War God Supreme

Chapter 3010: Star debris

After a good discussion, Li Lingtian killed Liu Banxian and Yali and directly contacted Wan Tianyu with intelligence.

"Hahaha, Brother Ling Tian, ​​how about, when can I come back! There are still four days left, and the ruins will be opened!"

Wan Tianyu didn't have the slightest nonsense, but directly pointed out the theme.

Li Lingtian said: "I have returned, when will I be ready to go?"

"So fast, shall we leave the day after tomorrow? By then, I will bring a few brothers and we will meet at Piaoxianglou!"

Wan Tianyu was taken aback, but soon the date was set.

Later, the two said a few more words, they hung up their intelligence and started to prepare things.

After all, if you want to go to the ruins, you still need to make more preparations.

As for Liu Banxian's preparation, it is very simple, that is, divination!

This time, the result of divination was very good. Liu Banxian's face was full of smiles and his expression was quite relaxed.

When ready, Li Lingtian and the three men continued to practice.

In this world where the strongest respects, only strength is eternal. This time, the relic tour is not just Wan Tianyu, but also some friends that Wan Tianyu knows.

Those people are not familiar with Li Lingtian, so only strength can give them the right to speak.

Between these two days, Li Lingtian also checked the evolution degree of the puppet puppet. At this time, puppet puppet had reached the power of the fourth order of the domain master. Although it is very strong, it is still not stronger than the current puppet Li Lingtian, which makes Li Pingtian Quite distressed.

Although there are three-generation stones and many treasures of warm cultivation, the speed of evolution of the puppet is too slow!

If you let the Chu family and other people with big puppets hear Li Lingtian, they will definitely be half-dead. If they are possible, they would rather use the ten puppets of the tenth domain master fifth order to change to Li Lingtian, which can evolve indefinitely. Big puppet!

This is simply getting cheap and selling well!

In addition to the great puppet's power reaching the fourth order of the domain master, the soul state of the sun and heavenly Venerable is more and more perfect.

If you are lucky, you will soon wake up.

"I don't know, when you wake up this time, what strength will you be..."

Li Lingtian's breath became hurried when he thought of the horror of Heavenly Venerable that day.

After two days of cultivation, at the noon of the third day, Li Lingtian and the three had just finished their cultivation, and the news of Wan Tianyu came out intelligently.

"Okay, they have gone downstairs, and we should go down."

Li Lingtian didn't say much, and took Liu Banxian and Yali to kill them directly.

After coming to the hall of Piaoxianglou, Wan Tianyu was already waiting there.

"Hahaha, Brother Ling Tian, ​​I haven't seen you in a month, I miss you so much!"

Wan Tianyu greeted him with a smile. At this time, Wan Tianyu had learned from his father Wan Kun that Li Lingtian had defeated the mad war. Therefore, he paid great respect to Li Lingtian.

This time the ruins, the reason why Wan Tianyu would call Li Lingtian was also worried that the ruins were too dangerous, so he invited Li Lingtian to sit down.

Moreover, Wan Tianyu also wanted to understand, compared with Li Lingtian, what Song Haiming's guys are worth, if there is a real conflict between them, then he will definitely stand beside Li Lingtian!

Whichever is more important, Wan Tianyu can still see clearly.

"Brother, why are you alone?"

When Li Lingtian saw Wan Tianyu coming alone, he couldn't help but frown, and the rest of them were so arrogant? This time, they went to explore the ruins together, and they were considered to be one person, but those few people did not come to join together. Isn't this why they didn't take them to heart? !

In an instant, the faces of Li Lingtian, Liu Banxian, and Yali became embarrassed.

"Cough, a few of them haven't started yet, waiting for me in another place."

Wan Tianyu naturally saw the dissatisfaction in Li Lingtian's heart, coughing awkwardly, and then quickly said: "Okay, no time delay, let's go together."


Since Wan Tianyu said so, Li Lingtian was also embarrassed to brush his face and nodded. He took Liu Banxian and followed Wan Tianyu out of Piaoxianglou.

However, Wan Tianyu and Li Lingtian did not find that after they left, Li Wei, the head of Piaoxiang Tower, went upstairs with dignified expression.


After leaving the Piaoxiang Tower, Wan Tianyu took Li Lingtian to the depths of the Holy City of Storms.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but became curious and said doubtfully: "Brother, don't you say that the Jade Dragon Holy City has not been opened yet? Where are you going to go?"


Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but smiled and said, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you don't know this. In the middle of the Storm Holy City and the Jade Dragon Holy City, there are a lot of star debris. Among those star debris, Sealed with various ruins!"

"This time, the relics we are going to explore are among those debris in the star field."

"Oh? Star field fragments?"

Hearing this, I thought about these so-called star fragments, which were actually close to the Jade Dragon Holy City. Li Lingtian thought abruptly of what Li Wei said a few days ago, and his face did not change, but just asked as if he was casual. : "Brother, there will be no fragments of these stars, and there will be relics. They will only appear in the period before the knock-out game is about to begin!"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Wen Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wan Tianyu suddenly looked dull, blinked, and then said with a smile: "I wanted to tell you later, but now it seems that you already know it! "

"Nothing wrong, these debris of star fields will only appear four months before the start of the elimination battle. It is too early to enter the relics, too late, and the entrance to the relics will be closed. Very strange, there is no one People can know what this is."

"However, since these relics can help us improve our strength and increase our winning percentage in the elimination battle, He Le can't do it."

Speaking of which, Wan Tianyu also chuckled aloud: "In the past hundred years, only some people from large families will know this. Therefore, those who have no power, in these four months, it is easy The gap has been widened by us, which is why in the past, there were always more disciples of the big family who passed the elimination battle."

"No wonder."

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but nodded. Indeed, the disciples of those big families originally had more resources than ordinary people. In addition, there is this kind of news, which can allow them to enhance their strength. Through the elimination game, there is no need for them to go back alive.

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