War God Supreme

Chapter 2725: Blue home

The dead Li Lingtian naturally knows that the dead in the family are usually cultivated from a young age.

Keep transmitting ideas that are loyal to the family and never betray.

This kind of dead man is terrible. Without his own consciousness, he will only obey orders and masters who can control him.

There is no opinion, let's do what to do, death is also one of them.

Li Lingtian originally looked at this person, and the burner in his heart was angry, but now at first glance, this is also a poor person.

The culprit is the Purple Family. One day, the Purple Family will be uprooted. Li Lingtian has made a secret decision in his heart.

"Zijia is a relatively large family with different systems. I have heard before that Zijia cultivates 3,000 dead, and I don't know the truth." Lantian continued.

"Three thousand dead men!" Li Lingtian sounded terrified. If he met three thousand people who were not afraid of death, he went to succeed him to deal with him.

It is not difficult to die. The words of these three thousand dead are definitely a huge number.

"Does your blue family have a dead man?" Li Lingtian asked curiously.

"There are naturally dead people, big and small families, they will all have some dead people, just look at the number, but most of the dead people are all orphans, and then there is no way to survive, our blue family will be cultivated as dead people. More than a dozen people."

Only Lantian knew everything about Li Lingtian, what he said.

Li Lingtian's vigilance against the Purple Family can be said to be getting higher and higher.

Some domain master-level strongmen helped the Chu family, cultivated the dead, and a horrible killing machine.

Li Lingtian knows that this Zijia has a conspiracy, but I don’t know the specifics, and the overall strength of this Zijia is still unknown.

Li Lingtian and Lan Tiancai took the two bodies and buried them briefly.

Returning to the blue home mall again, during this period, Lantian told Li Lingtian about the purple home again.

This Li Ling genius only knew that the financial resources of this Zi family, from the streets, saw that the business of the Zi family really spread all over the half of the entire Holy City.

Li Lingtian had an extra space ring in his hand, and he thought, would there be any clue here?

This is the space ring of the man in black, when the man in black is about to explode.

Thunder couldn't cover the speed of the ears, and directly took the space ring, and then blasted him, and also wrapped the space ring.

A domain ring of the first order of the domain master, Li Lingtian thought that there should be some good things, or there are...

The two entered the rear of the mall, and then a unique passageway, which is a special passageway of the Lan family.

Only the spacecraft specially made by the Lan family can enter the passage, just like a key.

So this is why the blue sky brought Li Lingtian here.

Li Lingtian got on the specially made spaceship, and the blue sky said to the driver: "Start."

After leaving the passageway, he flew into the air. Above the clouds, there were many palaces, which looked very atmospheric.

The speed of the specially-made spacecraft will be faster, and Li Lingtian soon saw it on a cloud.

There is a row of palaces, and there are two large characters of the blue family at the top. This is the place of the blue family of the shining holy city.

Sure enough, it's a lot better than Xiangshanjia.

As the spacecraft reached the sky, Li Lingtian followed the blue sky and walked to the Lan family.

Lan's guards only saw the blue sky before, and they didn't dare to block it. Normally, they checked the Lan's token before they could enter.

But his young master is naturally an exception, even if he brings outsiders.

Blue Sky looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​how do you feel about the environment of our Lan family?"

This blue family has raised towering big trees and rockery springs above the clouds, and the clouds are floating, so beautiful.

"It's like a fairyland!" Li Lingtian sighed.

Blue Sky is also slightly proud to say: "This place, our blue family from the purchase of this location, to this many years, undertaking renovation, the total value adds up to trillions."

Trillions are also a big number for Li Lingtian, but watching the Lan family is worth it.

The two walked to a palace called the Blue Soul Palace, and the blue sky said respectfully outside: "Father, the child has taken Ling Tian since."

Soon the door of the Blue Soul Palace opened. It was the owner of the Lan family who Li Lingtian had met.

"I don't know when to go, I'm so far away!"

The owner of the Lan family immediately came out to greet Li Lingtian, which was the first-order strength of the domain master after authentication.

And in terms of intelligence, I have listened to the blue sky before saying that Li Lingtian also has a giant monster with second-order strength of the domain master.

But a domain master-level strongman has already suffered enough, but did not expect a giant monster to appear.

So the result is more respect. Li Lingtian looked at the owner of the Lan family and said, "You are so polite, Lord Lan, this time it means the matter of the Lan family."

The owner of the Lan family immediately invited Li Lingtian into the Blue Soul Palace, and the blue sky swallowed brainlessly.

This world really respects strength. His father is in the shining holy city, and he can be treated in such a way that there are only a handful, and now it is all relying on Li Lingtian’s abnormal strength.

Li Lingtian entered the Blue Soul Palace and saw that the Blue Soul Palace is a very large palace, and the layout is very luxurious.

Li Lingtian did not observe carefully. After all, the main task this time was the Purple Family.

Li Lingtian looked at the owner of the Lan Family and asked, "Lord Lan, what do you think about the Lord Master about the Purple Family?"

"City Lord, I feel that another Ziyang may be fake. The Townlord believes you more, and some secrets of the Zi Family are no longer secrets."

The owner of the Lan family said truthfully.

"I feel that there is something wrong with this master of the Tianmenmen. The specific thing is to help the Zi family speak."

"You're right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I also have discussions with the city master. Finally, the city master said that the main gate of the gate can be restrained, but I feel that the problem is not small." The owner said deeply.

Li Lingtian still has some confidence in dealing with the Purple Family. What Li Lingtian is most afraid of is the unknown power.

In particular, the super family of the shining holy city like Chitianmen really fights, which will be more troublesome.

At this time, the owner of the Lan family asked: "Ling Tian brother, I heard the dog say you have a beast?"

"Yes, but if you ask me what kind of beast it is, I don't know, forgive me for being shallow." Li Lingtian said jokingly.

The owner of the Lan family hurriedly shook his head and said: "I'm afraid there will be a conspiracy in the Zi family, so I want to count all the strengths of the domain owners and then arrange it."

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