War God Supreme

Chapter 2988: For help

Li Lingtian directly refused. Although he did not know whether he could, he knew that if they were dispatched, it would be very troublesome.

Judging from the situation of shooting against shallow sky, this mad war is indeed as general as the Dragon King said.

Doing everything to the enemy, trying to reduce the damage.

So Li Lingtian did not dare to take risks. A shallow sky had already let him know what to do.

If another person falls into the hands of this mad war, he will not turn a blind eye, so in this case, the general trend is gone.

Li Lingtian is still assured of his strength, even if he is not an opponent, he still has the strength to protect himself.

And no accident, there are people around him who can save his life in crisis.

So after this calculation, the most worry is really not himself, but the people in front of him.

Li Lingtian said to Liu Banxian: "Half fairy, I know your ability, so I will hand them over to you. Can you promise me that they are safe before I come back?"

Liu Banxian looked at Li Lingtian, and there was a hint of pleading in his eyes. This is the long time he has known Li Lingtian.

The first time he saw such a look in Li Lingtian's eyes, it made him feel incredible.

Liu Banxian looked at Li Lingtian firmly and said, "Okay, you can rest assured, let me here."

Li Lingtian said to Yali: "Don't be capricious this time. Someone has already worked on me. Your safety is the greatest help for me."

How could Yali look at Li Lingtian's eyes with patience and worry him.

Said to Li Lingtian: "Okay, I will listen to you this time and wait for you to come back."

Li Lingtian did not dare to delay the time, rushed out immediately, the time did not wait for others.

Liu Banxian watched Li Lingtian leave and turned to other people, saying: "Don't be distracted, just follow Ling Tian. Let's wait for Ling Tian to come back together."

No one will have an opinion. This is so rare and serious by Li Lingtian, especially Chu Yu knows Li Lingtian.

Most of them seem to care little about everything, even in the face of any enemy.

Including encounters, opponents such as Wanlang Fengshun, so Li Lingtian could be so today, he knew the seriousness of the matter.

Li Lingtian was still not assured of them, and suddenly thought of Wan Tianyu. In the Storm Holy City, maybe only Wan Tianyu could help him.

After all, Wan Tianyu's father, who is the doorkeeper, still has some influence.

Using intelligence, Li Lingtian simply talked to Wan Tianyu, and Wan Tianyu agreed very happily.

And he promised Li Lingtian that as long as it was in the Holy City of Storms, Liu Banxian Chu Yu and others must ensure safety even if he had an accident during this period.

Li Lingtian knew that, with Wan Tianyu's energy in the Holy City of Storms, it was no exaggeration to say such a thing.

The young Master without the door was not kidding, so that's it. After Wan Tianyu and Li Lingtian hung up,

Wan Tianyu quickly went to the Wanjia Main Hall, the Supreme Palace.

This is the place where his father is, Wan Tianyu is about to go in, = the second-order strongman of the domain master in front of the two gatekeepers in the Supreme Palace

Taking a step forward, he stopped Wan Tianyu and said to him: "Young Master, Master Master is still in retreat, please come back."

Wan Tianyu knew that he wanted to do what Li Lingtian said, with his own energy is far from enough, he must intervene with his father, otherwise it would be empty talk.

Time waits for no one, Wan Tianyu said to the two guards: "I have an emergency, let me tell my father, the accident is on me."

The two guards were very embarrassed, because before the door owner closed the door, he told them that he wouldn't go out of the door, and he wouldn't see the guests.

So this can only refuse Wan Tianyu, one of them said to Wan Tianyu: "Young Master, we really have no way. The Master has explained before. You know the temper of the Master, you are fine, but we……"

Wan Tianyu thought of it, and looked at the two of them and said, "Okay, then I won't embarrass you."

The two guards were really relieved. They rejected Wan Tianyu, but they were also very embarrassed in their hearts.

If Wan Tianyu really wanted to trouble them, they would have no good time in the door.

And there will be a day when the young master will become the master sooner or later, so how can he not be worried.

While they were relieved, they hurriedly said: "Xie Shaomen forgive me!"

As soon as the two had finished speaking, Wan Tianyu did something that made them both fall into the eye.

"Father, I'm in a hurry to find you, please come out!"

Chu Yu didn't need to be notified by the two guards. Instead, he did it himself, and howled directly outside,

The two arrived quickly, rushing towards Wan Tianyu, and his back was sweating.

This is really terrible. When it was about to stop, there was a voice from within the Supreme Palace.

"Shouting into what system, come in!"

Wan Tianyu immediately walked into the Supreme Palace, with the main door standing facing away from Wan Tianyu.

"Say something."

Wan Tianyu directly said: "Father, do you remember Li Lingtian I told you?"

Wan Kun thought about it and remembered it. He nodded and said: "Of course I remember that you said that this is the most wicked existence you have ever seen, and as you said, it is indeed a person with a perverted talent."

Wan Kun looked at Wan Tianyu and said, "How come he suddenly remembered him?"

Wan Tianyu said bluntly: "He has come to the Holy City of Storms."

"Yes, counting the days, the elimination battle is about to begin."

Wan Kun still has a lot of psychology, after all, he is also very attached to the assessment of Yulong Shengmeng.

Too many people are counting on the people in their own family to become the core members of the Yulong Shengmeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This has great benefits for the whole family.

Therefore, Wan Kun has always been more concerned, and there are hundreds of people who have no door to come.

This is where they passed the preliminary assessment,

Wan Tianyu didn't waste time anymore. He looked at Wan Kun and said, "This is the case. Li Lingtian has caused a little trouble. I want to help him."

Wan Kun frowned: "People outside, or people inside the Holy City of Storms?"

"I don't know, and I don't help him directly, mainly to protect the safety of his friends."

Wan Tianyu also knows that the relationship between forces and forces is very complicated, so I dare not say that I can help Li Lingtian directly, I am afraid I will think more.

That's not good, as expected, Wan Kun felt relieved when he heard Wan Tianyu's words.

But still said: "I can promise you things, but you have to listen to me, do as I say."

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