War God Supreme

Chapter 2677: Unparalleled sword

All the highlights are on the last day, all kinds of natural treasures, endlessly emerging, and all kinds of strange things.


   This is the odd auction, how can you see such a world in other places.


   However, Li Lingtian was not very interested, that is, chaos is the treasure, and it was not particularly special and could not mention any interest.


   However, Li Lingtian also had some gains, because there were two kinds of materials used to build the energy pool in this auction.


   One is Xuan Tianyu, the other is energy conservation light source, all of which are materials for building energy pools.


   Big puppets are inherently non-spiritual. The ancient puppet forging masters who were able to create high-level puppets are indeed skillful.


  Let a puppet have growth performance, which is really scary, the energy pool in ancient times.


The value of    is very high, even the value of the advanced energy pool can be comparable to a world treasure.


  Because the process of this energy pool is very complicated, and there is an ancient large array in the energy pool, this also has some value-added effects.


  Xuan Tianyu and energy conservation light source have no too substantial effect, and the auction is not particularly fierce.


   But still spent 50 billion star crystals, Li Lingtian visually observed that the star crystals needed to consume this energy pool are absolutely indispensable.


   But according to all the ancients, if the energy pool is completed, it can create a giant puppet of the world's master level.


   It’s just that it takes a certain amount of time, but everything is worth it.


  The auction is still going on, and four-fifths of the time have passed, and the time left in the auction is not much.


   The flame lord stood on the crystal table and took out the eye-catching treasures.


  Li Lingtian entered the virtual network at this time, using the independent network of Qibao auction.


  After entering the gold VIP number, enter immediately, what is in sight is the auction items of today's auction.


   Normal star customers do not have this treatment. VIP cards are divided into silver VIPs, gold VIPs, and diamond VIPs.


  Only successful and silver VIP customers can advance and part of the auction items.


   And gold VIP can see all the auction items, including this final finale.


  Li Lingtian immediately checked it, and soon saw the last finale drama, an illusory influence appeared, this is a god-like existence.


   has a burly figure, with a terrifying momentum, and the four big characters puppets are marked below.


   Li Lingtian looked as if he was a big puppet. At the bottom, there was an official introduction to the Qibao auction.


   includes some explanations for the puppet caster, including some methods of use.


   turned out to be a big puppet. He just got a big puppet, but he didn't expect to find a big puppet at the auction.


It is no wonder that it will become the finale of the Qibao auction, an ancient puppet, and it will be no problem to be the finale in this era.


  Ancient said to Ling Tian: "This is just a low-level big puppet, which is too far away from what you get."


  Li Lingtian immediately asked with his thoughts: "What is the level of this low puppet, it looks like it is still quite advanced."


   "Inferior big puppet like this, this big puppet should have the strength of the second order of the domain master."


  Li Lingtian was shocked and shocked: "A low puppet has the second-order strength of the domain master?"


   Soon it was explained in ancient times, Li Lingtian knew that there were ordinary puppet casters in ancient times, and Dayan puppet casters were more advanced.


   So the lowest is this big puppet, with the first-level domain master to third-level domain master strength, no growth, the strength is fixed.


   Medium puppet, the strength under the third order of the domain master to the master of the world.


   Low and medium big puppets, the strength is fixed at the domain main level, while high puppet puppets have a certain degree of growth.


  Perhaps a high-level puppet, at first, may only have the strength of a star, but it has a terrifying growth ability.


   is likely to become a big puppet with the strength of the world's master, and its value is immeasurable.


  All of them are waiting for the big puppet, a big puppet with the strength of the domain master.


  Including the four major families of the Holy City, there is no domain master level strong, so there is a family of VIP gold cards, knowing the existence of big puppets.


   immediately crazy, what is the concept of the domain master puppet, even if it can not be comparable to the super power of the Yaoshi Holy City.


  But it can become the most powerful existence among the four major families. All of them are spared no effort to prepare the star crystal and prepare for the final auction of this big puppet.


  The auction is still going on. This time, I can say that I am relatively grand.


   Of course, Li Lingtian did not know that this time, the auction also made enough publicity.


   Therefore, there are a lot of chaotic treasures in this auction.


  One by one chaotic treasures were auctioned, Li Lingtian did not count them carefully, and knew that there were more than ten chaotic treasures.


   This chaotic treasure is basically obtained by some middle-powered people. The superior powers all save star crystals, ready to take pictures of the big puppets, and then go to the sky in one step.


   But among these one million people, there are only hundreds of families who have thoughts about this puppet, there are hundreds, but in the end only one family can get it.


   The momentum of this auction is enough, and this big puppet's gimmick is enough, then this big puppet is not difficult to imagine, it will shoot a sky-high price.


  The Flame Lord was on the crystal stage, and took it out of the space ring. With a long sword, his hands moved into two.


   is like an individual, but when combined, it looks flawless without any flaws.


  The master of the flame domain held the sword with two hands and explained to everyone: "This sword is called Wushuangjian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two long swords, the two swords combine to be endless, and each one is the best chaos treasure!"


  Li Lingtian could feel the peculiarity of this unparalleled sword. On the two long swords, there was a rune with a flash of light.


In the case of   , the most important individual is the two chaos treasures, and the combined power of the two swords doubles.


  Li Lingtian knows that this is the best of the best, and although the value can not be compared with the world's treasure.


   But the more common Chaos Arcana is too powerful.


   After the Lord of the Flame Zone said, the whole audience was in an uproar, but this is a rare treasure. Normal treasures of this level can already be placed on the finale and finally auctioned.


   But there are already big puppets, so today is the wrong sword.


   Li Lingtian also fancy this unparalleled sword, mainly if let Nangong Mingyue, Han Frost Palace master use, it is a good choice.

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