War God Supreme

Chapter 2649: Monitor

Li Lingtian's murderous intention broke out, and the sixty-three swords extinguished the heavenly sword, and sixty-three shocking heavenly swords broke out, and immediately bombarded.


  With the support of the law of origin, the power of the seven-nine extinction sword array has become more powerful.


  Ye Lingran held a long sword, and burst out a sword. Under normal circumstances, he felt that his power was not weak.


   But in the seven-nine extinction sword array, the gap is a little bigger. There is the frightening sword sword of the extinct **** sword.


  The strength erupted by Ye Lingran is like a child's play.


   Li Lingtian's eyes showed a bit of tyranny, and said to Ye Lingran: "What about your brazen words just now? Who do you want to kill?"


   The horrible sword enveloped him, and the power of terror filled his heart all the time.


   Chu Yu said to Li Lingtian: "Ling Tian, ​​you left Ye Lingran a life, he can't die yet."


  Li Lingtian naturally knows, saying, "Okay!"


  The seven-nine-annihilated sword array immediately began to work, and the dreaded swordmans swept through the air, dimly and darkly.






   The sound of horror erupted from the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Formation.


   A scream broke out from it, out of Ye Lingran, the other three had been strangled into powder by the horror sword in the sword formation.


   turned into a haze of blood and disappeared into the space.


   Although Ye Lingran was under the care of Chu Yu, he was not dead, but he was also seriously injured. There were dozens of large and small sword wounds on his body, as if he had been slashed by thousands of swords.


  Li Lingtian saw that the general trend was gone, and his consciousness moved, taking back the Seven and Nine Destroying Sword Formation.


   directly hit Ye Lingran in the past, and punched out with a punch, and the law of the source flashed dazzling light on the fist.




   punched Ye Lingran's chest with a punch, and immediately flew, Li Lingtian did not give up, and caught up.


  'S fists fell like raindrops on Ye Lingran's chest, instantly destroying Ye Lingran's meridians, and a strong star of the ninth order became a normal person.


  Li Lingtian turned his hand to grab, grabbed Ye Lingran's body, and suddenly threw it in front of Chu Yu.


   The big puppet was almost solved. This time, the big puppet dealt with hundreds of people, and there was also some pressure, so the ancients had controlled and opened the invincible golden body.


  Turn on the big puppet behind the invincible gold, and no one can hurt him is the crush of the way.


  All the Ye family died under the bombardment of Tian Lei. Only Ye Lingran was left among all the people present.


   At this time, ancient times suddenly said: "There is someone near the owner, turn on the intelligent recording function."


  Li Lingtian's complexion, intelligent record, he didn't even find someone nearby.


  Li Lingtian immediately asked the ancients: "Location!"


A screen appeared immediately above the sky, with a black dot appearing on it. Li Lingtian leapt forward, rode on the puppet, and immediately issued an order: "Push!"


  The big puppet immediately rushed past, and it was true that when Li Lingtian was acting, thousands of miles away, he felt the existence of the source of power.


   disappeared in an instant, but was still captured by Li Lingtian, and the big puppet immediately rushed over.


  Li Lingtian is ready to kill at any time. The position just locked has arrived. I can feel that there is indeed a residual breath here, but I can't find anyone.


  Ancient said: "This person is estimated to have enough hiding power to escape my monitoring range, but he was discovered by me when he turned on intelligent recording."


   Li Lingtian's complexion moved, this hiding ability is indeed terrifying, and the distance of thousands of miles is not too far, but it can be concealed yet to be discovered.


   "In this person, is it hidden now, or has he left?" Li Lingtian asked the question he is most concerned about now.


   "It is estimated that he has escaped. At that moment, I have captured a trace of his breath. If it is still in this place, even if it is hidden and strong, it will not escape my monitoring range."


   This person is indeed strong, and his strength is unknown, but his hidden ability, absolutely advanced, may have surpassed the emptiness of the blood-slaught door, behind the shadow.


   Chu Yu chased over and looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What just happened?"


  Li Lingtian glanced at the surrounding Sifangtiandi and said: "When someone was nearby and turned on the intelligent recording, it was discovered by the ancients, but no one was found."


  Li Lingtian's strength is known to him. He also witnessed the speed of the big puppet, but a person nearby didn't catch it.


   "In this world of thousands, there are people outside and people outside." Li Lingtian said with emotion.


  Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Nothing. If he really has strong strength, he will not run away.


  Li Lingtian said this, only to tell Chu Yu that he has written down this matter today.


   Surveillance of them is absolutely problematic. Turning on intelligent recording is absolutely awkwardness and anti-human defense.


   Chu Yu and Li Lingtian returned to the same place, Ye Lingran had fainted.


  Li Lingtian enters the law of origin into Ye Lingran's body and wakes Ye Lingran.


   After Ye Lingran was awake, she immediately felt the pain was undesirable, there was physical pain, and more was the pain in the body and mind.


   feels that his strength has completely disappeared, that is, an ordinary person, an ordinary person in the spirit star, just like a waste person.


   Ye Lingran looked at Li Lingtian, and there was a look of resentment in his eyes. If Ye Lingran's eyes were a sharp blade, now Li Lingtian's body might be scarred.


   He knows that the culprit of everything is absolutely Li Lingtian. If Li Lingtian is present, he is definitely the winning party~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, now he is left.


   was completely overturned by one person, really helpless.


   So now I hate Li Lingtian more than the Chu family.


   Ye Lingran looked at Chu Yu and said, "For the sake of meeting each other, kill me!"


  Chu Yu did not return to Ye Lingran, and asked, "Tell me, where are our Chu family?"


  Ye Lingran said naturally, "They are already dead, you Chu family, I will not let it go."


  Chu Yu felt distressed, watching Ye Lingran really want to kill him, but he still endured the killing intention and asked, "I'm dead, I also need to know where their bodies are!"


   Ye Lingran looked at Chu Yu in this state. The uncomfortable pain in her heart seemed to be relieved.


   was naturally reluctant to let Chu Yu see the corpses of his family, and said to him: "In the place 100,000 miles southeast, you can see the spectacular scene of corpses like mountains."

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