War God Supreme

Chapter 3007: News of the ruins

But in half a day, Li Lingtian recovered.

After dispersing Qianyan Shengyi, Li Lingtian was about to leave, but someone was contacting him intelligently.

"Huh? Is it something that happened?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian took a closer look and found that Wan Tianyu called him, which surprised him. What happened to Wan Tianyu looking for him?

"Li Lingtian, there is a big business here, are you doing it?"

As soon as it was connected, Wan Tianyu's voice came.

It can be clearly heard that Wan Tianyu's voice is very excited, which also makes Li Lingtian surprised. What is it that can make Wan Tianyu so excited?

"What a big deal?"

Li Lingtian asked doubtfully.

Wan Tianyu said: "Hey, we found a ruin and want to invite you to see it together, how?"

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but move his heart. If it is an ancient ruin, there are countless treasures in it, but he can go and find out.

Therefore, Li Lingtian directly asked, "When will you go?"

"Depart in half a month, do you have time?"

Wan Tianyu said softly: "We have a lot of people this time, there are ten of them, but the strength is good. Although it is a bit difficult in the distribution of things, I believe that there will be gains after all."

"Can I take Liu Banxian with them?"

Hearing Wan Tianyu's words, Li Lingtian frowned, and he had seen it. This time, it must be the remains discovered by Wan Tianyu's friends, so it would involve so many people. Since that is the case, Li Lingtian cannot Going by yourself, what if you are targeted by the group?

Li Lingtian understands the fact that two fists are invincible, so he wants to bring Liu Banxian and Yali to kill. The strength of these two people is good, and they are there. Even if the group of people want to target him, he is not afraid!


Wan Tianyu hesitated for a moment, then he said, "Liu Banxian and Yali have good killing power. You can bring them both. Rest assured, Brother Li, this time, if they dare to treat you unfairly, I will definitely be on your side!"

"haha okay!"

It is said that Li Lingtian just smiled slightly, he did not simply go to the point where others believe what they say. If at that time, Wan Tianyu is really on his side, then he will naturally treat Wan Tianyu as a brother!

If Wan Tianyu didn't do it, Li Lingtian wouldn't shoot Wan Tianyu. After all, he didn't have much relationship with Wan Tianyu itself. Wan Tianyu helped him by giving way, not helping him, that was his duty.

However, in the future, Li Lingtian will no longer regard Wan Tianyu as a friend or brother. After returning Wan Tianyu's relationship, Li Lingtian will completely sever ties with him.

Li Lingtian has always been so, with a clear grudge!

"Then it is so decided, half a month later, we will gather in Piaoxianglou!"

After that, Wan Tianyu hung up the intelligence.

Li Lingtian stood on the spot and pondered.

It is indeed a great benefit for them to encounter a relic before the start of the knockout.

Among the relics, both treasures and precious immortals are extremely numerous. As long as they can be obtained, their strength can be greatly improved.

At that time, in the knockout, you will be able to shine even greater!

Of course, since there are opportunities, it also means that the danger is also in the ruins, and there are many dangers. If you are a little careless, you will fall into the Nine Nether Hell!

"Huh... There are still more than four months to go, and the knockout is about to begin. I hope this relic tour will not let me down!"

With a soft sigh, Li Lingtian was shaking his shoulders, summoning Qianyan Shengyi and flying towards the air.

However, Li Ling genius just flew out not far away, that is to see the five figures are galloping from a distance.

"Huh? Who is it? How could anyone come to this abandoned planet?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's brow furrowed, and a pair of eyes fixed on those people.

And just when Li Lingtian found those people, they also found Li Lingtian, and quickly shouted: "Look, that is Li Lingtian! Hurry to send a signal to the boss!"

"It's Li Lingtian, go!"

The people suddenly panicked and quickly stopped to prepare to escape.

While running away, a person even took out a cylinder-like thing and was about to press it.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and his heart moved, that is, his right hand was raised, and the flames of extinction turned into a long whip, and he suddenly pulled it.



Almost instantly, the crimson flame of extinction was drawn onto the man's wrist. The man couldn't bear the pain, and wailed. The cylindrical thing in his hand fell.

"No, quickly detonate it!"

Seeing this scene, the remaining five people were all nervous.

However, will Li Lingtian give them a chance?


The Flame of Extermination is like a flexible swimming fish, and the hot long whip suddenly hit the cylinder.


Under the violent high temperature, the cylinder burst directly and turned into sky debris.



After realizing this, the six people suddenly turned pale, and quickly turned to escape.

"Huh, it's just the third-level guys of the six domain masters. Can you still run away in front of me?"

With a sneer, Li Lingtian tried his best to urge Qianyan Shengyi, and his figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, which directly cut through the sky and surpassed the six people.


Then Li Lingtian stopped sharply and stopped in front of the six people.

"Say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who are you?"

Li Lingtian said with a deep voice: "If you don't say anything, I will let you survive, not death!"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the six people suddenly became frightened.

Although Li Lingtian is the same as their realm, they are both third-level domain masters, but they understand that Li Lingtian's strength is far superior to them, so they dare not resist!

"Well, we said, can you really let us go alive?" For a long time, one of them asked in a whimper.

"You said, I can leave you a whole body!"

Li Lingtian's face was cold, not because he was cruel, but because he had to do it. Once he let these people out, then after they spread the news, he would not have a day of tranquility next!

Although Li Lingtian has the strength to deal with the fourth order of the domain master, if the enemy sends more powerful fifth-order domain masters and sixth-order domain masters, even he can only hate it. Therefore, Li Lingtian must be cruel, these six people must die here!

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