War God Supreme

Chapter 2651: Leng Jia Leng Shaofeng



   Chu Weiyang was furious, and his heart was still anxious.


   Chu Weiyang couldn't wait any longer. Chu Yu didn't know whether he was alive, he was already in a panic.


   holding a long sword, rushed past as soon as a horse, the power of the original broke out.


   Leng Shaofeng sneered, "Why are you struggling?"


   said that he also rushed to the past. Also the strong star of the ninth order, Chu Weiyang's advantage lies in his chaotic treasure.


  Neither Ye Haoran nor Leng Shaofeng can see some gaps, but the more helpless is that they have more people, and there is no way.


   Otherwise, Chu Weiyang would not suffer such a serious injury. There is a saying that the better, the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility.


  Because of his strong ability, he must withstand great pressure, and one person monopolizes the five stars of the ninth-rank strong.


   Although Leng Shaofeng and Ye Haoran are stellar ninth-rank strongmen, under the cultivation of a large family, their strength must surpass the normal stellar ninth-rank strongmen.


   So although it is a five-star 9th-order powerhouse, it is actually quite similar to the seven-eight star 9th-order powerhouse. The gap in this issue is still very large.


  Chu Weiyang's power alone cannot, after all, be alone.


  The Ye family and the Leng family are added together, and the number is much more than the remaining people of the Chu family.


   Therefore, under the influence of Chu Weiyang, the people of the Chu family can be felt little by little.


   Chu Weiyang has been completely mad, and Chu Yu has died, and the people he has brought are scarce.


   He also didn't want to have any way of life. Three Chaos Arcana all-inclusive burst out. Ye Haoran and Leng Shaofeng looked very jealous.


   They are both stars of the ninth-order powerhouse, but they still use the fifth-order primal soldiers.


   And Chu Weiyang, there are three pieces of Chaos Treasure, and these three pieces of Chaos Treasure have great help to Chu Weiyang.


   Ye Haoran's eyes showed a fierce light, as well as the greedy color mixed in it.


   said to Chu Weiyang: "The Chu family is really rich and wealthy, you guys have three chaotic treasures, but this is ours."


   Chu Weiyang's blood rolled over, his face was pale without any blood, but his fighting intentions did indeed go forward.


  If a person is not afraid of death, he can definitely inspire all the potential, especially with the support of a certain hatred value.


   Chu Weiyang took a mad saint from the space ring. This mad saint was mainly refined by Nedan, which had a monster mad at the magic wolf.


  Crazy magic wolf talent skills, is crazy, after crazy, the same level is invincible, and the combat power surges.


   And people taking this mad saint have great side effects, that is, after the effect disappears, they will collapse for a short time.


   It depends on the individual's physique, because the genes of the magic wolf are different from those of humans.


   Their system can withstand the side effects of madness, but they are not human.


   gains and losses must be lost, normal Chu Weiyang will not take this mad saint, even in the Tianlong Temple.


  Because there is no real forced him to the point of life-and-death crisis, but at this time it has really reached this level, it is not possible not to take it.


   Chu Weiyang threw the mad Shengdan into his mouth.


   "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Chu Weiyang's bone-bone sound came out.


  The wolf hair grows out of him, and Chu Weiyang is really like a wolf.


  'S previous injuries were completely covered by wolf hair, and soon no wounds could be found.


   The frame of the body becomes larger, and the whole person grows by half. The power of the source is accompanied by the power of madness, which increases madly.


  Chu Weiyang became stronger and more able to control Chaos Treasure, holding a way of thinking about killing one and returning two, killing two and earning one.


   immediately rushed in the opposite direction, it was a sneer group of people with lower strength.


   holding a long sword, the power burst out, the original power burst out, the sword awn appeared, bombarded away.


   The screams immediately erupted from it, and Chu Weiyang, who had become stronger, could kill people below the ninth order of the star.


   waved his swords madly, the swords flew across and attacked the crowd.


  In a moment, more than a dozen people couldn't reach the ground, the speed was terrifying, and the power was even more powerful.


   Leng Shaofeng and Ye Haoran immediately felt the situation was not good and immediately rushed to Chu Weiyang.


   But Chu Weiyang is not slow, just like entering the unmanned land, Jianmang flying, devouring their lives.


  After killing more than 30 people, Ye Haoran and Leng Shaofeng trapped Chu Weiyang.


   Chu Weiyang's whole person is crazy, and his eyes are full of anger.


   Now he is fearless, and his body is full of killing intentions. He has entered into a frenzy. He only knows that he has blood flowing out of his body, but he has not felt any pain.


   Leng Shaofeng and Ye Haoran have dispelled everything under the ninth order of the star, because Chu Weiyang is in this state, and the people with low strength are about to die.


   Therefore, only people with a stellar ninth order will have some value.


  Several stellar ninth-rank strongmen immediately began to attack Chu Weiyang, the power of the source turned wildly, and the sword and sword.


  Chu Weiyang attacked wildly, moving forward bravely, ignoring the attack that was bombarded on his body.


  One man, one sword, go crazy, like an angry lone wolf.


  Kill a star with a strong ninth order, and his injuries are becoming more and more prominent, and you can see the bones.


   Bloody, after a long time, the effect of madness will also decrease.


  Li Lingtian and Chu Yu were still wandering in the air, and the big puppet flew quickly within a million miles.


   wanted to find Chu Weiyang's breath, but his luck was obviously bad. It has been so much time and has no effect.


   Chu Yu is anxious~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian is the same.


  Li Lingtian asked to the ancients: "Can it accelerate the flight?"


  Ancient calculation of the bearing capacity of a big puppet said: "I have put the speed of the big puppet to the extreme. If I go on fast, I will be overloaded and there will be a certain loss to the big puppet itself."


  Li Lingtian could feel Chu Yu's anxiety, and made a decision in his heart, saying to the ancients: "Let the speed be the fastest, do not the oven exceed the review!"


  Ancient is about to accelerate, suddenly felt the breath of Chu Weiyang, a screen appeared, and among the many red dots, one was marked as Chu Weiyang.


   "Master, I have sensed where Chu Weiyang is!"


   Can feel that it means that Chu Weiyang is still alive, and immediately issued an order: "Go immediately!"


  The big puppet immediately drove forward quickly, but the distance of one million miles, even if the speed of the big puppet, no matter how fast, it will take some time, and whether Chu Weiyang can persist for such a period of time, everything is unknown.

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