War God Supreme

Chapter 2721: Increase

The man in black smiled a little crazy: "You are really whimsical, even if I die, you don't want to get any news from my mouth. ranwenw?www?.r?a?n?w?en`n?et"


   At this moment, Li Lingtian heard the sound of a spaceship in the distance.


   soon reached the sky above the border land, Li Lingtian looked up and thought that this would not be an enemy.


   The spaceship stopped, and an individual jumped from the spaceship.


  The captain of the guard saw the jumped man, although his face was pale, but he was happy.


   shouted: "We are here!"


  Li Lingtian heard the captain of the guard and knew that he was his own, so he was relieved.


   From the spacecraft, there were two hundred people successively coming down, with the eighth order of the star, and more of the strongman of the ninth order.


   Finally, the man who jumped off the spaceship was the pinnacle of power.


   This is the man in the main palace, this is the guards of the main palace.


   One is the guard team and the other is the **** team. This pinnacle is the captain of the **** team.


   Captain of the guard, shouted at the guards: "Brothers, kill!"


   immediately slammed into the enemy, and the blue sky and the war Sirius knew that the opportunity was coming.


   was already injured, but now it seems to be radiant and has a more powerful fighting power.


   The face of the man in black was dark, he knew that this time he really lost all.


   was originally because he got the news of Li Lingtian. He was one of the characters who needed to be eliminated.


   But the most unexpected is Li Lingtian's power, and the terrifying puppet.


  The big puppet in his eyes is a real pervert in his eyes, which is more terrifying than Li Lingtian.


   is also the star of the ninth order, but it can be monopolized, the top 20 strong.


   And during this period, he also killed ten pinnacles, more powerful than Li Lingtian.


   So the blue sky before fighting Sirius, as well as the guard captain, were injured, especially the guard captain, but did not die.


   This is also the place where he was most speechless. The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and shocked the past again.


  Now he seems to have seen his ending, so he hit the past more aimlessly.


  Li Lingtian looked at the man in black, sneered, and attacked the man in black.


   Powerful horror, Thirty-three refining **** towers are ready, and the sky-slaught formation is looming.


   This time the man in black rushed directly into the sky-killing formation.


  The strength of the sky-killing team, the man in black inside was finally feeling clear.


  One hundred and eight pillars burst into a terrifying light, and the long whip of the man in black bombarded the pillars every time.


  Li Lingtian will immediately condense and make the black people helpless.


  The man in black thought of many ways, but he couldn't escape the sky-killing battle at all, so he regretted his previous impulse.


   If Li Lingtian can be dealt with directly, this kind of thing will not happen.


  Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and said, "I am giving you a chance. This is your last chance to live, otherwise I can kill you at any time."


   People in black believe that what Li Lingtian said is true, and now Li Lingtian is indeed very active.


  The man in black was in the sky-killing battle, watching Li Lingtian's mouth sneer, and a decision had been made in his heart.


   But did not speak, Li Lingtian knew that the man in black is not going to compromise.


  Li Lingtian is finally ready to attack with all his strength, otherwise the man in black is really facing life and death, and he is really not afraid.


   Seven and nine destroying the sword array, and the sky-killing array, once again perfectly blend together.


   Millions of long swords float in the air, and 108 to the beam of light, very strong.


   Sixty-three shocked swordsmans, already terrifying, all rushed towards the men in black.


   The man in black was holding a long whip, waving wildly, and shot the sword and mangoes away.


  Li Lingtian saw this scene and rushed directly into the celestial killing formation, very fast.


  The man in black also saw the arrival of Li Lingtian. The long whip in his hand did not hesitate and bombarded Li Lingtian directly.


   This long whip is also a treasure of chaos anyway. For power, it is not important.


   But Li Lingtian knows that this medium quality chaotic treasure can also sell two trillion trillion stars.


   This star crystal is still very necessary for him.


   There were already scars on the man in black, there were scars on the impact, and there were injuries from the scattered long sword.


  Li Lingtian could feel the lack of energy in this black man, and the attack in his hand was not as good as before.


   So that's it, Li Lingtian had already figured out the man in black and rushed past.


   This long whip was thrown, the momentum was like a rainbow, Li Lingtian's original law was wrapped in the palm of his hand.


   took it directly in the direction of the long whip, and took it.




   Stable and fierce, Li Lingtian was really quick-sighted and fast, directly caught on the long whip of the man in black.


  Although the explosive force above this long whip, for Li Lingtian, there is still a certain amount of oppression.


   will naturally feel some pain, but Li Lingtian does not care, and has an absolute defense on his arm.


   This kind of attack has no effect on him. The most important thing is that the people in black now can't exert all the power of themselves, so Li Lingtian can catch it so naturally.


   The man in black was about to withdraw the long whip, and Li Lingtian's arm moved, immediately pulling the long whip in his direction.


  Ten Thousand Saints Fire broke out, Li Lingtian rushed towards the other end of the man in black along the long whip.


  Li Lingtian looked at the man in black and his arm shook. With the addition of the Halloween Fire, he had burned onto the palm of the man in black.


  The man in black felt the temperature of the Halloween Fire, and his palms immediately loosened.


  Li Lingtian immediately took the long whip into the dragon ring, and got 200 billion stars crystal.


  The man in black without a long whip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not have any advantages. From the space ring, take a handful of fifth-order origin soldiers.


  Li Lingtian saw it in his eyes, and rushed past immediately. At this time, Tongtian Dafang directly bombarded him and flew away.


   The flame of extermination in Li Lingtian's hands exploded, and a blaze of flames blasted the man in black.


   The man in black is in the air, and there is no possibility of evasion at all, so the blaze of fire is bombarded on the man in black like this.


   The man in black immediately had a half-meter wound, and he could see the bones.


  The man in black was spitting out blood again, his eyes full of anger, and looking at Li Lingtian, the whole person seemed crazy.


   "Go to hell!"


   shocked Li Lingtian while drinking.


The battle around    is now over, and all those with guards will be eliminated. (To be continued...)

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