War God Supreme

Chapter 2723: Panic

The big puppet is also indispensable, and its role in the battle has passed half of everyone. Novel% Ranwen Novel?????a?n??e?n?ne?t

With such terrifying power, everyone wants to know what kind of creature this big puppet is, but no one knows.

That's it, everyone is waiting for Li Lingtian to end the fight.

The big puppet is mainly controlled by intelligence. In ancient times, the puppet had independent thinking, so it was like a real beast to walk around the edge.

Li Lingtian looked at the men in black who rushed over. The current strength can be said to be much worse than before. Under this state, it can be said that it is full of loopholes, and the degree is still very slow.

Li Lingtian flew out, kicking the man in black again.

The man in black climbed hard from the ground, and a terrifying flame appeared on his body. The flame felt that the temperature was very strong.

But this careful feeling seems to be not a normal flame yet.

The man in black looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Do you know what a Soul Blast is?"

Li Lingtian felt that the name was very familiar, and the Soul Burst burst, which seemed to be a self-explosive way.

It's just that it's not ordinary self-exploitation, but then your own heart fires, igniting your own soul, wielding the potential in your body to the extreme, and exploding in self-esteem.

The power is more than five times stronger than normal self-detonation, but this kind of self-detonation will never live forever.

Li Lingtian looked shocked. The first-order self-explosion of a domain master was still the way of self-explosion. This time even Li Lingtian did not have any confidence.

Shout to the people around you: "Hurry up and retreat!"

It was only after Sirius and Blue Sky felt that the situation was wrong, they immediately evacuated the personnel.

The heart of the man in black is still ignited, and the man in black rushes towards Li Lingtian.

While saying, "It doesn't matter if they all leave, I will die as long as you die."

Li Lingtian extinguished the flames of the gods in his hand, bombarded a blaze of flames, all bombarded on the man in black.

The man in black flesh and blood flew, but this time there is no reduction.

The degree is still very fast, the fire in my body is still burning, and I bravely pursued Li Lingtian.

At this time, the degree of horror in black has completely surpassed Li Lingtian.

The direction of Li Lingtian's running is just against the blue sky, so that the blue sky can wait for others to be safe.

This time, he didn't know whether he could die, but if the blue sky was the only thing they did, it would definitely be a death.

No matter how many people in black, he has only one purpose now, that is to let Li Lingtian die, he can give up his body, and also let Li Lingtian die.

The whole person in black is burning, the degree is burning, and soon catches up with Li Lingtian.

The man in black laughed insanely: "Let all die!"

The body of the man in black flew and swelled, and the whole person became ten meters in size.


The man in black finally exploded, and within a hundred thousand miles of terror, there was no cloud.

The world is generally ruined, gusty winds are sweeping, everything is silent, and the explosive power of terror makes the surrounding space full of terror.

Li Lingtian, who is closest to the man in black, has naturally been blown off thousands of miles and hit the ground.

The blue sky that was already some distance away was also crowded, and it was also blown over by this terrifying air wave.

It's really terrifying to hurt, it's really terrifying. This domain's first-order self-detonation is indeed powerful.

Blue Sky suddenly thought of Li Lingtian. Their distance was so great that they were hurt. Li Lingtian's distance was so far.

Blue Sky dragged her seriously injured body and walked in the direction of Li Lingtian.

War Sirius was also afraid, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the location of Li Lingtian in the distance, Li Lingtian was motionless.

I thought that Li Lingtian wouldn't be dead. I was moved. I remembered that before Li Lingtian ran in that direction because of them.

If this is really dead, it is also a huge blow for them.

Both Sirius and Lantian walked together in the direction of Li Lingtian.

The battle was just over, the whole space was very quiet, and the sound of gasping could be heard.

Everyone looked at Li Lingtian's direction, and the most tense was Zhan Sirius and Blue Sky.

Each step taken by the two of them is like a century walk, very long.

The two finally walked to Li Lingtian's side and looked at Li Lingtian's body, which was already broken and covered with blood.

It was terrifying and I couldn't feel any breath.

Lantian Cai and Zhan Sirius glanced at each other, and then Lantian said, "Let's listen to destiny."

Blue Sky wanted to turn Li Lingtian's hand over.

When he was about to act, Li Lingtian's body moved, and he quickly turned over himself.

Li Lingtian gradually opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky before saying, "I almost killed Lao Tzu."

Blue Sky was ecstatic: "Great, you are still alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian coughed out a black blood and sat up reluctantly, said: "Although this guy is ruthless, but wants my life, This is still a bit hot. "

Li Lingtian said so, in fact he was just hanging out.

This is the first order of a domain master, and uses a special method to explode. This power is really shocking.

Fortunately, his system is relatively strong so that he can be saved from death, but he is also seriously injured.

Li Lingtian did not distinguish any place, immediately took out the God of Destruction Book, the God of Destruction Book has a healing function.

A ray of light shone from the God of Destruction to Li Lingtian and immediately began to treat the injury.

Lantiancai and Sirius also began to recover from injury, but before that, they first contacted the people of their respective families.

Then the rest of the people were replaced to protect the law.

After the people of their respective families have been put in place, they are really relieved.

Li Lingtian also went all out to recover from his injuries, and he was given little time. Recently, the Zi family will definitely make a big move.

So he had to recover quickly, with the help of God of Destruction and Heart of Starry Sky. After three days, he finally recovered all his injuries.

Li Lingtian was seriously injured at the time. Everyone saw it. The recovery was so quick, which really brought some shock to them.

However, they have put Li Lingtian into a perverted category. Although shocked, they are still within the scope of acceptance.

Li Lingtian fully recovered, stood up, and felt that his body was transparent, and felt that he would soon break through to the stellar ninth level, and only need one battle to help.

It is also possible to force a breakthrough, but Li Lingtian now prefers to support the battle.

Only the breakthrough in the battle can know the essence, so Li Lingtian is still looking forward to the next battle, hoping to break through. (To be continued...)

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