War God Supreme

Chapter 2733: Wuyashan

"Is there anything magical about this cliffless mountain?" Li Lingtian felt Lan Yun was a little surprised and asked.

"Wuyashan is the largest mountain in the shining holy city. It is vast, but there are all kinds of scary beasts in Wuyashan, so it has almost become a forbidden land."

Zi Chong explained to Li Lingtian.

"Okay, you just stay at the Zi family and wait for my news. Remember not to play tricks on me."

Zi Chong frowned, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "No, I will go with you too."

"It's still safe, but when I enter the killing base of Wuya Mountain, I will definitely start, and you will be exposed accordingly. You have to think clearly." Li Lingtian didn't know what Zi Chong thought, but still reminded.

Zi Chong nodded and said: "Although I am the Zi family, I don't know much about the Zi family, especially the killing of machines. I also want to see that our Zi family is really so good."

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Chong seriously and said, "Okay, then let's take a look at your Zijia's killing base."

Zi Chong and Li Lingtian walked towards the door of the Zi family. At this moment, a figure approached.

Li Lingtian's complexion turned out to be bad, and it turned out to be Zifeng.

Zi Chong also got a little nervous, but this is the eldest lady of Zi Family who is more hot-tempered than the owner of Zi Family, and is also his cousin.

"Little bug, where are you going?" Zifeng spoke first.

The little bug is Zi Chong's nickname, Zi Feng gave it, because it is the same pronunciation as Chong.

"It's a cousin. I have something to do outside. I have to deal with it." Zi Chong kept himself as calm as possible.

However, I was still nervous about how to calm down. Although Zifeng also saw it, it felt normal.

Because there are not many people in this purple family, he is not nervous looking at him.

"Then you should be careful, now the Holy City of Yishi is not very peaceful, and it is not friendly to our Zi family." Zi Feng reminded him rarely.

Zi Chong said at once: "Thank Cousin, I will be careful."

Zifeng waved his hand, meaning that Zichong could leave.

Li Lingtian thought, it was a blessing. It would be troublesome if he was entangled with this guy.

As Li Lingtian passed by Zifeng, Zifeng frowned and turned to shout, "Wait!"

The sweat on Zi Chong's forehead was immediately revealed.

Li Lingtian's heart was cold. This was not the best time to go to war. He had to go to the killing base to investigate the situation of the killing machine. Did Zifeng recognize him?

Zifeng walked in front of Li Lingtian, lit Li Lingtian up and down, and then asked, "Look at you, some of you are born, which branch are you from?"

This branch is a branch outside the Zijia lineage, and Li Lingtian naturally does not know it.

Zi Chong immediately said: "He is the Dongcheng Zi family. He has recruited people from the branch tribes. He has been in training shortly after he came, and recently came out to work with me."

Zifeng watched Li Lingtian for a while, always feeling Li Lingtian's breath, somewhat familiar.

But I couldn't recognize this strange face, I thought I was hallucinating.

He waved his hand again and said, "Go ahead."

Zi Chong really had a feeling of passing through the gate of the ghost, and immediately walked out of the Zi family.

Li Lingtian also gave a sigh of relief and finally went out.

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Chong and said, "I think you are afraid of Zi Feng."

"That's natural. There are a few people in the Zi family who haven't been beaten by him. When I was a kid, I was bullied me a lot. Because of his identity, I have been holding back."

Zi Chong said helplessly.

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Chong and said: "It seems that your Zi family's life is not so good."

"Okay, I have some status in the younger generation of the Purple Family. After all, they belong to the heirs."

Li Lingtian took out the spaceship from the Dragon Dragon Ring, and then set the position of Wuya Mountain according to the navigation. The spaceship drove past.

During this period, Li Lingtian contacted Lantian before telling Lantian to wait for the notice, and a little bit of the killing base came out.

Immediately contact the Shangguan city lord and launch a post-attack on the Zi family, and basically encircle the Zi family.

Li Lingtian and Zi Chong took the spaceship. Wuya Mountain was not close to Zijia's position. The speed of the spacecraft was maximized. It took three hours to feel Wuya Mountain.

At a distance of 100,000 miles from Wuya Mountain, the two got off the spaceship and put the spaceship into the Dragon Ring,

Here you can see the vast mountains of Wuya Mountain, which are connected by peaks.

Li Lingtian took out the map, which was clearly marked on the map. The killing base was at the center of Wuya Mountain. Normally, the spacecraft flew to the top of Wuya Mountain.

But Li Lingtian can't do this. The spaceship and the killing base are too close, and they will be noticed.

Therefore, if you don't use the spaceship in this way, you can only walk into this Wuya Mountain, which is full of giant beasts.

Still need to be more careful, Li Lingtian and Zi Chong set off immediately.

Although this cliff-free mountain is vast and unmarked, both of them are strong stars, and the speed is still very fast.

Start rock climbing from the wing of the mountain, because this wing is farthest from the killing base.

However, both of them still had a good atmosphere, and it didn't take long to go rock climbing quickly. To the position halfway up the mountain.

While in the middle of the mountainside, Li Lingtian finally felt the breath of the monster, Li Lingtian reminded Zi Chong: "Be careful!"

Zi Chong still knows a little about Wuya Mountain, so this spirit has been tight all the time, so I don’t even need to be reminded by Li Lingtian to know enough caution.

Climbing on the mountainside, a stellar seventh-order spirit snake finally found the two.

The huge body rushed towards the two and opened the big mouth of the blood basin.

This is the two people's hidden breath, this spirit snake doesn't know their strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This powerful beast will have some thinking, so this is not knowing that Li Lingtian is the eighth order star, Zi Chong was the strong man of the ninth order of the star, and this rushed over.

Li Lingtian's nine-star moon-cutting sword appeared immediately in his hand, and a blade was drawn out, immediately slashing the spirit snake.

Zi Chong looked at Li Lingtian and said: "Entering this position, it is estimated that there will be more giants soon, and the strength will become stronger and stronger."

Li Lingtian is not afraid of giant beasts, but when fighting, there will be a loud noise, and it is afraid that it will disturb the purple family.

Li Lingtian summoned the big puppet for safety.

Zi Chong looked at the big puppet curiously and asked, "What kind of beast you are, it looks very majestic."

"You don't need to worry about it. Come on, he will save a lot of trouble."

Zi Chong was sitting on the back of the big puppet with curiosity. With the big puppet, his speed increased a lot.

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