War God Supreme

Chapter 2710: Blue sky shock

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  Three days later, in the spaceship, Li Lingtian had put up Ziyang, and Li Lingtian was on the virtual network in the spaceship.


   looked at the mission of the Holy Alliance platform, just entered, and saw a reward mission.


   Reward mission: kill Li Lingtian


   Reward reward: 300 billion stars, 1 million Shengmeng points.


   Mission details: Li Lingtian snatched my Fengjia treasures, cut the moon sword with nine stars, killed the Fengjia young master, and several Fengjia people. As long as someone can mention the head of Li Lingtian, in addition to rewards, the Feng family arbitrarily agrees to one thing.


  Li Lingtian's mouth showed a sneering smile, which was not a reward mission issued by Fengjia.


   He had already thought of this, which is quite normal, and the laughter was the madness of the comment below.


   "Li Lingtian, wait for me, your life is mine!"


   "Don't grab anyone with me, I want these three hundred billion, and there are one million League points."


   "Does the Feng family know that I want to be upgraded to level C? The intention is to send me Holy League points, but it is only a star of the eighth order."


   This kind of comment on the Shengmeng platform is everywhere, as if the head of Li Lingtian is already theirs.


   One million holy alliance points and three hundred billion star crystals are attractive to anyone.


   But I didn't think why the Feng family gave out the reward task, because this task is more difficult, and the Feng family can't do it.


  Fengjia is one of the four major families in Yaoshi Holy City. If the Fengjia of one of the four major families can't do it, are these three hundred billion stars and millions of Shengmeng points so good?


   They didn’t think about it so much, they only felt that the reward was amazing, but they didn’t think about it, how much risk there was.


   It was then that Blue Sky actually launched a video for him.


  Li Lingtian was just fine, so he connected.


   "Where are you now?" The blue sky asked Li Lingtian when he saw the face.


   "I am in a spaceship."


   "I just got the news, Zijia and Fengjia have sent someone to do it for you."


   "Yeah, I have seen them." Li Lingtian said casually.


   The blue sky just moved his face: "Then are you still alive?"


   If Li Lingtian knew the blue sky, it was not malicious, so he asked, "Are you a disappointment if I live with Lan Shao?"


  The blue sky only reacted here, and I said something wrong.


   hurriedly said: "I mean, Fengjia sent Fengshenwei, Zijia sent Zijia's most powerful young generation."


  Li Lingtian pointed, and the virtual screen immediately turned to Ziyang.


   "I go, what the **** is this?"


   Ziyang saw a flame all over her body, she could no longer see the human form, her mouth was still plugged up, she wanted to be embarrassed.


   Blue sky only, hesitated for a minute, and finally asked tentatively: "This will not be Ziyang!"


   "I know he is the Zi family, the top strong."


   "That's right, the younger generation of the Zi family, only Ziyang has become the pinnacle of power, how do you treat him like this." Lan Tian felt a bit weird and asked.


  Li Lingtian looked at the blue sky and said, "He came to kill me. Do I have any problems with him?"


   Lantian hurriedly shook his head and said, "No problem, no problem, what about the rest of the Purple Family?"




   "What about the Fengshenwei? Are they dead?"


   "Well, you guessed it, and died." Li Lingtian said casually.


   It's just that Li Lingtian said casually that the blue sky can't listen casually.


   "How did you do it? Could someone else help?"


  Li Lingtian is already standing at the pinnacle of Yaoshi Holy City, because of this killing machine, he can't keep it down.


   said to Blue Sky: "Yes, but I think we should talk more about killing machines."


   Only when the blue sky heard the words killing machine, he looked shocked, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "You also know, what happened to the killing machine?"


  Li Lingtian pointed to Ziyang and said: "I first heard the madman say, now I am pressing Ziyang, but nothing happens."


Blue Sky was on the other side of the screen and smiled bitterly: "This Zijia's killing machine was discovered by one of our Lanjia's hidden in Zijia's family, but the news was killed by the Zijia's people before the news was fully transmitted. Now."


   "How did the Feng family know?"


   "Every family has such a person, and the Feng family should also have an inside line in the Zi family. The one we must block at the Qibao auction is the Zi family."


   "The killing machine is indeed terrifying and deserves to be treated like this." Li Lingtian remembered the horror of Killing One and couldn't help but sigh.


  Blue sky only listened to Li Lingtian's words, and felt a bit wrong, and asked in surprise: "Did you encounter the killing machine?"


   has a hatred against the Purple Family, and the Blue Family and the Purple Family do not deal with it.


   So that's it, Li Lingtian has nothing to hide from the blue sky.


   said straightforwardly: "Yes, I have just met the killing machine, it is very strong, and I am also in danger."


   After hesitating for a while, Blue Sky asked: "What level of strength is this killing machine?"


   "The first order of the domain master, but this killing machine, as it is called the killing number one, the purple family should have the killing number two and number three."


  The first order of the domain master~www.wuxiaspot.com~The blue sky took a breath. They didn't have a domain master strong in the blue family. This purple family could even create a weapon with domain master strength.


  Lingtian looked at the blue sky and continued: "The normal strength is the first order of the domain master. If it explodes, it has the strength of the third order of the domain master."


  The blue sky looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "This killing one, since it is so powerful, is really curious how to survive?"


  Li Lingtian didn't want to say too much, and then he had only done recording before, and then edited it into a video.


   Removed the most treasured part of the world, only some of the outstanding puppet attacks, mainly to let the blue sky, look at the power of this killing one.


   The blue sky only accepted the video, opened immediately, and was seeing the killing one, opened the dragon crystal cannon to fly the big puppet.


  Some simple scenes, but I can already see the power of this killing one.


   really has the first-level strength of the domain master. It is no exaggeration that Li Lingtian can still survive intact, which is definitely not a matter of luck.


   but has absolute strength. When I first met Li Lingtian, it was still the sixth order of the star, and now it has the eighth order of the star.


   This is full of curiosity for Li Lingtian, watching the video carefully.


   Finally asked Li Lingtian: "I don't know if this can be shown to the rest of our Lan family?"


  Since Li Lingtian has already taken it out, he is not afraid to read: "Yes!"

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