War God Supreme

Chapter 2991: Gambling

Watching Li Lingtian frantically, there was a trace of contempt in his eyes.

"What you think is really naive, do you feel this way, will I let him go?"

Li Lingtian frowned: "Is your goal not me? What does shallow sky mean to you?"

"This makes too much sense, because we have just begun, and we will not simply die," the battle frantically laughed.

Li Lingtian looked dark, wondering what he wanted to do in this mad war?

It shouldn't be just a trap for him, killing him is so simple, otherwise you can definitely do it now.

This is the warlord's account of the mad war. The warlord believed in the strength of the war.

But this time not only to kill Li Lingtian, but also to make Li Lingtian pay enough.

The most basic thing is to let all the people around be destroyed, so that the hatred of the king's heart can be relieved.

Li Lingtian looked stiff, and he really couldn't understand what he wanted to do.

However, Li Lingtian at this time could not sit still.

The God Destroyer suit appeared in the hand, and Qianyan Saint Wing spread out.

Watching Li Lingtian frantically, there was a cold smile in his eyes: "Li Lingtian, I haven't shot you yet, you have to fight me in my place? Are you crazy?"

Li Lingtian also knows that this is the next step, but the matter is so far, there is no other way.

This mad war didn't shoot him, but he didn't let go of the shallow sky, and he couldn't stay like that.

So after careful consideration, Li Lingtian decided to shoot, regardless of the consequences.

Li Lingtian held the flame of extinction and rushed towards it.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's flame of extinction aimed at the fine iron chain that bound the shallow sky.

A flaming sword flew out and bombarded the fine iron chain.

Just listening to a roar sounded, the chain was not broken.

Laughing wildly: "This is made of Xuantian Hantie, you are still a little bit hot."

Xuantian cold iron? Li Lingtian still knows some things. This ordinary one, there is really no way out.

But what about the flames of the sacred fire that joined the Halloween Fire?

Li Lingtian's Ten Thousand Sacred Fire quickly entered the flames of extermination, and the sword will come out again.

When this flaming sword erupted, the furious battle finally felt something wrong, which was the force that just broke out.

It's a world apart, it doesn't look like it broke out by a person at all.

And this flame gave him a feeling of fear, which made him feel very bad.

I was trying to block, but the timing was late, and the flaming sword had already bombarded the iron rope.

Hearing only a broken sound, the iron rope broke off in response to the sound and fell to the ground in shallow air.

The loud noise disturbed the people of the mad squad outside and rushed in immediately.

Surrounding Li Lingtian quickly, Li Lingtian had already thought that this would be the result.

So there was no surprise at all, but watching Li Lingtian madly was a bit of interest.

The maniac said to the men of the maniac team: "Who made you rush in? Give me out!"

One of the squads of the mad squad asked a little puzzled: "Sir, then this person?"

Fighting coldly: "Let you go out and go out, can I still not deal with him, can't it?"

The mad squad members, with some anger in the voice of the mad war.

There is no way but to retreat, after all, the order of the mad war cannot be violated.

The people of the mad team left and looked at Li Lingtian madly: "Yes, it's really interesting. I want to look at you as high as I can, but I now find that I may still look down on you."

Li Lingtian was ready to fight, staring at the mad war, and sneered: "Relax, I will give you more surprises."

The battle shrugged and said, "Okay, so let's make a bet. If you win, let you take the shallows. If you lose, then you're sorry. The lives of the two of you can only stay here." ."

Li Lingtian believes that there is absolutely no good intention in this mad war, but there is no other way.

"Tell me, how to gamble?"

The battle has already been thought about, and directly said: "As long as you are in my hands and hold unbeaten for an hour, then you are considered to have won, otherwise, you lost, both of your lives must be retained At this."

Li Lingtian knows that the strength of this mad war is not weak. If he fights alone, he is definitely not an opponent.

But Li Lingtian is different. Even if he cannot win, he will not lose.

There are a lot of cards, and there is Qianyan Holy Wing, even if you can't fight, you can still run away.

So this one hour, I feel that the problem is not big.

Looking at the shallow sky that has fallen to the ground, he knows that if he does not agree to this mad war, he wants to take it out and take it out. This is impossible.

So Li Lingtian had no other choice but to agree.

"Okay, I promise you, where to fight?"

Crazy battle shouted to the outside world: "Little Third Son, come in and take the Lord Ling Tian Palace to the Dou Tian Lei Tai."

Xiao Sanzi is a member of the mad war team, and can be said to be obedient to the mad war, so he took Li Lingtian to the ring.

When Li Lingtian had just left the basement, a man's shadow appeared beside the mad war.

There was a hint of vulgarity in the frantic eyes.

"Take the mad team, everyone else, go to Piaoxianglou, take all Li Lingtian's friends."

The dark figure floated out immediately, and the rest of the mad squad went to the Piaoxianglou.

Fighting to himself, he said to himself: "Is Li Lingtian's death terrible? I will let you know what it means to survive, not to die, hahaha!"

Li Lingtian has arrived at the Dou Tian ring, which is inside the **** shop.

The shallow sky was driven by someone~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian walked to the side of the shallow sky and said: "Shallow sky, you can rest assured that I will definitely take you out of here."

Shallow sky opened his eyes hard, looked at Li Lingtian and said: "Palace, I don't deserve you to do so, just be safe yourself."

Li Lingtian frowned, looked at the shallow sky and said sternly: "You are my person and my brother, are you worth saying it yourself?"

There are tears in the shallow eyes, so the palace lord who is serious and righteous is indeed worthy of his follow-up.

Li Lingtian didn't say anything, leaped into the air, and flew above the Dou Tian ring, waiting for a violent battle.

Li Lingtian always feels that the mad war is a bit wrong. If he really wants his life, there is no need to gamble.

Isn't it good to kill him directly? And they all say that this mad war is tricky, absolutely not as simple as the surface.

However, what he was most worried about was Yali killing others. Wan Tianyu's promise should be safe. Li Lingtian was relieved, waiting for the mad war to come.

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