War God Supreme

Chapter 2764: 1st allocation

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The Lan family owner saw that Li Lingtian and Shangguan family had already arrived, and immediately greeted him. Book Fan Building ()

"All right, everyone!"

The host of Shangguan City said hello.

The patriarchs of all families responded immediately.

Simply greeted, and then entered the Heavenly Gate.

The Heavenly Gate is indeed a behemoth. There are thousands of large palaces in the Heavenly Gate of Love. This can't be done by ordinary families.

The more palaces, the stronger the defense, and the higher the value.

The site of the Tianmen Gate may be five times larger than that of the Zijia.

But the value of the Tiantianmen is more than ten times higher than that of the Zijia. This is the gap.

Therefore, this entire Tiantianmen, this site alone, has great value.

Lord Shangguan looked at the crowd and said, "When the Heavenly Gate was built, I knew some, and the cost was trillions."

When you hear trillions, people who don’t know about it are all taken aback. Are these trillions of stars a small number?

This is a very scary number.

Shangguan Chengzhu said with a smile: "This trillions of dollars may be just a conservative valuation."

This time including Li Lingtian was a bit shocked, trillions of dollars is still a conservative valuation.

This palace looks really luxurious, but the trillion-dollar star crystal can already do a lot of things.

A big puppet has been fired like that, but it is nothing but trillions.

Although there is a reason for the Zijia to help raise prices, it will definitely not have such value.

The owner of the Lan family looked at the Shangguan city owner and said: "It's really good here, but there are too many words to say trillions, too much. In such a normal place, it will be done with 500 billion stars."

"There are a total of 999 palaces here, and each one is arranged according to the formation method. If I remember correctly, just a formation master who helped the formation used 300 billion stars. Invite here."

The Shangguan city lord gave the interpreter to everyone, and then said something even more shocking.

Li Lingtian immediately used ancient intelligence to scan. He knew that ancient times had this function.

When he was at the Zijia, he helped him break through the palace formation of the Zijia before entering the Zijia.

Immediately scanned immediately, and finally concluded: "Intermediate array formation!"

Then ancient times immediately gave some explanations. There are not many palace formation mages.

The palace array mage is equivalent to a profession, but it does not help him much to his own strength.

The main method is to engrave the formation method on the palace. Generally, it only plays a role in large families and forces.

Therefore, the palace array mage is very scarce, and gradually makes the palace array mage become very precious.

However, there are still very few people who study palace formation, because no matter how much they earn, they are not their own strength.

This is the reason, so there are very few people who study the palace formation.

The Zi family is a low-level formation, and this intermediate formation, although said to be intermediate, is in the palace formation.

It is already a high-level formation, because there are almost no real high-level palace formation mages.

In ancient times, families were everywhere, and forces were emerging one after another. There were few senior palace formation masters, not to mention this era?

Li Lingtian learned about it in the ancient times, and I know that the 99 palaces in the Tianmen Gate are indeed of relatively high value.

All the treasures of Chitianmen have been collected and placed in a large palace.

Lord Shangguan said to a guard: "How is the inventory?"

The guard responded immediately: "It has been counted, and all the star crystals of the Tianmen and the Purple Family are added together for two trillion and three hundred billion."

Two hundred and three hundred billion star crystals, at first glance, seems like a lot.

But for Zijia and Tiantianmen, it's really not much.

The Purple Family controls half of the economic chain of the Yishi Holy City. The Heavenly Gate is the biggest force. The two properties are combined. Only two trillion and 300 billion stars are really few.

The guard continued: "Chaos Treasure, nine pieces!"

"Thirty-five original soldiers, thirty-two pieces."

"Fourth-order origin soldier, 285 pieces!"

"Third-Order Origin Soldier, 1,472!"

"Second Order Origin Soldiers, 1235 pieces!"

"The first-order source soldier, 23,456 pieces!"

"Under the first-order source soldiers, 45,600 are actually pieces!"



All the treasures are listed in the same way. This is really not a small number. All these treasures are converted into star crystals, which is definitely a small sum.

Lord Shangguan looked at the crowd and said: "These are all the industries of Zijia and Tiantianmen. The treasures listed in Salo are all here. We will distribute them together today."

Everyone is waiting for this moment, and the little family is already drooling.

For them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The temptation is really too great.

If not many families were present, they would have rushed over without even knowing it.

Li Lingtian didn't care much about these treasures. All the chaotic treasures of Zijia and Jitianmen added up to his own.

However, it is still very interesting for how many stars can be divided.

Lord Shangguan continued: "The distribution is also in accordance with the number of people you dispatched, as well as the distribution of power. Everyone has no opinion."

"No, listen to the arrangement of the Lord Lord."

Many families said together.

The lord of Shangguan has done some calculations and directly said: "The three families of the Huang, Wang and Zhu families are between five and seven hundred, with a fourth-class distribution.

"The Zhao family, the Qian family, the Sun family, the Li family, the Zhou family, and the Wu family, the number of people dispatched is about 1,000, with third-class distribution."

"The warrior, the blue family, the number of dispatches is too large, the strongest are the most, the second-class distribution."

"Finally, there is the main palace of my city. There are a few stellar strongmen and two domain master strongmen. Although Li Lingtian has only one person, there is a giant beast and a soul body, all of which are domain master class strengths. What do you think?"

The Lord Shangguan really did count it carefully. This is indeed very reasonable. No one has any opinion.

The owner of the Lan family nodded and said: "There is no problem with the distribution of the Lord Lord, but I have a question."

"Please say!"

"The value of this site is not small. I don't know how it will be distributed?"

Lord Shangguan was also a little embarrassed about the Tianmen Gate, and then said: "The Tianmen Gate can only be put in the auction of Qibao, and the auction will be held."

The warlord immediately disagreed and said, "I feel a little inappropriate."

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