War God Supreme

Chapter 2641: Halfway interception

When Li Lingtian heard it, this was the attention of Venerable Sun, but there was no way. Originally, he wanted to give Chu Yu some compensation. Burning novels ??www?www?. r?a?n?w?e?n`neet


  After all, he entered the Tianlong Temple together and fought together, and the final benefits were all obtained by him.


   There is a world treasure, and the soul of the world's master, is enough.


   Chu Yu said contemptuously: "So, it has nothing to do with luck and character, right?"


  Ancient Intelligence said: "No, it is still a matter of good luck, because there are a total of these kinds of luck, or bad luck."


   Chu Yu was speechless and speechless.


  Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu eating deflated, this ancient intelligence is still possible.


At this moment, Ancient Intelligence continued to say: "There are a lot of Chaos Treasures in the Heavenly Dragon Temple, and together there can be 30 pieces. Remove the ones that have been taken away. I can feel that eight Chaos Treasures are still in the Heavenly Dragon Temple. ."


   There are 80 pieces of Chaos Treasure, and 8 pieces is also a good thing. Several people immediately set off and returned to the Tianlong Temple.


  Li Lingtian already controls the Tianlong Temple, so it is not clear where this chaotic treasure is.


   quickly found all the eight Chaos Treasures and put them together. The eight Chaos Treasures had defense equipment, healing equipment, and attack equipment.


  Li Lingtian said to Chu Yuchu Weiyang, Wan Tianyu, and Liu Banxian: "Four of you, one person and two pieces. I have already accounted for the world's greatest treasure, and I will not mix it up."


  Liu Banxian sighed: "This Heavenly Dragon Temple is full of crisis. Without you, we might be dead. This is not cheap, but your strength, you should have it."


  Wan Tianyu nodded in agreement and said, "You are the second person I admire, but I believe that one day, I will definitely surpass you."


  In Li Lingtian's eyes, there are only two kinds of people, one is the enemy and the other is not the enemy.


   Since they are not enemies, even if they are not friends, then they will not be mistreated.


   I have eaten the biggest piece of meat, so I have to let them drink soup.


   Otherwise, this chaotic treasure is hidden in the Tianlong Temple, and no one can find it. Li Lingtian doesn’t know who he left, but he found it out and gave it to him.


  Li Lingtian said: "Everyone, we are fortunate to be alive and have fought many battles together. It can be said that we are suffering together with hardships and hardships. Don't be polite. One person and two pieces of chaos are the treasure."


   Chu Yu still knows Li Lingtian better, knowing that Li Lingtian is sincere.


   said to several people: "If you don't choose, then I'm welcome, I will choose one first."


  Chu Yu said that he set his sights on Chaos Arcana, and then chose a Chaos Arcana.


  His wishful golden rod is surrounded by the highest level of chaos. It is already surrounded by the highest level. These eight chaotic treasures are of medium quality, so it is more casual to look at.


   randomly selected a chaotic treasure, and said: "I will take it first."


   The few remaining people saw Chu Yu and had chosen the treasure, so they were not polite. One person chose two, and soon eight chaotic treasures were all divided.


  Li Lingtian's five people, after so long in the Tianlong Temple, finally left the Tianlong Temple.


  Leave the Tianlong Temple, Li Lingtian God moved, and moved the Tianlong Temple, the Tianlong Temple rose to the ground, flying straight into the sky, quickly becoming smaller, and was taken away by Li Lingtian.


   The power of the world's greatest treasure is terror, but they also receive a lot of goods.


  Each person got at least three pieces of Chaos Treasure, and there are five pieces of Chaos Treasure from others.


   Chaos Treasure itself is in the place of Celestial Star, which is a strong identity and a symbol of strength.


  If you have the strength, you can get Chaos Treasure, you can also protect it from being robbed, and there is a powerful force.


   can get the support of the family, there is chaos treasure, others can only be jealous, but there is no way.


   So this time, all the treasures they said were more profitable.


   was about to leave the funeral cliff. Under this suspension, hundreds of people gathered, and Li Lingtian and others appeared.


A person headed by    immediately stepped forward and asked, "What happened just now, did you get the treasure?"


  Li Lingtian's brow furrowed. He didn't expect that there were still people under the cliff, waiting again.


  Li Lingtian was too lazy to take care of them, and directly said: "I didn't get it. I just went in and saw the number of people, so I left. You can go inside and see."


The person headed by    is named Wu Ming. A small force, timid and afraid of things, is also a very greedy person.


   Others are the treasures of the world and have greed, so they went to the Tianlong Temple.


   and Wu Ming were afraid, because their guts were small enough to be afraid of dying inside, so they waited a long distance outside.


   The people who had left before were all intercepted by them, so they got a lot of things, so I waited here.


  Wu Ming looked at Li Lingtian with a sneer and said, "If I dare to go in, I would have gone in already. Do you still use it?"


  Li Lingtian thought that this guy was really real, so in my words, I exposed my cowardly and fearful nature.


  Li Lingtian looked at Wu Ming and said, "Why don't you dare to go in, you feel like we are bullying?"


  Wu Ming sneered: "I just heard a huge shock and felt a terrifying breath. It is estimated that it is a treasure, and you have just come out. I think you have obtained the treasure of the Lord of the World."


   Chu Yu smiled helplessly: "Even if we get the treasure, we can survive tens of thousands of people, do you feel that we are bullying?"


  Wu Ming has three hundred people, and fifty of them are stellar ninth-order strongmen.


   And Li Lingtian and others are three stars of the ninth-order powerhouse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is also a sixth-order star and a seventh-order star.


   So they are full of self-confidence, even if they are strong, can't they fight one out of twenty?


  Wu Ming looked at Chu Yu and said, "How can you scare three hundred of us by virtue of the five of you. This is too whimsical."


  Li Lingtian frowned and said, "Since you don't want to live, then don't blame us."


   Chu Weiyang gently patted the runner, and soon hundreds of powerful breaths erupted from not far away.


Hundreds of people from the Chu family appeared at the same time, this was to let them follow.


   was afraid of this kind of thing, and then he was able to keep his hands behind. I didn’t expect it to happen just in case, and it happened so soon.


  Wu Ming saw these people and immediately panicked. Most of the people inside were stellar order nine, and the weakest was stellar order eight. (To be continued...)

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