War God Supreme

Chapter 2837: Sitting

The flames of extermination in Li Lingtian's hands waved out, the Halloween fire broke out, and the power of terror exploded instantly.

Li Lingtian looked at Zong Tianheng and had the heart to kill.

The flames of God of Extinction condensed a horrible blade of fire. The flames soared into the sky, with great power and terrifying.

Even though Tianheng wanted to avoid it, Li Lingtian's flame of extermination had been bombarded out, very terrifying.

It was too late to escape, and because of Li Lingtian's momentum, the speed was obviously slow.

Blazing Daoman directly chopped on Tian Tianheng's body, and Chuan Tianheng's body was immediately divided into two, and his soul returned to his hometown.

Under the action of the flames, the body disappeared.

There was a sneer in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, and he turned and rushed towards the others, and the goal was Wang Feng.

Because the goal of the tiny spaceship is also Wang Feng. When Wang Feng saw the spaceship, he was really full of joy in his heart.

He knew that his father was coming, and His Holiness and the Great Puppet were still killing others.

Inside the small spaceship, it is the owner of the Wang family, and the elders of the Wang family, only two.

When the two saw big puppets, Venerable Sun, and Li Lingtian, everything was clear.

The owner of the Wang family did not see the second elders and the third elders knowing that this was almost a venomous victim.

And the people in his family are still attacking madly, and the people in his royal family are still dying, so this is a very sad thing.

The head of the Wang family did not think too much, and rushed directly to Wang Feng.

Li Lingtian also rushed to Wang Feng, and the 33rd Refining Pagoda appeared and bombarded Wang Feng directly.

A small spaceship appeared in front of Wang Feng, and the fifth-level defense opened.

Blocking the attack of the 33rd refining tower, Wang Feng also smoothly entered the spaceship.

Seeing his father, Wang Feng hurriedly said, "Father, revenge on the elders of the second elder and the elders are all dead."

After seeing Wang Feng's appearance, the Wang family head flew over with a slap and snorted: "You give me calmness, the strength of me and the elders, do you feel that you can beat them, the masters of domain strength? And Ya Li Sha has not yet appeared. Do you want the Wang family to become a dead family in order to let go of it?"

Wang Feng took this slap, and then he calmly thought, and indeed it was not necessarily the opponent of Li Lingtian, who was too powerful.

Master Wang Jia controlled the spaceship and quickly rushed towards the direction of the Holy Cloud City.

Yali also saw the small spaceship and immediately locked it, allowing the Longjing and laser guns to bombard.

The small spaceship immediately opened the sixth-level defense, quickly evacuated, and shed all the remaining Wang family, but saved Wang Feng alone.

Li Lingtian also wanted to chase, but I don’t know what this spaceship is, why it has such a speed, it is really incredible.

Soon, Li Lingtian was out of sight. Li Lingtian was helpless, and the Wang family was also a super power in the Holy City of Explosive Clouds.

This time I didn't cut the grass and root out, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome.

However, Li Lingtian thought that there was nothing to fear when soldiers came to block it, and water came to cover it.

Sun Tianzun and the big puppet wiped out all the royal family, and Li Lingtian returned to the spaceship.

Yali looked at Li Lingtian and said, "In the end, there was still no time, the head of the Wang family still appeared."

"I don't know what kind of spaceship this is, and the speed will be so fast." Li Lingtian said a little embarrassedly. After all, he had never seen a spaceship of this speed before.

"That's a special spaceship, it's very fast, and it pays a lot of stars, but I didn't expect the Wang family to come really fast."

Yali killed Li Lingtian and explained.

Li Lingtian watched Yali killing and said, "The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, let's go back to the shining holy city first,"

Yali thought about it and said, "This royal family is not a small force. You still need to pay attention."

Li Lingtian knew that the Wang family was indeed not simple, but he was not that simple. It would be interesting if he wanted to deal with him in Yaoshi Holy City.

Li Lingtian looked at Yali killing and said: "Relax, come back to Yaoshi Holy City, it is not so easy for anyone to deal with me."

Yali was relieved to see Li Lingtian's confidence, and immediately returned to Yaoshi Holy City.

After the Wang family head returned to the Wang family, he was furious, and immediately ordered people to bring all of Tian Tianheng's family.

Soon Tian Tianheng's parents and others were all brought in. All of them were brought in, and the Wang family head said coldly, "Good sons you have."

Zong Tianheng's parents are a bit stunned, because Zian Tianheng breaks through to the domain master powerhouse, it can be said that they are rising in height, and life is not the same as before.

But I don't know why the Wang family head said this. Zong Tianheng's father looked at the Wang family head and asked, "What's wrong with Tian Heng? Has the offended family head been offended?"

Wang Feng stepped forward and kicked Tian Tianheng's father to the ground, coldly saying: "He should be guilty of death, because his king's family has lost a few strong men, and there are two elders and three elders. Fatal."

Even Tian Tianheng's mother did not ask what was the reason, and immediately said: "Where is this son, let me teach this son."

The owner of the Wang family sneered: "You think you can still be alive, you have been killed by offended people, and it has also affected our Wang family."

Tian Tianheng's parents are a little ignorant, and tears flow from his eyes.

Wang Feng said with a sneer: "How do you know that you are sad now? Since you are so sad, then go to die with your rebel son."

The head of the Wang family shouted, "Come here, put everyone in the family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to death."

Tian Tianheng’s family cried into a cry and said, “Forgiveness. Forgiveness, Master.”

"It's not our fault, it's all a matter of the sky, don't involve the innocent."

The owner of the Wang family waved his hand, and the people of the Wang family immediately took everyone in the family.

Soon I heard that the screams became a group, and there were more than a dozen people in the family. Because all of Tian Tianheng was beheaded, it can be said that the Wang family is also really fierce.

Only Wang Feng and the head of the Wang family are left. The head of the Wang family is still very fond of his son, and he is not talking about it.

Wang Feng immediately knelt down and looked at his father and said, "Father, I was wrong, please punish."

The lord of the Wang family sighed and said, "There is nothing wrong with this. It was already like this, and at that time, you were revenge for Tiantianheng, and I did not stop it, so you have no responsibility, don't think about it."

Wang Feng's heart finally fell to the ground, he thought he could not avoid the pain of the flesh.

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