God of Destruction God blessed it, which made the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array become stable.

  The wind blade attacked and began to prepare for the destruction of the hurricane. The wind blade was silent and endless.

No one knows where    appears. There are nine hellfire hurricanes in total, and Li Lingtian is ready.

   Sixty-three extinct **** swords, hundreds of wind blades, all attacked by a hellfire hurricane.

   This is to attack and break one by one. It is obviously impossible to attack the nine hellfire hurricanes together.

   All the attacks are ready, the sixty-three swords of extinction gods, a horrible sword burst, and bombarded by a hurricane together.

  The wind blade also bombarded away, and the world was suddenly turbulent, and the sand and stones were flying wildly. Fortunately, this channel did not know what it was made of. It can be said that it is very strong, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago.

   All the attacks were finally bombarded with Hellfire Hurricane. The wind blade entered the hurricane. Sixty-three extinct **** swords, one blow directly shattered a Hellfire Hurricane.

   No one hesitated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately bombarded another hellfire hurricane, one by one.

   Hell Dragon also felt a little wrong and immediately started attacking Li Lingtian.

  Li Lingtian's speed can be said to be very fast, and immediately divided out thirty-six swords to control the **** dragon.

  Li Lingtian feels clearly. To deal with Hell Dragon, there is no need to use all the power, mainly with the help of the wind blade.

  Li Lingtian's speed erupted, and the wind blade struck in, destroying the Heavenly Sword to break and bombard.

  The second hellfire hurricane, the third hellfire hurricane, and the ninth hellfire hurricane were all broken. It didn't take long.

  All the hellfire hurricane is broken, and the seven and nine destroying sky sword array is running, and the hellfire is not endless.

   Almost all the **** fire erupted by the **** dragon before, if you want to erupt the **** fire, it will take a while.

   But how could Li Lingtian give him this opportunity, immediately began to attack the **** dragon.

   Seven and nine destroying the sky sword array, all kinds of chaotic treasures, all swarmed.

   Thirty-three refining **** tower, Hefeng Blade, bear the brunt, and bombarded Hell Dragon.

  The eternal fire of the Ten Thousand Saints exploded, the Flame of Extinction was in hand, the arm was waving, and the Flame of Extinction was bombarded away.

   bombarded the **** dragon, and the **** dragon issued a painful scream, attacking poison with poison, and attacking fire with fire.

  Halloween fire has already possessed the power of **** fire, and there are other powerful powers, although in terms of flame alone.

   Hellfire has no threat to this flaming sword, so it can hurt the **** dragon.

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