War God Supreme

Chapter 2620: Subdued

When he was about to approach the transparent beads, Li Lingtian apparently already had psychological preparations, with retreat as the advance, and retreat into the advance, on the edge of the white beads.

   Such a temptation that the transparent beads acted again. Li Lingtian wanted to see that this consciousness did not seem to be as strong as it showed.

   If it is really very strong, it will not let him try so, Li Lingtian speculates that this may be vanity.

  Li Lingtian finally ruthlessly, madly proceeded to the transparent beads.

   The consciousness in the transparent beads finally began to fight back. The powerful consciousness and the power of terror immediately bombarded Li Lingtian's consciousness.

  After Li Lingtian's consciousness withdrew, he still did not chase after victory. Li Lingtian finally took his guess seriously, and the consciousness in the puppet is absolutely nothing.

  Li Lingtian was really grateful for the God Destroyer suit at this time, if he had the God Destroyer to control this big puppet.

  Li Lingtian didn't have any chance at all, and he knew it himself.

  Since the consciousness in the big puppet has such a characteristic, Li Lingtian is not in a hurry, since he cannot forcibly attack.

   But it is possible to attack little by little, and consume all the consciousness in the big puppet.

   It was like this that Li Lingtian finally started a sloppy offensive way. Once he attacked the puppet's consciousness once, after the attack, he left immediately.

   And there is no way to go to the gods inside the puppet, can not leave the transparent beads.

   tried a few more times, and Li Lingtian was more at ease, so he started the expendable attack.

After three days of crazy consumption by Li Lingtian, the consciousness in the puppet finally felt a bit broken.

   Three days later, he carried out a six-day attack. Li Lingtian was already exhausted, but he was ready for the final attack.

   The consciousness has completely recovered, wandering in the body of the big puppet, suddenly at a certain moment.

   "Control the world!"

   immediately erupted and bombarded the gods inside the puppet.

   Li Lingtian has almost consumed it. Taking control of the world is the skill of the master, powerful and horrible. In these days, Li Lingtian is to make the sense of consciousness in the big puppet.

   has always been a common attack, but this time it broke out to control the world.

  The consciousness in the big puppet thought that this time Li Lingtian would carry out a consumptive attack as before, but did not expect the strongest consciousness attack that Li Lingtian broke out.

When    wanted to attack with all his strength, it was too late, and Li Lingtian would no longer give him this opportunity.

  Controlling the world's full outburst, Li Lingtian is like an angry beast, regardless of the impact, it is very strong.

   Eventually shattered the consciousness in the big puppet, Li Lingtian's face was pale at this time. After six days of protracted battle, Li Lingtian's consumption was also very large.

   But no matter how you say, all this is worth it, this is a big puppet.

  After Li Lingtian conquered, the consciousness immediately occupied the transparent beads. Li Lingtian knew that this was the foundation of the big puppet, and he could control the big puppet by refining him.

  Li Lingtian immediately forced a drop of essence blood into the transparent beads, and Li Lingtian could not wait to start refining immediately.

   Without the hindrance of consciousness, it is still very easy to refine a big puppet.

  After seven days, Li Lingtian's eyes erupted with a gleam, a look of radiance, a sense of consciousness, and the big puppet broke away from the control of the God-destroying array and landed in front of Li Lingtian.

  Li Lingtian looked at the big puppet, and his eyes showed an excited smile, the sky ray of the six-winged sky thunder horse, the wheel of the illusion of the colorful sky python, the invincible golden body of the battle-day giant ape, and the traceless water of the king of blue water.

   has so many terrorist means, this time really made a lot of money.

   At this time, the Destroyer Set was completely disassembled, the Destroyer Set was automatically unlocked, and Li Lingtian felt that the induction with the Destroyer Set was back.

   Immediately withdraw the God of Extermination suit, holding the God of Extermination Purple, feeling the horror power of God of Extermination.

   God of Extermination becomes a treasure of chaos, with very terrifying power. It is not an exaggeration to say that the flame of God of Extermination does not integrate with Halloween Fire, and its power is not as powerful as that of God of Extermination.

  After absorbing the horror sky thunder, the exterminator purple electricity was finally broken into butterflies.

  Although this god-destroying heaven array, Li Lingtian still does not know what the situation is, but Li Lingtian is very grateful.

   If there was no God Destroyer suit, the God of Destruction that burst out suddenly, he should have died now.

   will not even have Li Lingtian who got a big puppet.

   Chu Yu walked over, looked at the big puppet in front of Li Lingtian, and then looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Has it been accepted?"

  Li Lingtian's face said with joy, "Yes, it has been accepted for own use."

  Chu Yu has some envy and jealousy in her heart. Such a powerful puppet is also normal. But in Chu Yu’s heart, he is more happy for Li Lingtian.

Liu Banxian also came over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said with a smile: "This time I was really blessed by misfortune. I haven't heard of big puppets for such a long time. I won't know if I didn't die today. Yes, a growing puppet will be your most loyal partner."

  Li Lingtian is also grateful to Liu Banxian. If Liu Banxian told him, he didn't know at all that he was able to conquer the puppet.

  Li Lingtian looked at Liu Banxian and said, "Thank you all for your success!"

  Liu Banxian shook his head and said: "This is your opportunity. No one can stop it. Without you to conquer, then we are also dead."

  Li Lingtian looked at a few people and said, "I will recover from the injury and we will continue to set off."

  Li Lingtian continued to regain his strength. Two days later, Li Lingtian recovered as before, and Wan Tianyu's injury also recovered, and everyone was ready to continue to explore the treasure land.

  Li Lingtian gave Dayan puppet a name, named Xiaotian, which was Li Lingtian's day.

   controls the big puppet, Li Lingtian rides on Xiaotian's back and advances forward. The existence of Xiaotian will also help them a lot.

  The original crowd removed the corpse, leaving only Wan Tianyu, Chu Yu, Chu Weiyang, and Liu Banxian.

   But this is also a good thing for Li Lingtian. The fewer people there are, the less they kill each other. The people in front of them are more trustworthy.

   Therefore, he can also give his back to them. When fighting, he can fight the enemy well, otherwise he must be prepared for it at any time, fearing that someone will attack.

  Five people embarked on the journey again. Although the passage was damaged a lot, they were able to find a way out.

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