War God Supreme

Chapter 2639: Things start

This is the so-called soul guarding, which is really terrifying, and it can only not deceive people. As long as Venerable Sun really uses the soul guarding on him, even if it is to keep him alive, it is not bad.


  Li Lingtian looked at the soul body of Venerable Sun and said, "If you really guard the soul, then I can naturally leave you."


  Heavenly Lord heard this sentence, a stone in his heart finally fell.


   He was afraid that Li Lingtian would not enter the oil and salt, and would not eat hard or hard, which would be embarrassing.


   was also afraid of Li Lingtian regretting and immediately started to use the soul guard.


  The soul lifted into the sky and saw Venerable Sun, who said: "My Venerable Sun is willing to sign a soul guardian contract, based on Li Lingtian, and will not regret it for life.


   Suddenly a loud noise erupted in the sky, shaking the Quartet, and a contract appeared in the void. The self above was very old.


   wrote some regulations about the guardianship of the soul. A vortex appeared on the contract, and immediately imprinted a trace of the soul of Venerable Sun in it.


  In the depths of Li Lingtian's soul, such a contract also appeared, which was signed and agreed, and you did not agree.


  Where is the reason for disagreement, agree immediately.


  The great work of contract light above, the power of Li Lingtian's soul is also engraved in it.


   The contract disappeared and the soul guarding ceremony was officially completed.


  Li Lingtian immediately felt in his soul, and also monitored a soul, obviously the power of the soul of Venerable Sun.


  Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, the soul of Venerable Sun immediately revealed a screaming voice.


  Heavenly Lord said quickly: "Master, this is not a fake, this is the true guardian of the soul, don't torture me.



  Li Lingtian is to experiment with the authenticity of the soul guard. After all, this kind of thing is better to be cautious.


  Li Lingtian looked at Venerable Sun and said, "I have one thing that is more curious, how do you do those stone behemoths."


  Right Heavenly Lord now wants to express himself well, so that he knows everything and speaks endlessly.


Looking at Li Lingtian said, "This is a small way. In our era, the puppet masters like to use it. The life seal technique. The life seal technique I got before can seal the life of the lower strength. , And then wait how many years to crack."


  Seal of life, it sounds very simple, but Li Lingtian knows that this is not a small method, and the seal has no problem for a few years.


   Even he can do it, but from the ancient seal to this era, it is quite trivial.


  Li Lingtian continued to ask: "Are all the stone behemoths, all for murder?"


Venerable Sun Tian nodded and said, "When I fled here, I thought I had to be resurrected, but I knew my situation and I could survive for a while, but I had to enter and rebirth, and my soul was stronger, not casual. Individuals can seize it."


   "So all the organs in the Dragon Temple, including the illusion of entering the main hall for the first time, are to kill people, but also to pick out more powerful people."


  Li Lingtian analyzed it to His Holiness.


The Heavenly Sovereign Noble nodded helplessly and said, "Yes, but I wouldn't expect that I would wait so long. The heavenly world was still a deserted world, and it was not a place of trial. What I meant to wait for was Domain master strong, but did not expect to appear for so many years.



   Hearing here, Li Lingtian feels that this guy is also sad enough, waiting for the domain master power, but did not expect that once this deserted world.


   has become a heavenly world, a place to do missions and there will not be any domain master level strongman.


  Heavenly Venerable said the reason of the matter, although the existence of the Heavenly Dragon Temple, although secret, but the intentional domain master level strongman, will definitely find out.


   But the Tianlong Temple did not dare to put it too blatantly, that is, it was afraid that there were too many domain masters who knew it, and he could not deal with it.


   Ten thousand years ago, a strong star, inadvertently rushed in. Sun Tianzun took his blood, and then got his memory again.


   didn't know anything about the heavenly world, which made him a little desperate. The domain master who had been waiting for so long, could not be encountered in this world.


   So immediately began to deploy a variety of institutions, domain master level strong, he can also directly take the rebirth.


   But the ordinary star powerhouse can't bear his soul at all, so he can only use the blood to return to the soul formation to make up.


   That is the blood of 100,000 people, he immediately began to lay out the organization, waiting for this person to come.


   But after waiting for thousands of years, there was still no one, so in the end, a treasure map was divided into ten parts, contacted with the seal of life of a stone behemoth, and a treasure map fragment was hidden in it.


   sent the beast out of the cliff of burial, and soon after, someone entered.


  Heavenly Venerable is also a mature person, knowing that if it is too easy today, there will be a lot of people who have selfish intentions, and then go alone without telling them.


   If you want 100,000 blood, it's not easy to talk about, so do your best to set up a level where you landed on the cliff.



   As expected, someone soon entered it, and then he tried to get more people into it.


   First, a few people, knowing that the news of the treasure had spread, and then put tens of thousands of people into it, he finally saw hope.


   in the crowd, also stared at Li Lingtian, saw Li Lingtian's talent and potential.


   Ultimately is to let Li Lingtian enter the treasure land, and the ancient intelligence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is naturally the master, so what he said is done according to what the Heavenly Venerable said.


   including the extraction of Chaos Treasure, the world's Treasure, are all first-hand C works, and finally forced Li Lingtian to get the blood-colored beads.


   The blood-colored beads are the foundation of the Heavenly Dragon Temple, and they can also form their own space, which is the space where the two are now.


   This is all the process. After listening to Li Lingtian, I can't help but admire this celestial venerable. He really has a certain mentality and patience. The average person can never do this.


   This is really a huge gimmick, playing with 100,000 people. If it wasn’t for the last time, he should have won the rebirth and used Li Lingtian’s body to leave the funeral cliff.


  Li Lingtian looked at Sun Tianzun with a sneer and said, "It's really generous, I am ashamed of myself."


   The Heavenly Sovereign said helplessly: "In the end I still fell into your hands."


  Li Lingtian looked at Sun Tianzun and said: "You follow me well, I must be able to resurrect you, but the premise is useful to me."

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