War God Supreme

Chapter 2809: Retreat

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All preparations are ready, and the head of Xiahou feels that time is almost running out. Book Fan Building

Immediately began to order and began to attack.

Several people controlled the dragon crystal cannon and laser cannon and started a crazy attack.

Twenty rays of light, just like twenty meteors, rushed down the mountain frantically, very fast.

The head of the Zuo family felt that the situation was wrong and there was a great threat, and immediately said to the people of the Zuo family: "Avoid!"

Ten laser cannons and ten dragon crystal cannons scattered and bombarded the past.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fierce bursts of sound broke out one after another, and the world was eclipsed, and the sand and stones swept crazy.

The evil monarch does his best to defend, but the defensive borders on this body can only help some people to defend.

Although they have been dispersed, there are still a small number of people who have already made the move.

The attack of this wave caused the Zuo's family to lose hundreds of people, and the artillery fire was just the beginning.

It's just not as brave as it was at the beginning. Ten laser cannons and ten dragon crystal cannons attacked alternately.

Although they are not as powerful as the attack together, but they can't rush up on this easy to defend and attack the Bundesliga Fengyun Mountain.

Three spaceships hovering over Fengyun Mountain, seeing that the battle has begun, they immediately start the spaceship,

Above a spaceship are two cannons, a total of six crystal cannons, mobilizing the turret, and aiming at the location of the ten dragon crystal cannons.

They listened to the head of the left family and destroyed the twenty cannons as their first task.

So six laser cannons were all aimed at ten dragon crystal cannons.

However, Li Lingtian was prepared, and was also a little afraid of these three spaceships.

The Xiahou family had only one spaceship and it was ready, and the three spaceships above began to attack.

The six laser guns began to bombard together, and a terrifying force erupted.

The head of the Xiahou family immediately said to the manipulator on the spaceship: "Turn on level 5 defense."

The spaceship was blocking the dragon crystal cannon and laser cannon, and the defensive enchantment appeared immediately.

This is a five-level defense, 2 billion star crystals in a minute, this is simply burning blood.

This is Li Lingtian's attention. It is best to do it. There is no need to use the fourth-level defense. Although it consumes less, the effect will indeed be much different.

So Li Lingtian sees it more thoroughly. The fifth-level defense is not a loss of fifth-level defense. Six laser cannons all bombarded on the defensive barrier.

The defensive enchantment shone a little light, and then there was no other damage, it was so simple.

Li Lingtian knows that the time is very short. The five-level defensive border, but the consumption is not too high.

Li Lingtian immediately said to the man who controlled the Longjing Cannon: "Start counterattack!"

Ten dragon crystal cannons and ten laser cannons all turned the turrets, aimed at one of the spaceships, and bombarded them together.

The owner of the left family felt the artillery stopped and shouted, "Brothers, rush me up,"

Ten dragon crystal cannons and ten laser cannons bombarded the past.

The No.3 spacecraft felt that the situation was not good, and immediately launched the fifth-level defense, which is also a two-billion-star star in one minute.

When all the Longjing guns and laser cannons were bombarded above the defensive enchantment, a crack appeared in the defensive enchantment.

A loud noise erupted from it, and the head of the left family looked pale and continued to shout: "Brothers, continue to rush."

All things are under the control of Li Lingtian, knowing that this is someone who is rushing over.

According to the arrangement as before, the ten attacking dragon crystal cannons continued to bombard them, and the remaining ten laser cannons were aimed at the mountain again.

The battle is still going on, because the enchantment on the spacecraft No. 3 can be seen already broken.

So this is definitely an opportunity, the Shimen Dragon Crystal Cannon began to attack together.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

All ten dragon crystal cannons bombarded above the fifth-level defensive enchantment.

When the first dragon crystal artillery bombarded the enchantment, the defensive enchantment shattered, and all other dragon crystal artillery bombarded the spaceship.

The entire spaceship immediately became broken, fragmented and dropped on the ground.

The head of the Zuo family originally planned to rush up in one go, but the power of the ten laser guns made them impossible to rush.

And watched as one spaceship was destroyed, and immediately ordered the other two spaceships to leave quickly.

Because he didn't know how many stars in the Xiahou family, he didn't dare to take risks.

Another wave of laser artillery bombarded, and the owner of the left family shouted, "Go down, retreat!"

The people of the Zuo family quickly evacuated down the mountain, and the spacecraft retreated, which was finally safe.

Li Lingtian was also terrified, because as long as they persisted for a while, they were powerless.

Because they have only 4 billion stars left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is simply not enough.

A total of 35 billion stars, plus Li Lingtian’s energy pool is full of energy, so it took so long.

Under the final attack, the star crystals are gone, and the rest are the first 10 billion star crystals on the spaceship.

After using a five-level defense, there are only four billion stars left.

Li Lingtian is so generous to squander, just to create the illusion of many stars, in fact, the lamp has run out.

However, the Zuo's family still evacuated without hesitation, otherwise it is estimated that it has already rushed up.

However, the loss of the left family is not small. At the time, there were 2,400 people, but now there are 500 people.

Nine hundred people were completely lost, and the meat of Zuo's head was also in pain.

There is indeed no reason why it doesn't hurt. If you continue to lose, you will lose more than you get.

The main character of Zuojia’s face was ugly and terrible, and he was dark. Now he didn’t know what to do.

Originally still superior, but this time the attack came down, reducing the number of people by half.

This number of people is not difficult to deal with the Xiahou family. The difficulty is that the Longjing cannon and the Jiguang cannon are bombarded with all their strength.

Even the evil monarch is hard to resist, so here is the embarrassment.

The people under the mountain are all sad, but the people on the mountain are not too happy.

Looking at Li Lingtian, the head of Xia Hou asked: "After this wave, Xing Chenjing is gone. They are rushing down. What should we do?"

Li Lingtian had a hole card, but when it was a last resort, he really did not want to move the hole card.

Li Lingtian looked at the Xiahou family owner and said: "Just after a tragic stop, the left family does not know our details, and will not be able to rush up in one and a half."

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