War God Supreme

Chapter 2731: Lan Family

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After discussion between the two, I finally decided to let Zi Chong go in and walked in front of Zi Chong and said: "Master Zi Chong, this is an exception. I believe you also know our difficulties. Shumi Lou"

Zi Chong's face was overjoyed, this level was finally over, and the prison door opened.

Zi rushed towards the prison door, and Li Lingtian followed.

The two guards immediately stopped Li Lingtian, Zi Chong frowned, looked at them and said, "What is this for? My people won't let in?"

"Master Zi Chong, we can only let you in."

Li Lingtian did not speak, because he knew that Zi Chong would definitely solve it for him.

Sure enough, Zi Chong directly said: "I still worry about my problems. I can't stand this arrogance. I can't even take it in. Forget it, you and I will go to the housekeeper."

The two immediately panicked. This was regarded as just stabilizing Zichong.

The two thought about it, since Zi Chong had already been put in, it wouldn't be worse for Zi Chong to be by the people around him, and the people around Zi Chong shouldn't have big problems.

"Forget it, go in together." A goalkeeper said helplessly.

Li Lingtian thought that this Zi Chong really used the threatening routine just right.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong entered the prison together, and a gatekeeper followed.

When I first entered this Zijia prison, I was shocked by the pattern of the entire prison. The interior of this prison was too formal.

He has been intelligently reminded that in this prison, no dead ends are monitored, and there are 10,000 smart recording systems on the mobile phone.

This is really a large area of ​​surveillance, so that no one fly can escape. In this prison, there is also a monitoring room, and some people will take turns to check the prison one day.

In the Zijia prison, there are thousands of cells, and there is a certain gap between each cell.

I don't know what it was for, but Li Lingtian found out carefully that there was a muzzle in the Zijia prison, which was on the wall.

Obviously, they were all prepared for the prison. Li Lingtian thought that it was really difficult to rescue the Lan family.

There are obviously many institutions in the prison, and the most important thing is that the outside collection guns and laser cannons are the real masters.

As long as there are enough star crystals, you can bombard crazy, and Li Lingtian has seen the commercial chain of the Purple Family.

Therefore, I believe that the Purple Family is still not short of stars, so that is it. Li Lingtian feels helpless.

For the four stars, the pinnacle of the ninth-ranking powerhouse is nothing to him.

But this laser cannon can't be underestimated. If a third-level laser cannon, even him, can he resist a few times?

Therefore, the rescue of Lan's family is really a matter of long-term consideration, and it's not careless.

The three finally reached the cell where the Lan family was. The Lan family had been hung from the cell and **** with a rope.

The whole person has fainted, and his body is full of blood, which can be said to be bruised and brutal.

Zi Chong said: "Overwhelm him over the interrogation room. I have something to ask him."

The guard immediately opened the cell, and then untied the huge iron chain bound to the Lan family.

Brought to the interrogation room, Li Lingtian followed closely behind Zi Chong.

Zi Chong looked at the guard and said to him: "You can leave first."

The man glanced at the Lan family and left the interrogation room. Before leaving, he took the door of the interrogation room directly.

Zi Chong looked at Li Lingtian and said: "You can rest assured that there is no monitoring system in this interrogation room, it can't cover here, and the sound insulation is very good, no one will hear it."

Looking at the Lan family, Li Lingtian couldn't bear it. He simply treated the wound and stopped the blood.

Only then did the Lan family wake up. The Lan family slowly opened their eyes and immediately crawled back, saying, "Kill me if you have the ability, I will not betray the Lan family."

Li Lingtian felt a bit sad, for the blue family, undercover in the dangerous purple family.

It was finally discovered that it turned into this embarrassed look, which really made people unbearable.

Li Lingtian walked over and looked at the blue family prostrate on the ground and said, "Brother, don't be excited, I'm not the purple family, I'm your blue master, blue sky let me save you."

The Lan family's vigilance is very strong. When he heard Li Lingtian's words, he didn't believe it at all.

Instead, he said: "This kind of tricks are useless to me, and I will never betray the Lans anyway."

Li Lingtian was helpless and looked at the emotional Lan family, so there was no way to communicate.

Li Lingtian immediately opened the contact account of Lantiancai with intelligence, and the communication popped up.

Blue Sky soon connected the video.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are safe." Just after the video was connected, Blue Sky immediately asked with concern.

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Relax, there will be nothing wrong, can you contact you if something happens?"

Blue Sky just thought about it, and smiled a little embarrassedly, and then asked, "How is it going now?"

"I have found the people of your Lan family, but I don't believe that I am not the Zi family, so it's up to you to speak."

Hearing this, the blue sky became excited, and immediately said: "Let me see."

Li Lingtian put the intelligence in front of the Lan family, and the Lan family also saw the face of the blue sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The moment the blue family saw the blue sky, just now, the iron bone Zheng, the man who did not compromise with the purple family, tears Stayed in an instant.

"Master, is it really you? I thought I couldn't see you anymore."

Only when Blue Sky saw the miserable state of his family, his eyes turned rosy and his fists were tight.

Let myself calm down for a minute before speaking: "Blue Cloud, don't give up, I have asked Brother Ling Tian to save you. I believe Brother Ling Tian will save you."

Lan Yun's eyes were flushed and said, "Young Master, it doesn't matter if I can go out, but the Purple Family must be wiped out.

While talking, Lan Yun's tears shed again, but there was still some blood.

Blue Sky immediately asked, "What the **** happened, what clues did you find."

Li Lingtian also looked at Lan Yun anxiously, and he was very eager to know.

"It took me three years to contribute to the Zi family. It took me three years to gain the trust of Zi Feng. I entered the killing machine manufacturing base and saw an unforgettable scene in my life."

Lan Yun forced himself to stabilize his emotions. After a while, he continued: "I saw the corpses piled up in the mountains, the blood flowed together, I saw the tragic death of countless people, I hate, I can only watch helplessness. "

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