War God Supreme

Chapter 2758: Back hand

The battle between Master Tianmenmen and Venerable Sun is obvious.

Sun Tianzun is more powerful, but Master Tianmen is not weak, and he has chaotic treasures in his hands.

This was lacking in Venerable Sun, and Li Lingtian rushed over immediately.

The long spear in the hands of the master of the Tianmenmen burst into a terrifying force, and saw Li Lingtian heading for it.

Immediately bombarded Li Lingtian, after all, Li Lingtian is relatively weak, and it can be seen that Li Lingtian is in a dominant position,

So that's it. I want to seize Li Lingtian first, and let Venerable Sun follow.

The idea is beautiful. If Li Lingtian dominates, then Heavenly Venerable will be counseled.

But if you want to catch Li Lingtian directly, how easy is it to have such a terrifying power?

Li Lingtian's overall strength may not be as good as that of Tianmenmen, but he is definitely not vulnerable.

Li Lingtian looked at the Master Tianmen who rushed towards him, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

The God Destroyer suit appeared on the body, holding the God Destroyer Flame, and the Qianyan Holy Wing coming out of the back, increasing the speed of Li Lingtian.

When the spear struck, Li Lingtian's Ten Thousand Saint Profound Fire burst out, very strong, and played a huge role in the flames of extinction.

The flaming swordmand bombarded the past frantically, very fast, and bombarded the main gun of the main gate of Tianmen.


Although the master of the Tianmenmen did not retreat, he also had some resistance.

At this time, Venerable Sun went, and the power of the law exploded on Venerable Sun.

The strength is even more terrifying. To a certain extent, Li Lingtian looked at him.

Started a perfect match with Sun Tianzun, and attacked the main gate of Tianmen.

The fist of the illusion of the Heavenly Sovereign bombarded the main body of the Tianmenmen.

The master of the Tianmen Gate stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

Master Tianmenmen said furiously: "You are really deceiving people!"

Sun Tianzun said disdainfully: "Just you? Ha ha!"

The master of the Tianmenmen was finally angry with the disdainful tone of Venerable Sun.

How to say that he is also a strong man, the strong master of the domain, is also a rare presence in the entire shining holy city.

In particular, he was the master of the Tianmen Gate, and his momentum has been embraced by everyone.

When will someone use such a tone to him? For him, it is more uncomfortable than killing him, after all, he is also a person who wants to face.

When the master of the Tianmen Gate awakened, four swords appeared.

Seeing the four swordsmanship, His Holiness looked every move, and there was some horror on his face.

Shocked: "This turned out to be the real killing of the sword."

Master Tianmenmen laughed and said: "You still have some eyesight, but you can recognize it as Tianjianjian. Now that you know it, you should be ready to wait for death for so long."

At this time, the master of the Tiantianmen is very confident. The main reason is because of the sword of the Tianjian.

Si Dao Tian Jian Jian Mang, madly running, his sky changed color, the sword domain formed instantly.

The swordmans of the celestial sword immediately began to disperse.

It is such a strong force, the space formed by the killing of the sword, Li Lingtian can feel the sword in it.

What a horror, this is not the perseverance erupted from the master of the Tianmenmen.

But the sword meaning carried by these four swords is really terrifying.

Li Lingtian's Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array is already terrifying, whether it is in the sword intention or the sword array.

Li Lingtian feels that there are very few sword arrays comparable to it, but when he saw this sword-killing sword, he knew that there was still some distance to destroy the sword array.

He believed in the power of the Sky Sword Array, but this seven-nine Sky Sword Array was indeed worse. I don’t know if the Sky Sword Array could compete with it.

Venerable Sun Tian is essentially lawless except Li Lingtian, but Venerable Sun Tian at this time is very dignified.

Because he knew the origin of this killing sword.

Because the killing of the sword is one of the ten ancient objects in ancient times.

The celestial weapon is a weapon, but it is separated from the level of the weapon.

Heavenly objects are such a unique existence, and one of the ten ancient ancient objects can coexist with heaven and earth.

But the reason why there is no hierarchical division of the heavenly objects is that they knew the existence of the heavenly objects in ancient times, but no one has ever been able to obtain the national heavenly objects.

Because the power of the heavenly objects is not allowed to be annoying and defiled, so it is. No one knows the specific power of these ten heavenly objects.

However, the ten largest heavenly objects all have residual images, and the heavenly objects are born in the universe, and they always have the opportunity to recover, but no one can do it.

For example, this sword-killing sword, the sword-mand of the sword-killing sword, there may be 10 million ways, many people have to kill the sword-managing sword.

But it has no effect, because the sword mansions of the Sky Sword are still not available.

However, for the domain master, the swordman's sword-killer is very useful.

Because the afterimages of the top ten heavenly objects all have strong strength, and the most basic is also the power of the best chaos treasure.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Venerable Sun is worried. If it is his peak period, he is not afraid at all.

He used to be the master of the world, the afterimage of the heavenly objects, he had also gotten it, but he was given away by him.

Because the afterimage of the celestial body is the key to inheritance. If it is inherited, then it will have the power of heaven and earth.

But in ancient times, countless years passed, no one could penetrate the mystery of any afterimage of heavenly bodies.

Therefore, most of the strong people don't care any more. After all, the remnants of this natural weapon are nothing but the power of the ultimate chaos treasure.

There are even some weak remnants, which are the fifth-order primitive soldiers. For the lord of the world, especially the Lord of Heaven and Earth, this tangled lord of the world.

This can be said to be very tasteless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at this time, it is very different.

Moreover, this master of the Tianmenmen has four afterimages, which is quite a bit.

Sun Tianzun looked at Li Lingtian and said: "This time it is a bit troublesome, but if you can conquer these four swordsmanship, it will definitely be of great benefit to you, at least before you become the master of the world, they are very beneficial ."

Li Lingtian did not think so much, and said to Venerable Sun Tian: "Don't think so much anymore, it's the right thing to solve this family first."

The Master of the Heavenly Gate has already let the Heavenly Sword play its absolute power.

Looking at Li Lingtian said: "This is the treasure of the town gate of our killing Tianmen. You can die under the killing of the sword. This is also an honor for you."

Before the words fell, the killing sword array rushed in the direction of Li Lingtian.

Neither Li Lingtian nor Ritian Venerable attacked them madly, and they had no effect, and the Celestial Sword Formation could not be shaken.

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