War God Supreme

Chapter 2624: luck

Chu Yu thought that this probability should not be a problem. It is a treasure of chaos that is much more valuable than the original Divine Soldier.

  Chu Yu picked a light group, grabbed it, a light group arrived, and a spear appeared.

  Origin second order soldiers! Chu Yu felt like he was happily gloating early, but also a source of magic.

  Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Yes, better luck than me!"

   Is there a big gap between the second-order source soldiers and the first-order source soldiers?

   It can be said that there is no gap. Chu Yu looked at the intelligence and asked: "Are you remembering wrong? Are you sure that it is not nine chaotic treasures, ninety original warriors?"

   can only ridicule and say: "Young man, you have bad luck, you think too much."

  Chu Yu looked at Chu Weiyang and said, "Cousin, you also come to see if I have bad luck."

  Chu Weiyang didn't even think about it. As soon as he caught volley, he grabbed a light group, and a golden brass bell appeared on his hand, with three large characters engraved on it, the Soul Bell!

   There is no doubt that Chao Chaoyang is the best treasure, and Chu Weiyang thought he was gone.

   But I did not expect that his luck was the best among these three people, and intelligence was introduced at a time.

  The best quality chaos treasure of Zhenzhenling, has the effect of shocking soul, mainly to surprise and disturb the mind.

   has a certain strength, using the soul-suppressing bell, you can first get lost and start a lore.

   against the weak, with a bell in hand, the soul is broken, and it can be regarded as the leader in Chaos Arcana.

   The intelligent voice turned and said to Chu Yu: "Did you see it? Or your luck is bad, say you are rubbish, you still don't admit it!"

   Chu Yu was speechless, Li Lingtian felt that this intelligence was quite interesting, absolutely independent thinking, and was able to ridicule and sarcasm.

  Chu Weiyang looked at Chu Yu and said to Chu Yu: "Master, please accept this soul-warming bell."

   can see the reluctance in Chu Weiyang's eyes, but in the reluctance, some are determined.

   My master did not get Chaos Arcana, he got what he had to hand in.

Chu Yu knew that Chu Weiyang was really loyal to him, so he said to him: "I am not without Chaos Arcana, Ruyi Xuanjin rod is not worse than him, this Soul Bell is more useful to you, I have two more chances, Just leave it here!"

   talked while pushing back with his hands, speaking softly, but not to be refused.

  Chu Weiyang also saw the firmness in Chu Yu's heart, so she collected the Soul Bell.

  Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu are also eager to try. The quality of Soul Soul is extremely high, and the world is the treasure. They have seen it at will.

   is a matter of choosing one after another, but the hope of Chaos Treasure is still great.

  Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu glanced at each other, the two shot together, the two light groups were instantly taken.

  Wan Tianyu got a war sword, and Liu Banxian got an armor.

  Clear chaos treasure, intelligence continues to introduce these two treasures.

  Zhantian Mad Sword, a medium quality chaotic treasure, but the value of the Zhantian Mad Sword is not as good as the superior chaotic treasure.

  Because of the fierce fighting intention of an ancient sword god, the battle-day mad sword is tempered.

  The Battle Sword is born for war. Holding the Battle Sword, you will have endless war intentions. If you have a crazy system and integrate endless war intentions, the combat power will be doubled.

   can cut the earth with a knife, and it can make everything silent.

  The highest chaotic treasure of Yutian armor, possesses terror defense, and has automatic healing effect. There is a Yutian bead in Yutian armor, which can store the power and law of the origin.

The value of    is comparable to that of Zhantian, and the use value is even more.

   is another two chaotic treasures, the value of which is not worse than that of Chu Weiyang's Soul Calming.

  Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Ling Tian, ​​there is no harm without comparison. I feel like ours is a bit weak."

  Li Lingtian shrugged and said, "If you get the original source soldier three times, then I have nothing to say."

   There is a little hope in Chu Yu's heart. A total of nine original source soldiers have already gone to the second.

   Chu Yu cheered up, just about to grab a light group, and then intelligently spoke.

   "In good faith reminder, you can pass your opportunity to others, otherwise I'm afraid you waste the opportunity."

  Li Lingtian heard the words of intelligence, and the time seemed to freeze here. Chu Yu looked ugly and said: "Intelligence, what do you mean!"

  Intelligently said with sadism: "I don't mean anything, I just do it for you."

   "Sorry, I didn't hear it!"

  Chu Yu's words didn't fall, so he grabbed a beam of light with one hand, and when he saw it, it was a wooden hammer.

  Li Lingtian's complexion flickered. This wooden hammer, which could not feel any energy, had no feeling in his hands, but could not feel any weight.

   Chu Weiyang looked ugly and said: "This will not be another original soldier."

   Chu Yu is still waiting for the answer from intelligence, but intelligence did not speak, Li Lingtian looked at intelligence and said: "When you use it, you don't talk anymore."

   Smart smiled: "It is not not talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but I feel your luck!"

   "Are you sure what you said is not irony? You said I was lucky with this wooden hammer?" Chu Yu obviously didn't believe that this intelligence was really abhorrent.

  Intelligently stated: "This is natural, and I can guarantee with my character that this one is chaos..."

   Before the intelligent words were finished, Chu Yu immediately interrupted: "Shut up, you are not a person, don't put gold on your face!"

  Intelligently said: "Don't care about these details, I can be sure that this chaotic treasure is the top chaos treasure, it can be said that it is the most valuable and the highest quality of many chaotic treasures."

   "True and false!?" Chu Yu shook the small wooden hammer in his hand, apparently he didn't believe it.

  Li Lingtian is also a little curious. This really can't feel any energy, just like a mortal thing.

  Intelligently confirmed: "I will not fool you, this is indeed the highest value chaos treasure, in ancient times, the same value chaos treasure, this wooden hammer can be replaced by two."

  Although this intelligent speech is stubborn enough, it should not be fooled by him. Is it true?

   "But!" Zhihua Zhifeng said: "But his value lies in that this is the treasure of creating big puppets. The quality of the big puppets created by this thing is very high, and it is the treasure that the puppet master dreams of."

   "What if it's not a puppet master?" Li Lingtian asked the most critical question.

   "It's naturally useless to be a puppet master, and it's only useful to ancient puppet masters." Intelligence said what made Chu Yu collapse.

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