War God Supreme

Chapter 2631: burn one's boats

The strength of the black robe person, he already felt clearly, if not in this space, then he will choose to escape without hesitation.


   But this space is the space controlled by the black robe, that is, there is no retreat. Since it is impossible to retreat, then you can only fight together.


   At least not suffocated, Li Lingtian is ready.


  Tongtian large array continued to run, Li Lingtian immediately rushed over, regardless of his injury, regardless of his life or death.


   He is always advancing, breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, the God of Destruction God running in the sky, the Flame of Destruction God burst out in his hands.


   Is the black robe's hurricane very strong? Tsutenma has been destroyed a lot.


   The black robe turned around and slammed into Li Lingtian. The giant axe waved out, faster and more powerful.


  Crazy attack, the light in the giant axe formed a huge cage, which covered Li Lingtian.


  At this moment, all the forces finally broke out, Li Lingtian felt the edge of death once, and death was approaching him.


   Lord of God of Destruction, God of Destruction, God of Destruction, Golden Crown of God of Destruction, all defensive equipments are running fast.


  The light of the giant axe, in this space, criss-crossed, with a glance of power.


   The most damaged nature is Li Lingtian in the middle of the center. The power of terror seems to be able to slap Li Lingtian in thousands.


   All the sharp edges were bombarded on Li Lingtian's body, and the horrible light burst out.


  Li Lingtian's blood erupted, the injury changed instantly, and the Destroyer suit also suffered a great impact.


  Tongtian killing array has been broken under such a terrible attack.


   Watching the gloss of the Destroyer suit getting darker and darker.


  Li Lingtian had already felt the God of Destruction suit, and when it was about to break, God of Destruction had turned quickly.


   After being pulled by the God of Destruction, the God of Destruction suit, all the equipment, flew out of Li Lingtian's body.


   God of Destruction God Crown, God of Destruction God, God of Destruction God, Galaxy of God Destruction, Purple Power of God Destruction, Flame of God Destruction, God of Five Destructions, Hurricanes of God Destruction, Life of God Destruction.


   all appeared in the sky, the God Destroyer suit appeared, the regiment was running, the God Destroyer Book turned over, and the God Destroyer Array appeared again.


  The power of a seal enveloped toward the phantom of God of War.


   When the power of the seal was shrouded in the phantom of the God of War, suddenly the world became very quiet.


   All the attacks completely disappeared, and Li Lingtian finally had a chance to breathe.


   thought that the God of Destruction Heavenly Array was really powerful. When the previous puppets were, they were helped by the God of Destruction Heavenly Array.


   But Li Lingtian couldn't do anything to activate the God Destroyer.


   didn't expect that at this juncture of crisis, God of Destruction will appear again.


   The God of War phantom was suddenly controlled in this way, which made some people in black robe unexpected.


  The man in black robe shuddered and said, "What's the situation? There is such a terrible seal power."


   Li Ling can't control the God Destroyer Array, so even now, Li Lingtian can't cause substantial damage to the black robe.


   So immediately restore the injury, and the original power.


   In such a temporary relationship, Li Lingtian began to restore his original power.


   This time caused his injury to be very serious, and it has successively used the Tongtian Great Formation and the Tongtian Killing Formation, and there is very little left in the original power.


   But for Li Lingtian, there are some benefits.


   After the consumption of the source power, it actually turned out to be more compatible with the source power in Dantian.


   This is also a surprise among misfortunes. Li Lingtian restores this source of power, and the black robe is here to study how to break through this god-destroying array.


   If it is really impossible to break through, then the black robe is really suffocating.


  After three days, Li Lingtian's original strength was almost recovered, and his injury was half better.


   A huge shock suddenly came from not far away, Li Lingtian immediately opened his eyes and took a look.


   The God of Extinction is shaking, and the person in the black robe sealed in it is finally going to break through this great array of God of Extermination.


   The God of War phantom is terror, and the God of Destruction trembles, and the God of War madly attacks in it.


  Li Lingtian knew that this God of Destruction is powerful, but it is impossible to completely control the God of War phantom.


   So he didn't surprise you anymore, he immediately prepared for battle, and the God of War phantom finally broke out a terrible offensive.


   rushed out of the category of the God of Destruction, and the giant axe bombarded the God of Destruction.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


   The continuous wave of multiple waves, the explosive bombardment of the giant axe, finally the God of Destruction and the Sky Array shattered, and the God of Destruction suit was scattered everywhere.


   Then the black robe was shocked like Li Lingtian. These three days also suffocated him.


   At this time, it was sealed for three days, so it is natural to avenge Xuefen.


   looked at Li Lingtian and said quietly: "You don't have to struggle anymore. Only when I enter your body can you be stronger. Struggling everything is futile and has no meaning."


  After three days, Li Lingtian recovered a lot, and he was full of confidence. Looking at the black robe among the phantoms of God of War, he said: "A master of the world, what is the right to talk to me about becoming stronger?"


   The black robe is also angry with itchy teeth. This is just a stellar fifth-order guy who will be so difficult to deal with. He feels this is a great insult to him.


  The black-robed man gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry, this is to make you feel more beautiful about life!"


  Li Lingtian controlled the Brahma Palace and directly impacted the past.


   Phantom of the God of War, after these three days, has languished a lot, so Li Lingtian feels that this is also an opportunity.


   But when the black robe lifted the giant axe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian suddenly found that he was really wrong.


   is still powerful, and seems to be more terrifying.


  The black robe said coldly, "I'll irritate me, it will make you die."


   attacked Li Lingtian with a giant axe. Once he moved faster, he reached Li Lingtian in three or two steps.


  The big puppet immediately appeared, and the invincible golden body opened in seconds, helping Li Lingtian rent a house and live a fatal blow.


   Li Lingtian's body was soaked in sweat, and he was strengthened again under anger. This is indeed a little scary.


  The face of the black robe moved, and the giant axe chopped off the face of the big puppet, scolding: "Go to death, beast!"




  Li Lingtian was a little crazy looking at the black robe, even the invincible golden body of the big puppet could not be hard against it.

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