War God Supreme

Chapter 2719: Nanosphere

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   The blue sky was shocked and said: "This is the nanospace!"


  The man in black looked at the blue sky and said, "Boy, with a little eyesight, I didn't expect you to even know the existence of nanospace."


  Li Lingtian looked at the blue sky and asked, "What is the nanospace?"


   "It is also a kind of space ring, but the nanospace is thousands of times more precious than the space ring, and he can store living things."


  The blue sky explained Li Lingtian briefly.


  Li Lingtian naturally understands the value of this empty space, and the light of the empty space in the hands of people in black flashes.


   When the light receded, there were more than a hundred people in front of this man in black.


   These 100 people are magnificent and very powerful. Everyone has the power of terror.


  Li Lingtian naturally analyzed this crowd very thoroughly. Among the 100 people, standing at the forefront are the top 20 strong people.


  The rest of the eighty people are all the stars of the ninth order, and everyone wears a mask.


  Li Lingtian finally knows why he can act so quickly. This lineup of 100 people is too strong.


   Of the 3,000 guards, most of them are line stars, and only one-twentieth of them are constant stars,


   So during this period there was a big gap, so that's it. One hundred people killed three thousand people within three minutes.


   In this way, the speed is still in the past, and it is more reasonable that the 100-person boss is a domain master.


   The man in black looked at Li Lingtian's mouth with a sneer, and his murderous intention erupted from his body.


   "I heard that your strength is amazing. Stellar eighth order, you have the domain master strength. I can see if you look at your authenticity today."


  The man in black is very curious about Li Lingtian's strength, so that's it. Li Lingtian has been stared at.


  The rapid operation of Li Lingtian's brain, the strength of the two sides can be said to be very different.


  He can deal with one person in black, or he is holding back a few, but after all, it is limited, so the remaining people are still more difficult to deal with.


   So the defeat has been decided, unless there is any bigger improvement.


  The man in black knows that this time is the most important, so he waved his hand and shouted, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"


  Hundreds of strong people, together to the blue sky to fight Sirius.


   And the man in black directly stared at Li Lingtian and said to him: "Let's have a fun fight!"


  Li Lingtian watched the man in black rushing past, and was empty-handed without any weapons.


  Hand clenched into a fist like Li Lingtian shocked the past. At this time, the bottom card should be left and the one that can burst out without hesitation.


  The big puppet was directly dumped by Li Lingtian, and immediately rushed into the crowd.


At the moment when the big puppet appeared, the man in black immediately felt that the situation was not good, which turned out to be a stellar monster of order nine.


   And looking at the speed of the beast, I realized that the terrible speed of this beast has exceeded the first order of the domain master. How terrifying it is.


  The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and said, "You really mean something. Since this is the case, then you should die quickly."


   As Li Lingtian approached, the man in black suddenly had a long whip in his hand.


   Li Lingtian is now sensitive to Chaos Treasure, which can be said to be any sensitive, as long as there is Chaos Treasure, Li Lingtian can feel it.


   The long whip in the hands of the man in black flicked, and a blasting sound came from the sky, and he immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.


   Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and the Destroyer suit immediately appeared on Li Lingtian's body, holding the flames of extermination.


   The man in black flicked the long whip, and the Changbai woman descended from the sky and immediately bombarded Li Lingtian's facade.


   The flame of extermination in Li Lingtian's hands bombarded the long whip.




   The first confrontation between the long whip and the flame of extinction, the two directly filled with flames.


   The blaze of flames blocked the long whip, and the black man controlled it better, so that's the way to wrap the long whip around her flame of extinction.


   The man in black suddenly pulled his arm and dragged Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian greeted the wind, Qianyan Holy Wings opened, the consciousness moved, and the wind blade appeared.


   immediately bombarded the man in black.


   This wind blade can be said to be silent, so that's it. If you leave the book, the wind blade immediately bombards the face of the man in black.


  Windblade was almost in front of the man in black, although initially there was no feeling.


   But I feel the power of the wind blade, which belongs to the Chaos Treasure series, which is just such a confident person.


   But when I saw the wind blade, I still had to retreat immediately, and the long whip in my hand was put down. There was no secondary editing in a month.


  The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and said, "It's a little interesting, good boy!"


   The voice just fell and rushed to Li Lingtian once, but this time the pace will become very illusory and continue to bombard Li Lingtian.


   Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, thirty-three refining the tower, descended from the sky, and immediately suppressed the people in black.


   Thirty-three refining pagoda is still very strong. The man in black is holding a long whip and frantically bombards the thirty-three refining pagoda together.


   Li Lingtian's mouth sneered in disdain. This battle was just the beginning.


   The battle was on the verge. The big puppet had already killed many people, and the rest of the attack was to watch Li Lingtian see who could get the victory in advance with the men in black.


   The man in black is holding a long whip and bombarding seeds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the thirty-three refining **** tower, under the control of Li Lingtian, there are only some fluctuations and no big problems.


   The man in black moved, and the long whip in his hand was very strong.


  The man in black was shaking in the air, and a horrifying force circled in it.


  Some are like the same spirit snake. The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and said, "The strength is good, it is indeed worth using all my strength."


  The body of the man in black is phantom-like, and the long whip in his hand is very terrifying, with a broken sound.


   bombarded Li Lingtian's head directly, the same as the initial attack.


   But what I have to say is that the gap is very big.


   Li Lingtian's blow was absolutely not dare to resist, and the thirty-three refining **** tower appeared in front of Li Lingtian.


   The black man's blow directly flew the thirty-three refining pagoda, and this is the difference.


   Thirty-three refining **** towers have already belonged to the ultimate chaotic treasure, but I did not expect it to be such a sad result,


   It seems that the current man in black is a different person. The person in black is not the same as before, and the original law of the body has completely exploded.


  Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and was very careful. He made a cold voice: "The first order of the domain master is not too much. Now you are qualified to see the strength of my part. You are also proud."

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