War God Supreme

Chapter 2747: Crazy fight

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Hearing the words of the ancients, Li Lingtian also knew the value of this ancient iron, which was indeed a little scary. Book Fan Building

However, this line and unfortunate, only to try to know.

Only before this, Lan Yun and Zi Chong have to be solved.

Take out Nakong Realm and say to Zi Chong: "You two, first enter the Nakong Realm to avoid some."

Lan Yun doesn't know what Nanospace is, but Zi Chong is very clear, but hesitant.

Li Lingtian looked at Zi Chong and immediately said, "You forgot, did you promise me anything before?"

Zi Chong gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I'll go in."

Lan Yun asked: "Do you want us to avoid the risk, and then you fight against yourself, the whole Zijia?"

Li Lingtian looked at Lan Yun and said, "For the time being, this is because it is very dangerous. If you stay here, you may be in danger of life."

"The strength is not enough, the life comes together, now there is nothing except this life, just take it, how to let you face such a danger alone."

"Relax, it should be no problem. If you don't have enough strength, how can you destroy the killing base? We are here to disperse our energy to protect us. In that case, it is better to leave now, don't help."

Ever thinking of Li Lingtian’s great puppet, and that blood soul, two pieces of Chaos Treasure, several kinds of Chaos Treasure,

I feel that Li Lingtian should have no problems and should be able to cope.

Lan Yun thought, it doesn't matter if he died. If Li Lingtian is involved, it shouldn't be.

Said to Li Lingtian: "Well, I will listen to your arrangement."

Li Lingtian put the two in the empty world, leaving him alone in the cell.

The Tianlong Temple appeared immediately, it should be said that it was a miniature Tianlong Temple, which could not be stretched out in the cell.

The mini version of the Tianlong Temple found a gap and immediately bombarded it with a rumbling sound.

The power of the world's treasure is still relatively strong, but it has no effect on the iron fence formed by the ancient iron.

But the Tianlong Temple is not good, then Brahma Palace is added.

When Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, Brahma Palace appeared.

The two world treasures finally collided together again.

The Dragon Temple, together with Brahma Palace, began a violent impact on it.

The eternal iron really has enough defense power to be able to be propped up by the Tianlong Temple and Brahma Palace, but it will be completely restored in the blink of an eye.

The head of the Zi family who had already gone outside, and Zi Feng, were ready to start bombarding Li Lingtian.

All the people in Zijia Prison have been evacuated, and Zifeng controls the intelligence in his hand.

The head of the Zi family looked at the prison not far away and said to Zi Feng: "It's almost time, it's time to start the attack."

Not far away, there is a huge energy conversion port, the purple family servant, crazy to the energy conversion port, crazy input star crystal, into energy.

Under the operation of Zifeng, all dragon crystal cannons and laser cannons are all ready to attack.

All the energy is ready, fifteen dragon crystal cannons, fifteen laser cannons, all bombed out together.

Li Lingtian has been locked, and all the shells bombarded Li Lingtian.

Looking at his father, Zifeng said confidently: "In this bombing, Li Lingtian will definitely die."

The owner of the Purple Family also feels the same. With so many shells, hundreds of billions of stars have been prepared. This is no joke.

Li Lingtian in the cell, already feeling the power of terror, bombarded him.

The Tianlong Temple and Brahma Palace are immediately ready for absolute defense,

At the same time, Li Lingtian removed all ten Longjing crystal cannons and ten laser cannons in the killing base.

The eternal iron is indestructible, but he has gaps, which allows the attack to enter it, and naturally he can also go out.

That's it, Li Lingtian had all ten laser guns and ten dragon crystal guns ready.

There is also an energy conversion pool, which Li Lingtian moved directly from the killing base.

The star crystals directly taken out are all put into the energy conversion port. I thought that since I don't want to be good to me, I will not make you feel better.

The first wave of attacks finally arrived. Thirty artillery shells all erupted into a terrifying power, all of which were superimposed together. This power is even more terrifying.

The law of Li Lingtian's origins broke out, and the Tianlong Temple and the Brahma Palace were running crazy.

The defensive power between the two is also very strong, and the attack of thirty shells is all bombarded in the Brahma Palace and the Dragon Temple.



The sound of vibration rushing straight into the sky, completely burst out from it, very terrifying.

Nuo Da’s prison was destroyed in half in an instant, and only Li Lingtian’s cell remained on the front.

Li Lingtian spit out blood, and the whole person wanted to step back and take a few steps~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finally, it was against the wall, and this was regarded as a stop.

The owner of the Purple Family ordered: "Continue to launch!"

Xingchenjing continuously poured into the energy conversion port, and started a terrorist attack at once.

Li Lingtian also didn't sit back and waited. The energy had been transformed a lot, and immediately began to bombard.

It's just that Li Lingtian's attack is not the same as that of the Purple Family.

Li Lingtian roughly calculated that the Tianlong Temple and Brahma Palace can withstand the bombardment of ten dragon crystal cannons and ten laser cannons,

So Li Lingtian also used five each, resisting five laser cannons and five dragon crystal cannons.

The number of questions left is exactly what he can resist, and the remaining stone door shells he directly attacked the entire Zijia.

His purpose is to destroy the Purple Family, the energy value is full, ready to continue, all the shells attacked.

Among them, ten artillery shells have been locked. Ten artillery shells of the Purple Family.

There was no accidental collision with each other, and the fire rose all over the sky.

The other 20 shells were all bombarded in the Brahma Palace and the Tianlong Temple, while the remaining 10 shells of Li Lingtian were torn apart and bombarded the Purple Family.

Bombing sounds erupted from all over the Zijia, sand and stone filled, and the tornado turned against the sky.

Seeing this scene, the head of the Purple Family finally couldn't stabilize and immediately stood up and shouted, "What happened? How could this be?"

Zifeng looked ugly, and then said: "This is the power of dragon crystal cannons and laser cannons. How could Li Lingtian have so many dragon crystal cannons and laser cannons?"

I don’t know, so the head of the Purple Family didn’t think about it. It was something obtained from the killing base.

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