War God Supreme

Chapter 2761: Grow in trouble

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The improvement of Li Lingtian's energy shocked the Master of the Heavenly Gate. The original strength of the eighth order of the star, after the breakthrough,

There must be a certain improvement, but normally it is not too big. Please search (Book Fan Building) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

After all, Stellar Tier 8 has the strength of Domain Master Tier 1, how much can it be improved?

This is the idea of ​​Master Tianmenmen, but this fact is just the opposite.

After the double breakthrough, Li Lingtian became stronger and more terrifying, and his realm was improved.

The law of origin has also been improved, which is the top priority.

That's it, Li Lingtian's all-out killing array is very powerful at this time.

All of a sudden, they were able to fight against the killing sword array.

The power of the killing sword is already very clear. Every killing sword sword possesses the strength of the best chaos treasure.

This is equivalent to four chaotic treasures, the formation of the formation, which is naturally very terrifying.

The celestial killing formation is a talent skill of the Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, and the celestial formation is used for defense.

The celestial killing array is used to attack. Whether the five rounds are the celestial killing array or the celestial large formation, all consume the original law.

So Li Lingtian has never tested it, can it be opened at the same time in two weeks.

It's not that Li Lingtian doesn't want to start at the same time, but it's just not possible before.

And Li Lingtian's current double breakthrough finally gave Li Lingtian some confidence.

Li Lingtian looked at the host of the Tiantianmen, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, coldly said: "It is time, let you see my true strength."

The law of origin is running crazy, and the power of the law of origin has drawn the Xuanjin Sky Armor.

Li Lingtian was finally ready, shouting: "Tongtian big array!"

Under the call of Li Lingtian, Tongtian Great Array finally appeared together with Tongtian Killing Array.

With both teams together, Li Lingtian can feel that his original law is consumed madly, but Li Lingtian can also feel the power of it.

This is a huge sublimation of the Tongtian Great Array. The 108 Tongtian Pillars of the Tongtian Great Array and the 108 Tongtian Pillars of the Tongtian Killing Array have finally merged together.

The fusion of people between the two has greatly increased the power and increased several times.

One hundred and eight pillars of heaven and the root of the dragon, between the heavens and the earth, exploded the power of destroying the heavens and the earth,

This is the real combination of offensive and defensive, and this is the real battlefield.

Master Tianmenmen did not expect that such a large array, there could be such a change.

The powerful let him have the killing sword array, they all feel a little scared, this is the most terrifying.

Li Lingtian looked at the master of the Tianmenmen and said: "The real battle has just begun, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, the celestial constellation went towards the celestial sword squad, impacting the past,



A terrifying bombing sound erupted completely between the two.

Between the two, it became evenly matched.

There was a sneer in the corner of the main mouth of Tianmenmen. Now Li Lingtian has made him afraid.

Master Tianmenmen soared into the sky and shouted, "Secret heaven!"

The four heavenly swords and awns immediately exploded, and each of the heavenly swords and awns exploded into an unacceptable attack.

Each of the Heavenly Swords and Mansions gathered together, and finally the Four Heavenly Swords and Mansions all merged together.

Li Lingtian's heart moved, these four killing swords are not the same.

The four swordsmanship are all fused together, but it is not simply a simple increase in power.

The four swordsmanships of the sky are all condensed together to form a swordmans, which is extremely high.

The power exploded by the four swordsmands is actually pushing the world's treasure. The master of the Tianmenmen looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Come to death!"

Impressed by the consciousness, killing Tianjian was busy and bombarded Li Lingtian.

The color of the world is changing, the power of terror is sweeping through the space, it is very strong.

The astronomical operation of the Tongtian Great Array, 108 pillars of Tiantian, erupted into the power of terror, rushed to the sky.

Chi Tian Jian Mang finally struck, very strong.

A sword was cut, dark and dark, and the sun and moon were dark.

Throughout the mad and hungry operation, Jiantianmang finally struck.


The celestial sword mansions bombarded the Tongtian formation, and Li Lingtian felt transient when he felt the horrendous power of the celestial sword.

This is also too powerful. The power of the killing sword swordmang has exceeded his expectations, and it feels a bit incredible.

Under the attack of Jiantian Jianmang, Li Lingtian was in a weak position and was still holding on.

Fortunately, this is the defensive and killing arrays of the celestial constellation, all integrated, otherwise they will definitely be killed by the slayer's sword, a positive impact, all destroyed.

Li Lingtian looked ugly. The law of origin in his body was consumed insanely, and only in this way could he support it painstakingly.

The master of the Tianmen Gate looked at Li Lingtian with a crazy laugh: "How is it? How does it feel? Is it very comfortable?"

Li Lingtian was furious, but it was just a killing of the sword, could it really kill him?

The body's momentum completely broke out, which is the horror momentum of the Three Realms Supreme.

There is also a vigorous war intent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ war intent.

Killing the sword is really terrifying, but if you want to make him despair directly, it is still far away.

After Ling Jianjian's sword intention, Li Lingtian realized something.

So he also intends to break the wreck, and see if this is successful or not.

The consciousness moves, and the Sword of Destruction appears again,

Nine handles, nine shocking sword swords, followed by the differentiation of eighteen handles to destroy the **** sword.

Twenty-seven handles extinct **** sword...

Thirty-six handles extinct **** sword...

Forty-five swords of extinction...

Fifty-four handles extinct **** sword...

Sixty-three swords of extinction...

This is already the number of the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, but Li Lingtian is still dividing the Destroyer Sword.

Because Li Lingtian is thinking of breaking through the Eight-Nine Destroying Sword Array, if it can break through, it may have a certain effect on the killing of the Sword Array.

With the coercion of the Celestial Sword Array, Li Lingtian felt that he had realized the sword intention of the Celestial Sword Array and merged into the Heaven Sword Array.

Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Master Tianmenmen looked at Li Lingtian as if he was going to make a big move.

The law of the origin broke out, instilled into the killing sword.

The Heaven Sword is powerful, and with the support of the law of origin, it becomes even more powerful.

As Li Lingtian differentiated the Destroyer Sword, he controlled the large array of heavens and resisted the killing of the sword.

Despite the retreat, Li Lingtian still did not give up and continued to persevere.

He believed that with his current strength, he would definitely be able to condense the Eight and Nine Destroyer Sword Array.

Master Tianmenmen laughed and said, "Let's give up, all this is just in vain, and it doesn't make any sense at all."

The master of the Tianmenmen said that Li Lingtian really had no hope.

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