War God Supreme

Chapter 2794: Lingtian Business League

Since Li Lingtian intends to form a force, it will definitely be the best in a long time.

Xingchenjing are all things outside the body. If the people in Lingtian Palace are all loyal to him, he will not care about any Xingchenjing.

After all, only the forces are the most real, the others are things outside the body.

All the rewards Leng Fei said, and everyone was shocked.

Ling Tiangong is really a big deal. Some of them have joined a lot of forces, but they haven't come without such a big arm.

At the beginning, Li Lingtian gave them a preconceived role as a master of the palace.

Thousands of people are also a lot of expenses for Li Lingtian, so let's look at Leng Fei next.

Of course, when the two discussed, Leng Fei also said that he can definitely support the expenses of the Lord in this way.

Therefore, with Leng Fei's affirmation, Li Lingtian will naturally rest assured.

After the banquet, Li Lingtian bar Shangguan city owner and Lan family head, and Zhanjia family heads were all sent away.

The strength was formed, and a one-month management period was started to train those who had just entered Lingtian Palace.

Let them know each other and let them know the rules of Ling Tiangong.

During this period, Li Lingtian also knew about the shops left by the Feng family.

Leng Fei also started to calculate how to increase assets as quickly as possible.

A month passed quickly, and everyone was already familiar with it within a month.

Leng Fei transformed all the shops of the Feng family from the front, and changed all the businesses that could not be done directly to the industries he valued.

After another ten days, the fifteen shops left by the Feng family were all renovated and officially opened.

Leng Fei is really very busy because at the beginning, Leng Fei knows the most, and everyone else is amateur.

Therefore, Leng Fei has to guide himself, so it is in this state that he finally embarks on the formal.

But in the early stage, it was money and investment.

So the trillion star crystals will soon be gone.

So Li Lingtian took out another 300 billion and gave it to Leng Fei. The Lingtian Business League was formally established a month later.

For more than a month, Leng Fei delivered all the stores, and he played the role of overall control.

Controlling the movement of fifteen shops, the establishment of Lingtian Business League, which really started to make money.

At one and a half, Li Lingtian will not need to invest, otherwise Li Lingtian is really about to smash the pot and sell iron.

One day in Lingtian Palace, Leng Fei found Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian saw Leng Fei's expression, and the last time Leng Fei took the initiative to find him, it was because Xing Chenjing was insufficient.

Li Lingtian asked directly: "Isn't it the star crystal, isn't it enough?"

Leng Fei shook his head and said, "It's enough for now, but let me tell you in advance, I might need trillion trillion stars after a month."

Li Lingtian looked a little ugly and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"There is a big project to do. I met a person before. He will come to Yaoshi Holy City very soon. We must seize this opportunity."

"One trillion is not a small amount, and during this period of time, have fifteen shops not made any profits?"

For Li Lingtian, these figures are not small.

"The profits of fifteen stores during this period should look like three to four hundred billion. It was really slow at the beginning, so it was not enough."

It is said that these three or fourteen billion stars are profitable in two months, is it still small?

Naturally not counting, three to four billion stars in two months has been very shocking.

It's just that Li Lingtian just took out 1.3 trillion star crystals, and one trillion trillion star crystals, in order to feel a little less.

Leng Fei looked at Li Lingtian and said, "This is the case. I know the man named Lei Youyu. He has an initial source space."

"What is the initial space?" Li Lingtian asked curiously.

"The initial space is a treasure, but it can't be graded. In the initial space, it has the power of the source, and the space is not large, but it can allow the creature to give the power of the source." Leng Fei explained.

Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart and said, "Wouldn't it be possible to produce heaven and earth at will?"

Li Lingtian said with some shock.

Leng Fei shook his head and said, "Naturally, it depends on what level of Tiancaidibao can be cultivated, but Lei Youyu is the third-order strength of the domain master. The ordinary Tiancai Dibao has no effect on him. "

"Then what do you mean?" Li Lingtian was already confused by Leng Fei. He didn't know what he wanted to express. He asked directly.

Leng Fei directly said: "This initial space was opened up by Lei to form a breeding space. There are some carnivorous animals and some edible things like fruits."

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and asked, "What are the benefits?"

"Let the user increase the power of the source, it has no effect on the domain master level strong, but for the people below the domain master level, the more there will be benefits, the lower the strength, the greater the benefit."

Li Lingtian knew that the universe was respected by strength,

"What are you going to do?" Li Lingtian looked at Leng Fei's plans.

"I and Lei have more than a good deal to discuss, the 800 billion star crystal franchise fee, and then sell it to us at the cheapest price."

Eight hundred billion stars joining fee, Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard that, too much.

Eight hundred billion is just a franchise fee, Leng Fei also sees Li Lingtian's shock.

He said to Li Lingtian: "Boss, I have calculated it already. There are absolutely not many 800 billion star stars, because as long as the joining is successful, the net profit for one year is at least 200 billion yuan."

A year above 200 billion, it can indeed be said that it is huge profits.

If you count it like this, you will get back your capital in four years, and it's really nothing.

Li Lingtian asked: "There is such a big profit?"

Leng Fei nodded and said: "Boss, don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have made some investigations. In the past few decades, although I have not joined any forces, I have inspected the entire market of Le."

Li Lingtian is not hesitant to hire, but not suspicious, since Leng Fei has already said so.

Li Lingtian had nothing to hesitate and asked, "Use it in a month?"

Leng Fei nodded and said, "Yes, Lei will be in Yaoshi Holy City in more than a month."

"Okay, a month later, I will give you a trillion stars."

Just after Li Lingtian said it, he thought to himself what should he do? There is always no shortage of Xingchenjing, so they sell Chaos Treasure, which is really like a joke.

Leng Fei saw Li Lingtian agree and said in a good mood: "Boss, rest assured, I will never let you down."

Leng Fei left, Li Lingtian was in deep thought, what to do with a trillion star crystal?

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