War God Supreme

Chapter 2812: resistance

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The owner of the Zuo family had the previous lesson. Everyone was scattered. They were afraid that the Longjing artillery would be bombarded by the laser artillery. The casualties of the film could not be enjoyed by him.

Everyone started in a very orderly manner, and the speed was already very fast.

Li Lingtian took everything in his eyes and calculated how to carry out the attack in order to block it most effectively.

Xingchenjing only has 4 billion left, which may be an astronomical figure for others.

But for this expensive dragon crystal cannon and laser cannon, it is nothing.

Therefore, these four billion stars must be used properly.

Not at all sloppy, Li Lingtian looked at the dynamics of the mountain at any time, and finally came to the middle of the mountainside.

Li Lingtian ordered the people of the Xiahou family: "Boulder rolls down."

The boulders are all carefully selected, and each one is very large, otherwise the boulders are small and have no effect.

Li Lingtian let all the prepared boulders roll down. A total of ten boulders were bombarded away.

These ten boulders blocked the entire Fengyun Mountain road.

The boulder rolled down, and a loud noise alarmed the people of Zuo who were advancing.

The owner of the Zuo family immediately said, "Be careful."

The people of the Zuo family immediately dispersed, the boulder finally rolled down, and the evil prince took the brunt, and rushed past.

The long sword in his hand drew a sword qi and rushed towards the boulder.

The long sword in the hands of the evil monarch is a very powerful, medium-quality chaotic treasure, and a terrifying power erupts in the hands of a second-order domain master.

Although the boulder is huge, it has no effect on bombardment with evil spirits.

The ten boulders were immediately torn apart and scattered down the mountain.

The master of the left family thought that the second-level master of this domain is powerful. It was so easy to break all the boulders.

Li Lingtian under the mountain can naturally feel this scene.

Li Lingtian waved his arm, and the ten Xiahou families were completely ready.

The ten people, one by one, were all ready and pushed together.

The sound of the roll of the boulder was heard, and the head of the left family looked at the evil monarch and said, "Master evil lord, it depends on you."

The evil monarch didn't speak, but he was ready to do it. As the boulder approached, the long sword in the hand of the evil monarch was dancing wildly.

The boulder was torn apart again, but when the boulder was torn apart, the boulder exploded, the smoke filled, and instantly filled the entire space.

The main character of the left family moved and immediately shouted, "Hold your breath, it's poisonous!"

This is Li Lingtian's strategy. The first time, it was mainly to numb them.

But Boulder didn't choose to be too fragile. The first attack was paralyzed, and the second attack was more direct.

Very crazy, the boulders of poison are hidden inside, and once broken, the poison inside will explode immediately.

This poison is called Xuan Shuang Ji Xue San. The main effect is to freeze the poisoned person's blood, and the weaker ones will lose their combat power directly.

The powerful will also have a reduced combat effectiveness, but this Xuan Shuang Ji San San has no effect on the domain master.

Because the blood of the domain master level is different from the blood of the star star, the domain master level strong person has a very strong immunity.

Li Lingtian's main purpose is not that domain master, or other people in the left family.

The effect of Xuan Shuang Chi Xue San is very powerful. When the left family head wants to hold everyone's breath, this Xuan Shuang Chi Xue San has entered everyone's body.

There are a total of more than 4,000 people above, and the strength is uneven, there are strong and weak, there is everything from the first order of the star to the ninth order of the star.

The first order of the weakest star, after absorbing Xuanshuangji Sansan, feels numb.

The whole person is weak and unable to do anything, including walking, they feel very difficult.

Although the second-order stellar state is also very bad, it is better than the first-order stellar.

But fighting is almost impossible, and the fight is weak.

People above Stellar's Tier 7 have stronger immunity and have not shown enough embarrassment.

However, the people below the fourth order of the star are unable to fight because they are unable to fight.

The owner of the Zuo family also had no choice. He also made a move himself, knowing that the power of Xuan Shuang's blood dispersal was strong.

Then he said to the people of the left family: "The stars of the fourth order and below are rested in place and do not need to participate in the battle."

Under the fourth order of the star, the number occupies a third, and the original team of more than 4,000 people has about 3,000 people left.

The head of the Zuo family didn't think of it. Looking at the top of the mountain, he said to everyone: "Be careful, don't take the trick."

Although Li Lingtian did not see it with his own eyes, he could also guess what happened.

Arms waved again, ten members of the Xiahou family ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are ready, or ten boulders, and pushed straight down.

The main character of the Zuojia family moved, thinking that he must never be able to make another move, otherwise the consequences would be really unbearable.

Lord Zuo looked at the evil monarch and said, "Master, evil monarch, first trouble you to control these boulders, they can't be broken anymore, let them roll down on their own.

The evil monarch did not speak, but he has listened in. The man's money and disaster relief for the man is a matter of course.

The boulder rolled down again, the power of the evil monarch's original source exploded, waving the long sword in his hand, the principle of the original erupted from the long sword.

It even radiated a soft light, and countless swords and awns merged together to form a defensive barrier.

All the boulders were blocked, and the head of the left family immediately directed the people of the left family to leave a passage for the boulders.

The evil monarch's long sword was picked, and a boulder was loosened. Under the control of the evil monarch, it fell down from it without hurting anyone.

The other nine boulders use this method, which is very fast.

Although it was safe and sound, it also played the role of Li Lingtian, simply delaying time. There is nothing in this boulder.

It’s just to give Xiahou’s head some time, but Xiahou’s head is really not a genius.

Li Lingtian used only a little energy of the psychic flower to successfully break through, which is enough to see the huge gap.

The problem of Jushi was resolved, and the Zuo family attacked again, but it was more cautious, for fear that Li Lingtian would have other tactics.

Li Lingtian's means are indeed there, because he needs enough time to leave it to the head of Xiahou. If he can break through, it will be a big help.

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