War God Supreme

Chapter 2776: Lingtian Palace

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Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian and said, "When we two practiced Wushuang Jianjue, the speed of cultivation was very fast, so it was during this time that we broke through to the fifth stellar star. Book Fan Tower"

Li Lingtian thought that the Wushuang sword did not have a white auction, and the spent crystals should be deserved.

The host of Hanshuang Palace also said: "This unparalleled sword really benefits us both."

It would be better if the two were satisfied. Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master and said, "Do you say that I should form forces now?"

Your Frost Palace Master frowned and said, "It's better to have a force, otherwise it will be weaker. If it can really condense a force, it will have some effect in the universe."

Nangong Mingyue nodded and said: "It is true, sometimes alone is going to suffer."

Li Lingtian thought that this made sense, and it was time to build a strength.

The three of them rode the spaceship and finally arrived at the former site of the Tiantianmen. Both the Nangong Mingyue and the Frost Palace Master were a little shocked.

There are so many palaces in a row, but they are very spectacular.

Li Lingtian pointed to this palace on the spaceship and said, "This is our territory."

Nangong Mingyue said in surprise: "This is true and false, what have you done for a while?"

Li Lingtian didn't say much, because Li Lingtian was already very clear. This is a long story, and it can't be short.

The three went up from the universe, and Nangong Mingyue asked curiously, "Is there a name in this place?"

"It used to be called Tianmen, but there is no name yet."

"The Heavenly Gate is not good, you should think of a nice name," Nangong Mingyue suggested.

Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue and asked, "What's your name?

"It would be better to name it after you, how about Ling Tianmen?" The Hanshuang Palace master thought for a moment.

Li Lingtian immediately shook his head and said: "Not good."

The bright light of Nangong Mingyue said: "Let's call Ling Tiangong, I want Ling Tiangong, I will Ling Tiangong, Ling Tiangong!"

Although this door is only one word away from the palace, the feeling of listening is absolutely different.

The host of Hanshuang Palace agreed: "Ling Tiangong is good, I think Ling Tiangong."

Li Lingtian feels that Lingtian Palace is also good. It is the most extreme number in ninety-nine, then Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian jumped into the sky, and the flame of extinction appeared in his hand. With the movement of his arm, the three characters of dragon dance and phoenix dance appeared in the original position of the Tiantianmen.

Looking at the domineering attitude, Li Lingtian smiled and said, "Since then, you are Ling Tiangong!"

The three entered Lingtian Palace and were shocked again by Lingtian Palace's many palaces.

Li Lingtian said to Nangong Mingyue and the two: "There is a palace formation. Before this, there were 20 spaceships that attacked with a three-level laser gun, and they could not set off any waves."

Nangong Mingyue and Frost Palace Master naturally know the power of the three-level laser cannon, not to mention that these are 20 spaceships, which is not a joke.

"Is this palace formation really so powerful?"

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Yes, it is very safe here."

While talking, Li Lingtian took the two to the palace that controlled the formation.

Tell them how to activate the formation, and they can also use it when he is away.

The three walked around Lingtian Palace and chose the palace where they lived.

Li Lingtian felt a familiar breath outside Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian's figure flickered, and in an instant he reached Lingtian Palace, it was the blue sky.

Blue Sky looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Ling Tiangong, what a Lingtian Palace!"

"Lan Shao, it's early enough." Li Lingtian said indifferently.

Blue Sky only looked at Li Lingtian and said, "The title deeds of Chi Tianmen and Zi Family have been divided up. You can get the title deeds of Feng Family."

Li Lingtian took out the title deed obtained at Fengjia and said, "It's already in my hands."

Lantian smiled and said: "The Fengjia Business Alliance, big and small, has fifteen places in the shining holy city. Because of the destruction of the Fengjia, all the employees have already left, and they need to recruit to work. Write staff."

"There are really a lot of fifteen places. You can advertise in your free time."

The blue sky nodded and said: "Fengjia, there is a restaurant called Fengxuan Pavilion, which has millions of stars every day. This is one of the few high-end restaurants in the world. ."

In Li Lingtian's heart, there are millions of star crystals every day, ten days is ten million, and daytime stars are hundreds of millions.

Speaking of which, this is definitely a lot, after all, it belongs to the accumulation of days and months.

Blue Sky looked at Li Lingtian very interested and said, "How about Ling Tian, ​​how about visiting Fengxuan Pavilion with me?"

Li Lingtian also wants to know whether this so-called Fengxuan Pavilion has such a scale.

I think that the Lingtian Palace array method is here~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master are relatively safe.

There is nothing to worry about, and told the two with intelligence, and then left Lingtian Palace with the blue sky.

Go to the main city of Yaoshi Holy City and proceed to Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian was preparing to be a spaceship, and the blue sky stopped immediately: "It's not too far away, we just fly and go."

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Alright!"

The distance between the Tianmen Gate and the main city is indeed not too far away. Li Lingtian did not care, so he followed the blue sky.

After leaving Lingtian Palace for a while, Li Lingtian felt a little wrong.

This blue sky was all the way, and he didn't even talk to him.

The breath is still the same breath, but the feeling is different.

Li Lingtian said directly: "Blue Shao, I'm seeing something wrong with you today."

Blue Sky frowned and said, "It's okay! It's just..."

The blue sky is just saying nothing, frowning, Li Lingtian thought, what happened to the Lan family?

Just then, a spaceship appeared at high altitude, and then a person jumped from it.

Li Lingtian was shocked, the master of the domain was strong, and his breath had locked him, apparently came to deal with him.

Li Lingtian didn't have time to control the blue sky, and said to the blue sky: "Retreat!"

Only Lantian looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Be careful."

This is indeed a strong domain master. Although it is only a first-order domain master, Li Lingtian did not care.

The master of the domain landed in front of Li Lingtian and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Li Lingtian, your life is mine."

Li Lingtian looked at this domain master's first-order strongman and sneered, "Where did you come from? You said that there are many people who want me to die, how old are you?"

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