War God Supreme

Chapter 2682: Sky-high stars

Cosmic Bank is very large, and there are countless branches. In the place of Tianlingxing, there is also a competitive relationship between each branch, so this time WwΔW. "Kge"ge. La


  Two trillion star crystals, for them, can let him have the light on the face of the flame domain master.


   allows Yaoshi Holy City branch to get the attention of the head office, which has great benefits for him.


The Blaze Master is also a little excited, and beside him is the big puppet, saying, "The value of the big puppet, everyone knows that the second-order help of the master is great for the family. Don't let a family rise. Passing by you."


   Every word of the Lord of Flames hit the blue sky before.


   The entire auction house, everyone has to wait, and now see if this puppet finally belongs to see if Zifeng can continue to bid.


   There was a lot of discussion in the central meeting place, even if it was blue sky, the sweat on the forehead kept falling.


   Zifeng looks like Gujing Wubo, but in fact he is also very nervous, but he can't show it, because he doesn't know the bottom line of the blue sky.


  Everyone held his breath and stared at the sky, and his heart jumped towards the sky.


   "Two hundred and ten billion stars!"


   Ultimately the blue sky was like waiting for the trial, Zifeng finally continued to bid.


   The blue sky has never felt that this tens of billions of stars is so important.


   One penny beats the hero Han. This tens of billions makes the blue sky miserable.


  Looking at the balance of the virtual screen universe bank, he immediately contacted his friend, but he was not in the virtual network and could not transfer money to him.


  Zifeng looked at the blue sky before his face turned red, and he even saw some despair in his eyes.


  Zifeng knew that this may be that the funds were insufficient, otherwise it would not be the case.


   looked at the blue sky before showing a cruel smile, as long as they let the Zi family get a big puppet, they must agree to the four families and ask for super powers.


   The whole space is very quiet, there are millions of people, but there is no time.


  The big puppet finally broke through two trillion, and the flame field master didn't respond for a long time to see the blue sky.


   "Two hundred and ten billion stars, the first time!"


  Li Lingtian came to nothing, this big puppet, he could not afford it, nor did he have any interest.


   Looking at the platform of Yulong Shengmeng in the virtual network, a reward task was suddenly refreshed in the task bar of the main interface.


  Li Lingtian opened it, and the owner of this reward was the blue sky.


   Reward task: Borrowing 200 billion stars!


   Mission reward: return 220 billion stars, plus 10,000 points from the sage league.


  The name of Lantiancai was naturally heard at the auction, and one of the competitors is Lantiancai.


  Li Lingtian knows that the stars of the blue sky are absolutely not enough.


   Li Lingtian has no interest in the extra interest of 20 billion stars, and he does not want to intervene in the affairs of the four big families.


   But this holy alliance point, he really needs it, he is now an external member of holy alliance.


   must increase the level, and now he is 0 points, f-level members.


  Li Lingtian briefly looked at the level of the Holy Alliance points.


  F level, zero to one thousand points!


  E level, one thousand to ten thousand points!


  D level, 10,000 to 100,000 points!


  C level, 100,000 to one million points!


   Each level of points is ten times, for a zero points of poor light eggs, the reward of this 10,000 points, for him, has a great temptation.


  When Li Lingtian was thinking, the voice of the Lord of Flames came out.


   "Two hundred and ten billion stars, the second time!"


  Li Lingtian knows that among the holy alliances, they are all registered with real names, and the reward mission is guaranteed by holy alliances.


   If the person who issued the reward mission is not fulfilled, then it will be hunted down by the Holy Alliance.


   So Li Lingtian has nothing to worry about, immediately click on Lantiancai's account and transfer out 200 billion stars.


   When the blue sky is desperate, suddenly a message pops up intelligently.


   "Account changes in funds."


   "Increase in balance: 200,000,000,000 stars."


   Blue sky looked excited, and quickly checked the total balance.


   "Two hundred and ten billion stars, the third..."


  The words of the Lord of the Flame Domain were not finished before the blue sky interrupted immediately.


   "Two 20 billion stars!"


   When the blue sky's bidding sound appeared, the auction hall immediately tremendously shook.


   This price has room to rise, which is incredible.


  The wind that Fengfeng originally showed was light, and it disappeared immediately.


   Just looking at the blue sky, the despair in his eyes is definitely not fake.


   But suddenly how to continue bidding, this is not only a million things, but she feels that she can't touch the blue sky anymore.


   The blue sky took a deep breath. It was still too late. He knew that it must be the Holy Alliance who had completed the reward mission.


   Immediately on the Shengmeng virtual platform, the background shows that the task has been completed. Click in and take a look. The person who accepted the task is Li Lingtian.


   How could this name be so familiar, and suddenly my heart was shocked, recalling the name of the person who was the main text of the Flame Domain, wasn't it Li Lingtian?


   immediately looked in the direction of Li Lingtian, watching Li Lingtian doing nothing to sweep the intelligence of his hands.


  He recalled the treasures that Li Lingtian had bid on before, and the total amount had exceeded the balance of the Universe Bank, which transferred him another 200 billion stars.


   Li Lingtian didn't even think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately entered the Shengmeng platform and gave 10,000 Shengmeng points to Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian accepted that the level instantly rose to the d-level members, but there is still a gap of 90,000 Holy Alliance points from the c-level.


   The auction is still going on. Although Zifeng has some differences, it still needs to be auctioned.


   is ruthless in her heart, and all her funds are $2.1 trillion.


   This time it was really unsuccessful, so Cheng Ren looked at the big puppet on the crystal table.


   "Two hundred one hundred billion stars!"


   has more than 200 billion stars, and the blue sky has enough confidence.


   However, he felt that Zifeng had reached a certain limit, so the increase was too large, and there was no need for it.


   "Two hundred and eleven billion stars!"


   When the bid price broke out in the blue sky, Zifeng looked pale, just a blue sky before the difference of one million.


  As the so-called Feng Shui turns, Zifeng also encountered such a thing.


   But already helpless, he stared dumbly at the big puppet ahead, his face trembling, but he was speechless.


   The blue sky determined that Zifeng had already failed, and after a while, the Lord of Flames repeated three times, and Zifeng was not speaking.


  The big puppet finally experienced this fierce battle and remitted to the hands of the blue sky, the astronomical bid price of 21 billion stars.

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