War God Supreme

Chapter 2766: Huge amount of stars

Li Lingtian looked at the Lord of Flames and said, "Lord of Flames, you are serious, not as powerful as you think."

There was a hint of smile in the corner of the main flame zone, and said: "Don't be humble, go in and say."

The three of them walked inside and said, "It is also ashamed to count. Under normal circumstances, I should also help this kind of thing, but because there are clear rules here in the Universe Bank, we can't intervene in the holy city!"

Does Li Lingtian know this universe bank, has the rules of the universe bank.

As long as they are from the Universe Bank, the rules cannot be broken.

Do not interfere in anything between the holy cities, otherwise the handling of the universe bank will be very strong.

Li Lingtian also understood and said to the Blaze Master: "It's fine if you have the heart, and things are resolved well now."

The main face of the Flame Zone changed: "It's really unsightly. Many people in the Purple Family know that he has a problem. I didn't expect that the final behind-the-scenes strength would actually be the Heavenly Gate."

"This Zijia may be a smoke bomb, let everyone know that the Zijia has a problem, use the Zijia to attract everyone's attention, and then kill the Tianmen to carry out the killing base in a low-key manner."

Li Lingtian has guessed the idea between them, and this idea is indeed ok.

The Lord of Flames listened to Li Lingtian's words and felt very reasonable.

He said: "I still can't think of it, it would kill such a damaging thing as a killing machine, but fortunately kill the Heavenly Gate, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pass this level myself."

Li Lingtian looked at the eyes of the Lord of Flames and knew that the Lord of Flames thoughts inside.

I did feel a little guilty. I looked at the master of the flame domain and said, "Domain, don't think too much. The result is good, this is all right."

The three finally arrived in the appraisal room, or the appraiser Li Lingtian had seen before.

The appraiser looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Three days away from Shibuya, you will be surprised."

Li Lingtian laughed: "Senior, this is what you see is not thorough enough."

The appraiser hurriedly said: "Cultivating all the way, the strong one is respected, and now your strength is no weaker than me, even stronger than me. If you call your senior, you will be defeated by me. It is better to call me brother."

Li Lingtian thought, this guy is really interesting, obviously it is already a lot of age.

Still want to be called brother to brother, does this not show him old? Li Lingtian naturally refused.

Then he looked at the appraiser and said, "This is not enough. I'm just the ninth order of the star. It's not an exaggeration to call you senior."

The appraiser looked at Li Lingtian, it was really iron-hearted, and then said to him: "Well, they all call me Wanla, and you call me Wanla."

"That's good, I'm respectful and obedient."

Wan Lao looked at Li Lingtian and said: "It's time to do something right, take out all the treasures."

Li Lingtian directly took out five space rings.

They are equipped with the third-order primal soldiers, the fourth-order primitive soldiers, the fifth-order primitive soldiers, and a space ring with strange treasures.

The last space ring is treasures such as immortality.

"Thirty-five original soldiers, thirty-two pieces."

"Fourth-order origin soldier, 285 pieces!"

"Third-Order Origin Soldier, 1,472!"

Li Lingtian talked about the number with Wan Lao, and Wan Lao glanced casually.

Said Li Lingtian: "This is still the old rules."

The owner of the Lan family asked strangely: "How old rules are."

"Instead of evaluating the price alone, look at the simple quality and then multiply it by the quantity."

Li Lingtian explained to the owner of the Lan family.

The owner of the Lan family also knows that the Qibao auction is also fair, and it is impossible to treat them too badly.

The owner of the Lan family said, "Well, just do it."

Wan Lao took a brief look and began to estimate, Li Lingtian also cares, because this number is really huge, not bad? Too much.

The calculation is a rough estimate. So many treasures still take a full three hours to count.

After all, there are a lot of messy things, which is quite messy.

This time, the prices given by Wan Lao are very pertinent, and both Li Lingtian and Lan Jiazhu are quite satisfied.

In fact, normally, such a large number of treasures will lower prices, and Wan Lao has not done so.

After all of them are valued, the total value is 1.8 trillion stars.

This amount, only the Qibao auction can be so easily come out.

This ordinary person can't really do it. This 8,000 billion star crystal is added to the previous 230 billion star crystal.

This is a total of 410 million stars. Li Lingtian intends to start the Tianchimen site, with a valuation of 10 million.

In other words, a total of 510 million stars.

This number is really a lot, and there are some treasures, such as the largest number of first-order primal warriors, and second-order primal warriors.

Although this value is less, with some messy things, this number can be said to be very huge.

Not to mention, there are hundreds of billions of star crystals, and even those families with four levels of distribution will also get a lot of treasures.

After this exchange was completed, Li Lingtian and Lan Family Head left the Universe Bank.

Returning to the place where the Tianmen Gate was built, the man headed by the warlord has not yet returned.

The next day, the head of the warlord finally returned, with a smile on his face.

Lord Shangguan looked at the warlord and asked, "The station master doesn't know how many stars are sold for those things."

The warlord said with a big laugh: "I thought these things were insignificant. I didn't expect to be robbed~www.wuxiaspot.com~The blue master looked at the warlord and said: "Old war, don't want It's time to sell, how many stars are sold. "

The Warlord's head looked at the Lan's head and asked, "Lao Lan, how much billions of stars do you sell?"

"Eight hundred and eighty billion stars!" Lan Family Head said directly.

The main face of the Zhanjia family was shocked: "Isn't it because I sold so many stars?"

The Lan family head glanced contemptuously at the warlord homeowner and said, "I'm selling the gate, but I don't have the share of your warlord."

The Warlord's head looked at the Lan's head and knew that he was joking, and he wasn't hiding anymore. He said, "Although not as many as you, I have sold 600 billion stars."

Is there less than 600 billion stars? Too many, because they are all inferior things, a lot of messy treasures.

It was shocking to be able to sell 600 billion stars of stars. It is no wonder that looking at the warlord's head, it is a bit of a beating.

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