War God Supreme

Chapter 2986: Old days

Wu Ling's vigorous dissuasion finally made Long Ling'er suspicious. As a master, how could he not allow his apprentices to have better resources?

Although, Wu Shi gave an explanation, saying that if the seedlings were raised, there would be no benefit for Long Ling'er.

I can taste the sweetness now, but it hurts himself in the end, which is not good for future growth.

Despite Wucheng's sincere words, Long Ling'er was still dubious and suspicious of Wuling.

Wutai's talent is also very evil, and is a genius. In the past 20 years, he has also reached the fifth level of the domain master, and there are many people in his hands.

It was also appreciated by the Sect Master Luo Xing. At that time, the sorrow was not too elder, but its identity was not worse than that of the elder.

But because the growth of Long Ling'er is indeed very rapid, Xing Luozong still decided to cultivate Long Linger with all his strength.

There is hatred in Long Ling'er's heart. If he wants to avenge himself, he must strengthen himself.

Therefore, Long Ling'er practiced extremely fast and lived up to the expectations. He broke through to the fourth level of the domain master, and some people could not break through this level after their entire lives.

But Long Ling'er is very relaxed. The strength of the fourth order of the domain master is for Sect Master Xingluo.

It still has the ability to protect itself, so I started to let Long Linger perform the task, and also sent a Taishang elder to protect Long Linger.

Growing up in battle, Long Ling'er did grow very quickly.

While doing missions in the south and the north, Long Ling'er finally began to investigate, when the war was in that year.

For the family that the Long family shot, when it was found, this family passed the war. Although it was a bit down, it was still a big family

There is also a strong sixth-level master of the domain master, so Long Ling'er does not dare to act casually.

To avenge his revenge, Long Ling'er can give up his life, but if his life is gone and the enemy is not reported, it will be worth the loss.

So Long Ling'er, a more crazy practice, a hundred years, let Long Ling'er reach the fifth level of the domain master.

The most important thing is not a level that has been promoted, the most important thing is the valuable experience gained from actual combat.

When Long Ling'er grew to the fifth level of the domain master, he was finally considered a strong player.

Return the elder Tai Long, who is guarding Long Ling'er, to Xingluozong.

Long Ling'er finally had freedom, and at the same time, because of the helplessness, he helped him a lot.

Therefore, the initial doubts about Wu Shi also disappeared, so during the training, the treasures obtained will also be distributed to Wu Shi.

Long Ling'er's approach finally relieved the innocence.

He has always been concerned about the strength of Long Ling'er. As long as he expected, Long Ling'er will be swallowed immediately.

His strength is also growing, so he is more at ease with Long Ling'er.

When Long Linger did the task by himself, he finally let go.

He was like a bare foot who was not afraid of wearing shoes, and began to hate his dragon family, the Ouyang family started.

All are assassinations. A fifth-order domain master who wants to assassinate people cannot be discovered.

But in the back, the Ouyang family is cautious. They almost never leave alone. They all have small teams. To leave the family, you must have two small teams to form a hundred before you can leave the house.

But Long Ling'er was also unhurried. Eventually, it took ten years to ruin a large family.

Finally, a series of methods were used to obtain the massacre of hundreds of years ago.

In the battle between the two holy cities, Wuxi knew that his holy city was definitely not the opponent of the other.

So be prepared in advance, if it is a blatant treason, it will definitely not work.

Everyone knows the hatred between the two holy cities, so if they betray directly, they will be despised and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the future.

So the trade-offs are repeated, and this is a good idea, that is, the golden cicadas are unshelled.

The first contact is made, the Xingluozong people that I have known before, and then they say they want to lead some people, = join Xingluozong.

Because of the guarantee of the head strength, the master of this star Luo Zong agreed.

Therefore, during the battle between the two sides, Tianzhaozong, who had no martyrdom, did not exert his full strength at all.

In the end, during the battle, Tianzhao Zong colluded with the Ouyang family and dealt with the dragon family together. Once the dragon family fell down, the battle would end soon, and he promised some benefits to the Ouyang family.

Therefore, under such a combination of inside and outside, the Dragon family is certainly strong, but it is not overwhelmed. In the end, the Dragon family is full of pictures, but only the Dragon Linger is left alone.

When Long Linger got the news, the whole person froze in place, because this was what the head of the Ouyang family said.

The thing is very clear, it doesn't seem to deceive him at all.

In Long Ling'er's mind, there was a picture of his apprenticeship, and a master teacher,

He felt that his heart was bleeding, and he could hardly breathe.

Although he had doubts about Wuyi, he just thought that he might be suppressed, but he did not expect that his family's tragedy was caused by his master, who had been calling him for many years.

Long Ling'er hates himself very much, why he recognizes thief as father.

Under intense pain, Long Linger killed the head of the Ouyang family.

Uncontrollable, leaving blood and tears, very miserable, I wanted to return to this star Luo Zong directly revenge Xue hate,

But just before returning to Xing Luozong, Long Ling'er calmed down.

He is very clear that the forces of Xing Luozong who have been in trouble for so many years can be said to be very powerful, even if they have not stood halfway.

It's almost the same. If he avenged himself, his opponent, who was still intact, would surely die by then, and he really became a pro.

So in this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian finally made up his mind and finally decided to endure some time.

During this period of forbearance, Long Ling'er discovered that the energy of the Anguish was stronger than she thought.

Therefore, he forbeared and quickly enhanced his strength, because with the help of the Sect Master Xingluo, the growth was very rapid, and he gradually got rid of the shameless.

Moreover, Xing Luozong also developed his own power, so that he could gradually contend with Wu Shi.

When Wu Fei felt wrong, it was already too late, and two hundred years later, the three thrones of Xing Luozong were replaced.

Long Ling'er also relied on his own strength and the strength of his men to rank one of the three kings with Wutai, and titled the Dragon King.

Wuxi is titled as the King of War, Wuxi feels wrong, but Long Ling'er has become a climate and dare not deal with Long Linger easily.

Because Long Ling'er had his own team, he did not dare to easily deal with invincibility. It is very likely that the whole army will be destroyed. And the most unhappy thing about the Xingluo Sect Master is infighting, so he has been waiting for being able to deal with innocence. opportunity.

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